






Hi, I'm Brooklyn-based ukulele player and teacher Jenny Selig (she/her) and I joined my first round of FAWM in February 2023, then did my first 50/90! 2024 marks my second year of both.

With a background in poetry, theater, and performance, I have been sharing ukulele-based songwriting on social media and in-person since 2018. #fuc #ukulele

All my original songs end up here: http://tinyurl.com/seligsongs

I made up names for the genres I most often write in:
💀 #americanasati - Americana infused with philosophical meditations on mortality and dread. (Americana + Maranasati)
🐿 #midemfoke - Midwestern Emotional Folk uke

I also want to write more FILK (got my first in-person FILK festival invite recently) and did someone say #horrorcountry?!

For 50/90 2024 my number one goal is to finish the 35 (edit: turned out to be 36) lyrical drafts I still have leftover from 50/90 2023 skirmishes. I wrote for every skirmish last year; I won't be doing that again. When I started FAWM in February this year I had 90+, so I'm making progress.

Other than that, we'll see what happens!
A note on collaborations: I am fairly new to collaborations but have had great experiences so far! If I write a lyrics-only draft and you offer to set it to music, please know I might also create my own solo, acoustic ukulele versions of any of those songs later, and the melody might be different, which doesn’t mean I don't like the music you or anyone else created around them.
Day 10 - 14 completed (2 collabs)
Day 20 - 23 completed (4 collabs)
Day 30 - 33 completed (5 collabs)
Day 40 - 40 completed (5 collabs)
Day 50 - 42 completed (7 collabs)
Day 60 - 48 completed (7 collabs)
Day 63 - 50 completed (7 collabs)
Day 70 - 54 completed (8 collabs)

Remaining 2023 skirmish lyrics-only drafts to set to music: 1


[avatar] collaborators
I've been waiting by @marthie + @newukenewyork
[avatar] collaborators
Boo Hoo, Baby by @donna + @newukenewyork


I finally finished this one, if you would like to listen to it. https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/298675
Hi there.

2024 seems to be my worst FAWM ever with 1 song (facepalm) (I’ve been doing FAWM / 50/90 since 2012!) but I wanted to say thank you for your kind words re my song Thick n Thin.

Congrats on hitting this target this year too. It’s quite an achievement and we all know how hard it is to keep writing songs and music for 3 months non stop.
Thank you for befriending (and commenting on) my Friendly Frogs!
Thanks so much for your comment on Frank - I really love your writing so it means a lot! <3
Hi! Thanks for your comments on my song, "Out to Sea". My original idea was to have the guy happily accept his fate of sinking and drowning. (It's a nod to a song I know, "Painting Box", by the Incredible String Band. You can probably find it on You Tube). In the end I decided to make it more ambiguous; it could work with him dying or not. Mm
Thanks you so much for the kind words on my first release for #5090 !!
aww thanks for the comment on "whither" i appreciate your appreciation of "tricksy" as it is def one of my favorite words.
Just added a song and marked you as a collaborator with it private for now...See what you think and whether you want us to do more with it.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my song! I appreciate it! Congrats on your 50/90 win! :)
Many thanks, Jenny, for your encouraging words about The Estate Sale. We're really torn about the tempo, so appreciate your input on that.
thanks for the kind words on ghosts don't hide, "we are broken where are fingers meet" is one of my favorite lines I've written in a while... glad you liked it as well
Thanks for your comment on "Vampire Conservation International"! I'm glad to hear how it comes across to another person, and especially pleased that the Monster Mash inspiration comes through. :)
Thanks. Retrofuturism usually contain a lot of cliche but I like it. Ah, you catched my "lazy method" - make few short loops and then some variations and transitions)).
Hi! Thanks for listening to my song, "Sunny Skies", and for your comments! Always appreciated.
Hi, thanks for commenting on "This is For You". I'm not sure why I was laughing at certain points in the recording. Regarding the silent outro, the secret audio is definitely there since I went into Audacity, highlighted the empty portion and clicked on "Normalise", thus revealing the audio.

