
JW Hanberry







So here we go...

Officially my 10th 5090 but the first two only had one song each with a seven year hiatus between them. Last year was the only time I hit 50 (or even got close) and it may remain so for now. I'm planning to write about one new song a week for this go around. I have at least 3 albums of written but unproduced songs that I want to work through and finish so I'm going to spend the rest of this time doing some of that. Plans, of course, are always subject to change. ;)

Whatever happens let's all have lots of fun and make some great music.


My full CV is at http://www.guitarslinger.com/bio.shtml

Here's a bit of this year's FAWM stuff:

I'm always open to constructive criticism so don't hold back.

Forever pronouns: He, Him (the doctor was right!)



Avast Was located at 1325 N 46th St in Wallingford. It was owned by Soundgardedn 's soundman. When soundgarden broke up, I started this band with soundgarden's drum tech, Gregg Keplinger. That space no longer exists, but Avast continues in another building somewhere in Ballard.
Thank you for coming to the listening party. Im glad you liked the album. Im sorry that we did not know you were there. I have never heard that one needed a fan account to attend. I assumed it was open to anybody who wanted to come. I think it defeats the purpose if only fans can come listen.
Hey dude thanks for taking a look at “Theatre of Flesh”... I don’t exactly know what you ment to tell me by not finding someone named “Poe”, that name is not anywhere in the lyrics nor liner notes, so I don’t exactly know what made you search for it. Maybe someone can write a sing about this “Poe”, though someone named Poe does seem to exist, just not logged in for the event.
Thanks for the welcome and glad you're playing this summer!
Hi, thanks for commenting on I Want My Independence. Regarding music, I often have something in mind, but not with this one. I'm open however. If it's of interest and you have something in mind, go for it, otherwise no worries and thanks again for commenting.
Hi there! Thank you for your greeting. (-: Yes, I think I'll get a few things done this time around. :) Wishing you a fruitful 50-90 as well!
See you out there tomorrow, and all summer!
Have a great 50/90!
Howdy! Hope you have a great 50/90. Look forward to hearing your new songs!
Hey, glad you are back. Looking forward to hearing more, more, more!
Just listening to your three tracks. Great stuff! These three tracks have taught me that I can like electronic music if the Bass and Drums are in their proper place in a mix - serving the melody and chords and not being the DOMINANT aspect of the track 😉
Have a good 'un! Make sure if you gyre and gimble you do so in the wabe!

Have a great 5090!
Thanks for the greeting! Wishing you the best 50/90 yet!
Happy 50/90 to you! We'll see what happens - hoping it is more than the zero I often have. Summer is a busy time! Good luck to you!!
Happy 5090ing JW!
Greetings JW! Happy 50/90 to you!
Glad to see you back!! Can’t wait to hear what you come up with this go-round :)
Thanks and welcome back!
Hi there! Glad to see you too!
The Doctor is IN (that's me. No wait...wrong profession!) Good to hear from you. 5090 for me will still be a bit on/off/on as we work day by day through the non-FAWM challenges, but it's all good at present. May it stay so for a while, for all of us!
Happy 50/90 to you as well! 😊
Hi, thanks for the welcome back and same to you! Looking forward!
Hello. Hope you have a great 50 90.
Hey hey, happy 50/90!
Great to see you here too. Have an excellent 10th 50/90, at whatever pace makes sense to you; just make sure to have fun!
Right back at ya!
Thank you, much appreciated. 😀
and good to see you as well. lets have some fun!
Good to see you back JW, and am looking forward to hearing your finished versions of unfinished songs. plus some brand new ones.
Same to you! Happy 50/90!

See You In The Shadows…
Good seeing you (I dig the profile pic)!
Hi John! Haven't decided if I'm coming back. Hope you have a great songwriting summer!
yay thank you... good to see you here again. have a great 50/90
Thanks! I hope you have a great summer too.

(I noticed the Moby Grape reference on your bio page...some of my all-time favourite stuff.)
I hope you have a great 5090, too!
Howdy, J Dub. Good to see friendly faces in the crowd.
Hey JW, great to see you back here and I'm LOL at the EV moniker.
Happy 50-90 - looking forward to hearing your new stuff!
Happy 50/90, John 👍🎵🌞