
Tim Fatchen

@timfatchen Mod





Influences: Classical , Percy Grainger, Mike Oldfield, Enya, Kate Bush, Cecil J Sharp, US Musicals, Gilbert & Sullivan, Tom Lehrer

Tim Fatchen: nice, polite, quiet, writes serious and often soothing music, good dinner guest.

Flying Tadpole (songs marked [FT]): anarchic ratbag, writes irritating and often nasty satirical rubbish, good
kennel cleaner.

SHAMELESS PLUGS----------------

Cleaned-up tracks from earlier FAWMs?? Apple Music, Amazon, SheetMusicPress...
Or Spotify: all the albums are there, search on Tim Fatchen or Flying Tadpole
And free videos on http://youtube.com/flyingtadpole
5 september 2024

You know that meme "If life serves you lemons, make lemonade"? Never did like it. And right now, I don't think Oz has enough freshwater for the amount of lemonade I'd hafta make to climb out from under.

So if you're looking for a Sign, or a Modern Miracle, that would be me getting new music out and on 5090 right now. Pass the brandy.



Thank you Tim, I'm glad you liked it
25 AUGUST 2024

Still no music. I have a month left, almost exactly, and I'm not going to make 50 songs for sure. And I haven't been able to listen much. I think all I can say is that my life is a little...full, at present. Still and all, I'm grateful for "the grace of a day" for the two of us.
4 AUGUST 2024

Well, at least I made it to the century Club before the next scare. Does one get used to pursuing ambulances to ED at dinnertime? I doubt it. Not a false alarm, but all clear and sorted until the next one, everything that could/should be done is done or doing. The adrenaline overload plays havoc as a hangover the next 36 hours tho'.

Okay, no new music (obviously) though a couple of other people's lyrics to work on. And exhuming past triumphs/disasters: when I look at the multiple music theater attempts from 2002 onwards, even I am forced to accept a degree of surrealism about my musical life. But at least I ain't behind bars...
Hi, Tim, Belated thanks for taking the time to listen and comment on Sing A Song of Love and Loss, my collab with Paul Pedersen. Seeing all these songs on your page, I realize I have some more listening to do!
24 JULY 2024
To my surprise the Voyage series of classical piano bits, from Hawaii to Brisbane via Tahiti, are finished and I'm satisfied with them (a bit of edit here and there). Perhaps I should call it Unshadowed Voyage because it was and is the last wholly carefree time the two of us will have. Ho hum, a day at a time and seize the moment and so on, but it's still not a wholly good place.

I've totally gone flat muse-wise now, so I should be able to inch towards the Century Club and salve my conscience, not that salves will do much at this late stage, poor wizened little thing...
Hi Tim.

That is my aspiration, yes, although it's looking more and more like this will be unachievable without a deliberate push. I'm halfway there in less than a third of the time, but the bandwagon's momentum has all but gone (largely due to the shrinking pool of interested collaborators...)
Thank you for your kind comments on "Motorvate Me"! Much appreciated. The basic story is: bullied boy meets (possessed) car, bullied boy falls in love with car, Bad Things™ happen...
Hi, Tim, thanks for your comments on “Tears A’plenty”. This could be the saddest song I’ve ever written given the guy’s decision to fail big time.
if you send me an email, send it to bwhi51@gmail.com, as my yahoo account has been hacked and i cannot access it.
Thanks for giving a couple of mine a spin. The Fermi Paradox answer is depressing. The Spanish have an expression: "Humans are the only animals that trip over the same stone twice" - Yet there are millions of Americans who will still vote for the worst possible human being imaginable! Their existence is proof to me that we may not deserve to survive as a species.
Hey Tim, thanks for hanging in there & enjoying the entire #experiænce of Force Tranquille. It may have been self-indulgent, but in the end, knowing that others enjoyed it as well makes it all worth while.