For context, the audio is taken from Vinh's audition on Australian Idol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEvRnLaS8bI

P.S. After waiting for things to cool off, we have since mended fences and are open to collaborating again.
Hi...thanks for the comments! Yes, my two chromatic kalimbas have pickups, but I haven't really played around with them much.
Thanks for the kind words about Country Music Big-Shot. I appreciate it!
Thank you so much for your very kind words on Aphasiatic Prayers! It was scary to share, so it means a lot to me <3 Congrats on the win! I hope you have a lovely rest of your 50/90!
Thank you. I am glad that you liked "When Pigs Fly." I am writing songs for future films that I will be producing or involved in, so I am experimenting with different genres. I have 18 songs selected by two film directors so far, maybe more after this week. So its a start. My plan is to create 3 movie/tv studios starting by the end of the year. So I have a lot of music to create. And I appreciate your and other's feed back on my endeavors. Thank you.
Thank you. With all the titles and topics out there I run my stuff through two to three different software engines to try to keep it from having the same lyrics and titles
You are very welcome. Thank you for your wonderful comments on my compositions and collaborations.
Hi Jenny, I finally finished the "Spark in the Storm" if you want to listen to it.
Hi Jenny, thanks for the comment on While I Dream. That was a fun writing exercise. I might actually work on that one some more post 5090!
Hi Jenny, I created this song while sitting though Hurricane Debbie that came across my home at that time. I had not read nor heard the other song. But they say we only rehash what has already been written. My wife was a teacher, when they keep bringing out new programs, the same as the last on. She would say "same pig but new lipstick ". So it doesn't surprise me that it's simulator to other things out there. It's just coincidence.
When writing it, the storm brought back memories of when I was in special forces, in a storm trying to light and keep a fire started. And the all the thoughts of trying to keep my marriage alive at that time. Hope this explains a little.
Not trying to copy anyone nor plagiarize. This is the first time on this forum. Thank you for looking at my stuff and please any comments they are all welcome.
Hi, Jennie, Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment on Secrets Are Dangerous, my collab with @sheslin and @dgiarrap. Yes, it was a very satisfying collab to participate in, and I'm glad you enjoyed the results. You mentioned "hope" in the melody as a contrast to the lyrics. I saved the 'hope' part for the Bridge, because I felt it would have more impact there.. I'm glad you found the song both uplifting and thought-provoking. That's a great compliment.
Thank you for your kind comments on "Reach Out and Take It"! It *is* something I feel pretty strongly about, these days - glad it worked for you!
Thanks for the nice comments on My Old Friends. It's a tune I didn't want to lose just because the duo broke up.
Much pleased!
Thanks for your kind comments on "Saummer of Pain". I am not totally ashamed of it. ;)
Miguel de Unamuno wrote that it is impossible for a consciousness to imagine its demise. from this, i have been toying with the idea of a human conditional, a set of circumstances through which one finds the possibility of over-riding the human condition.
Thanks for your comment on Open Your Eyes. I appreciate it.
Hi Jenny, you have 47 songs already, wow!! If you have something where I could collaborate, I would be ready :)
I finally put music to this song: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/299130
Thank you for your kind comments on "Goonies Never Say Die"! I admit it's about some of my childhood movie "comfort food," for sure. :)
Hey, thanks for commenting on Pardon me. I would still love to hear what you can do with Pardon Me & a Ukelele if you have time and it interests you.
Yes, that‘s what I ment!
Just listened - it‘s beautiful and totally different to my version!

Parts of the lyrics are still in my head!
Btw. last year we made a collab with one of your lyrics. It was about fireflies in the smoky mountains. Did you brought it to your music yet?
Thanks for your very kind comment!
The instrument is Mongolian - i played it via my controller.
Thank you for getting back. I don't do GB either, and I can work outside of a DAW if necessary. Think if over and let me know. :-)
>Did your dad go to the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary? My mom did! :)<

Yes, he did! And, as I mentioned, we lived about 30 miles away in Stitzer, Wisconsin--population 80, where he was the minister at a tiny Methodist church while he was going to seminary. Small world! :-)
Thanks for the kind words about Touchstone. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
Thank you for your insight on Two For The Road. Would love to collab if you can think of a way.
Thanks for your remarks on Desert of Dreams. I appreciate it.
Thank you for the kind comment on "The Very Good Boys"! Much appreciated! I warn you, both Mr. Jingles' and Oy's stories will make you cry - but you'll need to read The Green Mile for the first and the entire Dark Tower series for the second.
Thanks for listening to Feeling Fine! I'm glad you liked it!
Hi! Thank you for your comment on "The way I fall".
I see you have many many songs to explore. I like Ukulele. I tried but never really got better playing.
Betty carter teaches her stdents to sing off the bass line, not the piano chords. Here is a video you might enjoy. Lavon and I were singing partners in1986, and Im so proud of how far she has come since then, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeXdqQGbBis
Jenny, I appreciate the nice words on Doug and My collab "No Such Thing". It's always fun to work with Doug. I'm glad you liked it!
Thx for the comments on Sunny Day. That lyric was one if those moments you just write it down, and only realize your own cleverness later.

