
T.C. Elliott






If Neil Young and The Holy Modal Rounders had some baby songwriters then T.C. Elliott would be the runt of the litter. I am a regular (or semi regular) participant of songfight, spintunes, nur ein, GYAWS and participate over at songcrafters as well.

Electronic mail service: pigfarmerjr (@) gmail (d0t) com

A short note to creatives:

Yes, you're music is art. What you do with it, or how you make it is up to you. If you want an audience you will surely make different decisions than if you make it solely for yourself. That's okay. No-one has a right to tell you how to do your art. However, no-one is obliged to like it and, like it or not, most will tell you one way or the other. Usually the "nots" are louder than the "likes."

Catharsis is different for each of us. The act of creation is, in large part, my catharsis. A welcoming audience is another. I choose to focus on the first. No choice is wrong for you, though.

Artists have been struggling with conforming to what is popular in order to gain an audience for as long as there has been art, I'd bet. You are not alone. But I doubt many of us can help you forge your way. That can be scary, but it can also be liberating. For what it's worth, I'm glad you are creating.

Pronouns: He/Him

Song Count Per Year (All Accounts) (50/90 may be off a song or two):
# _ YEAR __ FAWM __ 50 in 90
01-2008 - 14 songs - 51 songs
02-2009 - 18 songs - 48 songs
03-2010 - 31 songs - 102 songs
04-2011 - 28 songs - 70 songs
05-2012 - 25 songs - 54 songs
06-2013 - 19 songs - 63 songs
07-2014 - 30 songs - 15 songs
08-2015 - 18 songs - 51 songs
09-2016 - 24 songs - 29 songs
10-2017 - 30 songs - 68 songs
11-2018 - 42 songs - 125 songs
12-2019 - 42 songs - 55 songs
13-2020 - 35 songs - 60 songs
14-2021 - 16 songs - 50 songs
15-2022 - 43 songs - 51 songs
16-2023 - 30 songs - 66 songs
17-2024 - 128 songs - ?? songs



Thanks so much for your comments on "Try A Little More" and "Write Me Off the Page" -- on the latter, you mentioned my vibrato. It's funny, but as a youth I thought vibrato sounded like "old lady" singing, so I used to try to suppress mine and sing straight like a boy soprano. :)
You DO want to do a hard rock cover of "Today's the Day"!!!!! RAWRRRRRRRR LET'S GO
Thanks so much for your comment on my version of Hard to Start a Fire... love Emmylou, one of the greats!
Thanks for taking the time to listen to "Sturgeon Moon".
Thanks for you comments on "Build Me a Time Machine". Not to worry - I'm not miffed that you did a version, too. That's a tribute the the attractiveness of Simon's lyrics. I find it interesting to see the different interpretations that are possible from the same resource.
Also, would it be possible to get an MP3 of the song emailed to me please? I'd like to be able to save it to my laptop so I have it when this site comes down
Thanks for the work you did on Build Me A Time Machine! It sounds really good. Really nice that it's gone from words into a song
I am so far behind in listening but thx for the kind works on Prisoner..I am diving to yours now..Thx again
Hi, would love it if you're able to do something with my Build Me A Time Machine lyric
Thank you very much, TC.
That paragraph, "My personal opinion..." reflects exactly what I feel. I left a site in 2010 (not alone: the whole community left; 5000 users a day on average) because the admins did big changes in order to control the way we listened, and discovered music. (After the community left, the site died within a few months).
I really hope fawm will find the right balance, because its concept is awesome. Like many other fawmers, I've met wonderful people here, and it changed my life.
Loving your "short note to creatives"!
Thanks very much for joining Liz and me as we were "Montana Bound". I'm grateful to Liz for the lyrics that had the right blend of fact and feel to turn it into a song.
Hi TC thanks for the visit and the kind comments, I've never got round to developing the songs beyond the FAWM or 50/90 ideas so no albums as such. Just fun.
Hey TC, thanks for your comments on my fire in the rain! I was definitely influenced by yours but I hear our melodies as very different? mine's more uppy-downy and yours is steadier around one note? of course your delivery is way more metal than mine `:] i was just kind of shouting to be heard over my guitar as I had vox and guitar mic'd together `:]
Thanks for your kind words on Old timer blues with @cindyrella .
Sweeeet! Hey TC... just saw your comment re: S&C and a Heart Attack! I can't wait to hear what you come up with! Thanks for giving it a shot!
read my comment on metalfoots version of stephens song,. in it i mention i had the same problem with him and retracted my (what was meant as a humorous) question of whether you blocked me, wel, apparently my comment to mealfoot has also been deleted. all for the better. i meant it in part as an apology to you. go ahead and delete this when read and ill delete your comment to me. no harm mant, but i want to hear both yours and metalfoots interpretations.
Was thinking of you when I finished Steak&Cheese and a Heart Attack... Any interest in taking a swing?
thank you for your comment on "for annette"! i am still not quite sure how those rhythms fit, but when i get around to a demo it's gonna hafta work
Hey TC! Thanks for stopping by to read fine wines… Always appreciate your input looking forward to listening to the rest of your music!
Thank you for the kind comments on "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain"! I really appreciate you saying it sounds like singer-songwriter and folk, because that's my happy place :)
Thanks for your comment on "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain" — how fun to hear all the different takes!!
If you could send me a pass of acoustic and vocals then I’ll add bass and drums. Maybe some Casio. If you wanna do electric guitars/do a final once over performance wise after I touch it then I’ll mix it if you like?

Style wise, I trust whatever you’re feeling in the moment. It’ll likely get weird when I do stuff…

Aburozskiwork at gmail
Good suggestion on that #50wordsin90seconds hashtag, TC-- done, and done. Who knows, maybe it'll catch on (not that I'm naive enough to think that I'm the first person who's come up with that idea). Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you liked it!
TC! Great to see you again! Hope we have a chance to collaborate again!!
Thank you honey. Good To see you too.
Have a great 50/90!
Howdy T.C.,
Good to see you back here again.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090.
Happy 50/90, TC!
Hey Tom. Have a great 5090!!!
Have a great 5090.