See You In The Shadows…
thank you for your astute comments on goodbye to all that. i wrote it in the middle of the night after kelly's birthday party at the church and cemetary, which i found offensive and disgraceful. kelly was an athiest who disliked flowers and balloons. i tried to steer her towardsa more open minded agnostism, but her family was a horde of obediant catholics who surrounded theirselves with symbols in which they did not truly believe. \kelly had her own ideas, and one of them was that the two of us had chased each other though several lifetimes and something always went wrong. In one, I was the husband of her sister and in another I was killed in WW1 shortly after the wedding. here dreams were vivid and often prophetic, but i never was 100% convinced in her beliefs, and saw them more as a personal mythology. this my my first visit to the cemetary and the sight of her gravestone reduced me to tears, so i broke away from the crowd and hid my grief with sunglasses. my daughter came up to me and asked why i was crying. i answered that she should not have to ask that question, that the answer should be obvious to her. the family members tried to get me to participate in their rituals but i refused to stand with them for photographs or to accept their offers of potato chips and coca cola.
Thanks for your comments on my The Danger Of The Night lyric. I like your suggestion of a country/western style for it - I think that would be very fitting
Thanks for commenting on "Sing a Song of Love and Loss", Tim. I've put your ballot in the box for musical theatre.
Tim, thanks for the nice feedback on Open Your Eyes. I value your opinions and appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
Thanks for commenting on Digitalis Purpurea!
„Foxglove“ is such as nice as Fingerhut in German!
A nice term for such a beautiful and powerful plant!
22 JULY 2024
Back from several days at Numurkah in Victoria, Oz) mainly getting granddaughter's driving hours up for licence qualification, but also quietly enjoying the wildlife specatacular put on by the waterfowl and water-neighbour-fowl. One (1) bit of music got out. Now back but life goes back to its nromal complex of multiple scans, appointments, issues, and FAWM5090 takes backseat still.

Whatever, despite the odds, I'm nearly through the Voyage piano collection and have at least listened to some people. Here's the updated Voyage:
1: Sunset castoff (done)
2: The doldrums' luminous night (done)
3 Equator (Done)
4 The south-east trades (Done)
5 Flying Fish (Done)
6 Sunrise, Tahiti (Done)
7 The playful Moorea Whales (Done)
8. Moorea tops (Done)
9. Raiatea reef (Done)
10. The Deep (Done)
11 A passing mid-oceanic whale (thinking)
12 Albatrosses (thinking--forget the Mystery Island bit, not worth a crumpet)
13 Force 10
14 Disembarking (or Lost in the Outermost Brisbane Mangrove Swamp))
Tim Fatchen, I find myself writing in the middle of the night, I write songs, stories, cookbooks, and historical research information. All normally in the middle of the night. I will knock out 15 songs in one night. It all depends on my muse and then I will go to another part of my writing. Tonight I am writing a script for a mini-series. For example from 6 pm to 10:30 pm, I created a 65-page script. It all depends on the muse that hits me. So I do write a lot. Its my therapy since I had a TBI and this is how I retrain my brain to work. I hope you enjoy the work that I am putting in here.
Thank you
Thanks for your comments on No Such Thing, Tim. I understand how it has a special meaning for you. Wishing you and your wife all the best.--Doug
I did make the changes that you suggested in the bio. Thank you for your input, I am new to this site. I am learning what to do on this site.
8 JULY 2024
I've just realised I have one more day to get stuff written and down, then I'm out of it for the next 9-10 days BUT able to do listening. So my listening will temporarily drop off because I seem to be on a writing roll and from bitter past experience I know I should stay on it while I can... but I WILL try to get back to everybody next week. I'm almost complete from Hawaii to Tahiti, which makes a nice start, with only Tahiti left to paint (musically that is) The playlist:

1: Sunset castoff (done)
2: The doldrums' luminous night (done)
3 Equator (Done)
4 The south-east trades (Done)
5 Flying Fish (Done)
6 Sunrise, Tahiti (Done)
7 The playful Moorea Whales
8. Moorea tops
9. Raiatea reef (Done)
10. The Deep (Done)
11 A passing mid-oceanic whale
12 Morning Island Mystery
13 Force 10
14 Disembarking (or disembarkation dawn) (or a repeat of 1) !
Thanks a lot Tim for your comment on „Coral green“, it made me really happy! And yes, I think 50/90 has a good pace to write songs in between everything else. Though I like the erratic pulse of FAWM a lot too haha
I wish I could have seen that.
Thx for laughing at my nihilism joke! It’s funny because the act of creating art/music is kind of a direct indicator that one isn’t truly a nihilist just that the art reflects what the artist thinks one is…

O wow I am pretentious…I’m just gonna…I’m just gonna let myself out. Sorry.
Thanks for the comment
on "Satan, No,” though you did make me worry about the ending! 😅 It’s not getting a major overhaul, just a little tweak.
Thanks, Tim, for giving “Out of the Blue” some love. You never know when you post at “odd” hours - lol!
i have nothing agains multiple and hidden meanings. in fact i thrive on them. what i dislike and try to avoid is the replacement of something literal with a representative image or phrase. for me, the surface language must be true to its literal interpretation, even if it is a fairy tale image, such as are prevalent in "Immiserated Angel" I appreciate all your listening and commenting. it is a pleasure to have someone in my own age range reacting to my songs, if only because i dont think the younger folks can really understand them.
7 JULY 2024
Piano solo instrumental series, neoclassical, on the voyage Hawaii-Brisbane, all firming up. Now the playlist is (yes, more and more):