Those are the best, cause I'm as surprised as anyone. (*^.^*)
Hi there,
Thanks for the generous comments on Hasta La Vista...Much appreciated!
Thanks for commenting on "Slothermath", Yes, the vocals are backwards + in a foreign slothtish tongue (not than one would decipher them anyway).
Thank you for listening and commenting on Escaping the Dystopia 😊 I'm glad you and your husband enjoyed it! I'm listening to Plastikman now, really enjoying it so very chuffed at the comparison 😁thanks for the recommend!
Thanks! With sequencer only I'm still so far from things someone can do with that cute little guitars)
Thanks for your feedback on my silly science song. I used 2 loops from Garageband and did a few runthroughs before recording. The yawn was my way to lead into the first loop. I was pleased with the result.
Thanks for commenting generously on Poisonous Pony!
A bit late, but thank you so much for your lovely words on „Marionette“ :) very happy to hear that you liked the song!
Ignore my last post. Without my glasses on, I read "arguing" instead of "agreeing" 😜
I don't think we disagree about long songs. I said a song should be as long as it needs to be to tell the story. If you needed so many verses to get your message across, then that's how long the song should be.
Thank you for the high praise on "You Don't Live Here Anymore (Razzle Dazzle)!" I was pretty proud of "you braille towards the door," so I'm thrilled that you singled it out. Your comments made my day! Thank you!
Thanks for commenting on "Beige Flags" and PLEASE PLEASE tag me if you end up rhyming neutral with Kama sutral :D
Thank you for commenting so nicely on Kamala remixed! Would love to collab sometime with you.
Thanks for comments on 'The Music Problem' and the book reference. I'll check it out. All of us amateur musicians see struggles as people try to find a way to present. I think I'm with Kristin and blame Capitalism, but that's too easy. FAWM is a pretty good answer!
Regarding "Bad Land" I may have highlighted the country in question too much with using "defenestrated" but I could not resist. Band seemed to like it. Not sure anyone read the lyrics or cared or just ok'd the way I sing it.
Thanks so much for your listen and comment, and holy crap - congrats on so many songs before July is even up! Wish I had your work ethic! Maybe in a future year…
Thank you for comment on my song, you picked my favourite lyric as well, it's really nice when people notice your fav bits. Thanks
Thank you for your comment! =^.^=
I am not any cat, I rock!
Thanks so much for the comment on 'Hometown Harbor'!
Thanks for listening and commenting!
I have my "Its a brand new day" done. It is uploaded and let me know what you think. Thank you.
Thank for your feedback on Dead Man's Curve. It's great advice!
you know, I was really looking for a way to incorporate the art on the card into the music. I don't know why I didn't connect the busy-ness visually to vocally, but maybe subconsciously I did! Hopefully yours will get there soon if it's not lost... pretty sure I dropped it in the same day - but probably after the mail was picked up...
i dont remember writing most of my songs. maybe thats why i enjoy listening to them when sung by other people.
Thank you for listening to "Zombieland (Movie title Challenge)" - that outro just seemed to come out of the ether...I'm glad it did.
great going with your 50/90. I added some music to 'It's ok to be sad sometimes'. Thank you for your feedback
Thanks for your lovely comment on "Love is a Simple Song". Glad you could stop by.
Thanks for your kind comment about 27B”. Much appreciated.
Thanks so much for your kind comments on "Folly" and "Oberkill"! The former just flowed naturally to me, and the latter was just plain chaotic good.
Hi Jenny thank you so much for the ukulele suggestions, I really appreciate your help. They are all very useful. I wish you could have seen us all yesterday. We had my granddaughter playing C7 on her ukulele, her big sister playing it on the piano and all of us singing 'You put the lime in the coconut' Everyone had fun.
Hi Jenny, I am searching for a singer for one song. I sent you a message :)
Hi, Jenny, I also hear Sing a Song of Love and Loss as a "heartbreak" song. I hope you do find some time to put your ideas to music. I posted the lyric as an experiment to see how various musicians would interpret it. I hope you (and others) participate. Thanks.
Oh Jenny thanks so much for your comments on "Races"!
@yewnorker thanks for your listen to and kind comment on "Dirty!" I can't comment on your profile, so I'll put this on mine. :) Much appreciated!

You smoked it! Like nothing I ever imagined… I love it!

Your voice is spectacular and the chorus just takes off.

Truly brought the words on the page to life thank you so much!
Hello. I wonder if you could give me some ukulele advice. My granddaughter is 5 years old and really likes the ukulele. She strums Em and C with enthusiasm but nothing else yet. There are teachers here but 5 seems quite young. Any suggestions as to next steps? There is no rush of course. She is happy with what she is doing and sings along as she strums.
Hi, Jenny. Thank you so much for your comments about Names On a Wall. Very kind of you to have a listen.
Thank you for spinning "New Uke Boogie" (and, the larger umbrella of G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome is an ongoing "malady", I get it... 😆 )
Hi,, Jenny, I’m rather overwhelmed by your wonderful comments on Cat In The Attic, my collab with Gwyn Jones. Like you, I also was moved by his beautiful treatment of the lyrics, He made my words on a page into a beautiful song, and that is a gift. So thanks to both of you.
Hope you find a groove for Misty lights alive… If not, totally cool understand 100% :-)
thanks for listening to my recent music! Just catching up on some comments today. We get home from our trip tomorrow!
Hi Jenny, I love the your approach to uke and vox... would love to have you take a swing at "Misty Lights Alive" on my page. I think it lends itself to your style and you'd knock it out of the park! LMK if your interested...
love what you are putting up!
Thanks for checking out My heart is Burning. I'll let you know when it becomes a song :)
Thanks for vsitin "Morning Coffee With You", Jenny. Glad you liked the addition of SFX.
Thanks for the feedback and lovely comments on my "Hard to Believe" Skrimish!
Thank you for the kind comments in Undone. :-)
Thank you for your kind comments on "Join Us In the Gutter"! Much appreciated :)
Thank you for commenting so nicely on Fog Bank!
thank YOU for your comment on "For Annette." that was a heartfelt sad song, and i'm grateful for the empathy.
Thank you for the kind comment on "Hollywood Science"! I vacillated between "pretty female scientist" and "pretty woman scientist," and decided to go with the second one because it felt right. The edge is absolutely intentional :D
thank you for your comments on "Immiserated Angel" and you are correct in realizing it was a very personal story. I just dressed it up in fairy tale imagery to soften the blow.
Ah, I remember the name now--because one of my best friends in grade school was a Bob Selig. OK--I'm terrible with names, but I'll remember yours!!
Thank you for the kind comments on my take on "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain"! I love fingerpicked folk and singer-songwriter, so I made it an early goal to learn fingerpicking - glad to know it comes across well :) Melody is the hardest part of songwriting for me, so thank you for that feedback too. :)
Hi Jenny. Thank you for reading and commenting on 'Boo Hoo, Baby'. 😊 Sure. If you'd like to have a crack at it, please go ahead. :) (You can contact me via the email icon on my profile page.)
I note that you, like me, are all about a catchy, pretty melody and lots of dynamic variation, so I look forward to what you come up with. 😉
Awww, no worries here, but thanks just the same :)
thanks for all your kind comments. i usually do a bit of revising when singing the song. thats the best time for me to hear what doesnt work.
Thanks for commenting on my Waltz of the Dice. I don't know what it is but I get the 60s TV comment a lot! I guess it means my music is vintage.
ha ha i meant the musical change where you sing trickle
Hi 😃!
No, no exclusive is needed!
Hi Jenny. Would love to hear what you come up with, but you might want to check in with @mahtowin who also has something in the pipeline. Cheers; glad the lyric 'sung' to you.
Have a great 50/90!
Hello again. Hope you have a very good 50 90.
Hi Jenny,
Good to see you back here.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090.
Welcome back Jenny!! I would love to do another a collab - I loved working with your lyrics. I am also in the 5 in 5 sometimes if you want to do one with a Sarah prompt. Have a wonderful 50/90!
Happy 50/90!
Great to see you back!
Good to see you. FAWM on!
Great to see you again. Have a great 5090!!!
Let's create! Happy 5090!
Happy 5090!!