1: Sunset castoff
2: The doldrums' luminous night
3 Equator
4 The south-east trades
5 Flying Fish
6 Sunrise, Tahiti
7 The playful Moorea Whales
8. Moorea tops
9. Raiatea reef
10. The Deep
11 Morning Island Mystery
12 Force 10
13 Disembarking (or disembarkation dawn) (or a repeat of 1) !
Hi Tim! Thanks very much for your positive comments on "Three Roads Down".
Hot chocolate sounds amazing right now! I’m jealous of your Casio. Bust that baby out. Lol I’m partial to the toy keyboards, working around their limitations is such a blast. Especially when working in a DAW has so very few limitations, I like to build in some obstacles to my workflow so that I can have a starting point lol

Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to checking out more of your voyages (I’m a big Trekkie so that title schem really works for me)
6 JULY 2024
The muse or whatever bee in my bonnet it is tends to wake up about now and throws a plan of action at me. So what I'm now going to do is a piano solo instrumental series, neoclassical, on the voyage Hawaii-Brisbane, as it's all circulating in the mind. You'll have to wait till next year of the Rocky Mountains/Inside Passage, folks!

Here's the title list (2 down so far)
1: Sunset castoff
2: The doldrums' luminous night
3. Flying fish
4 Equtaor
5 The south-east trades
6Sunrise, Tahiti
7 The playful Moorea Whales
8. Moorea tops
9. Raiatea reef
10 Force 10
11 Disembarking (or disembarkation dawn) (or a repeat of 1) !

No doubt interspersed with other things. Flying Tadpole is slumbering and in my present unwell state with other things to worry about, I have no wish to disturb.
Thank you, Tim!
On "The Fallen" I used the "Sub Synth Ensemble" setting on Stargazer and accepted all the defaults. And I also ran a parallel feed to Convology and used the "Cavern" IR to add some natural reverb to the straight flute recording. The flute was recorded with one of our favourite Chinese condenser mics. 😉
Thanks for your comment on “Franklin Doesn’t Want You to Dance.” I had so much fun with it!
5 JULY 2024
I've found that if i take the pain killers BEFORE I start playing, my hands can survive!
4 JULY 2024
Realising how badly out of practice I am. And that I need to eat Ibuprofen before sitting at the keyboard to cope with the increasing arthritis. Neither gets in the way of composition but oh boy, they sure make for technical issues.! I'll have to do more CBG and whistle, I guess. Sigh.
thanks for listening and commenting on the family saga. what i did on the second pass was to resist playing the musical interludes, which cut the time factor down to a reasonable span, and take the recitation at a slower pace. the faster recitation made the story difficult to follow and the lack of comprehension led to boredom,
Hi Tim, am in Blackheath just a little north of Katoomba. We are house sitting near the bush and it's cold!
looking forward to hearing your 20 minute piece. i just finished a 12 minute one that will definitely be passed over by most commenting fawmers. we shall see how it fares when i post it tomorrow
2 JULY 2024

Been overdosing on Keith Jarrett and his piano improvisations. And thinking "hmm. Time I tried some extended --20 minute style-- impros and filmed them, a la the stuff I tried in 2020 back in Covid lockdown, eg https://youtu.be/YJL5sTkDwdw?si=SMIv_UsyLYf_SJh0
So I might try some more for 5090.

But it's okay folks, you don't have to listen to the whole lot!
Hello. You are dealing with such a lot. Take care. Thinking of you.
Have a great 50/90!
Greetings, Tim! Hope you have a decently productive 50/90!
28 JUNE 2024

Health updates. Deborah's cancer appears to be being held by immunotherapy, and the original minimum use-by date of 18 months has now shifted to "indeterminate". A day at a time. I'm still running 24/7 carer and there are the occasional frights so life remains out of joint. However, bucket lists continue to be fulfilled and providing much material for new music and songs, although nothing yet written as such.

Efforts since FAWM have been aimed at getting out overdue CDs. Squidcore CALAMARI JANE small album is out, on spotify and on youtube. Due to release errors, two instrumental albums don't appear until the end o September but they're done.

I hope to be more active in 5090 than could be in FAWM, with reduced medical requirements if we discount overnights in EDs... but I can't quite see it through to the end because we'll be all at sea (my second favourite position) from late September!
Howdy Tim,
Always good to see you back here. I hope it all gets sorted out for the better.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090 my friend.
Glad to hear the better news since February, Tim. Happy 50/90 to you!
I am happy to hear Deborah's cancer is being controlled, and her prognosis is better than before. Still I am certain it is very difficult to deal with, and admire you for your dedication to her health.

i am always excited with the directions you take my lyrics, and will try my best to write something worthy of yout talents.
Hope and blessings to you Tim! Hope 50/90 helps you get through the winter!

And if you'd ever like me to sing on one of your songs, I'd be delighted.