






FAWMer since 2011. My pronouns are they/them or she/her.

Classically-trained mezzo-soprano, musicologist by training, guitar dabbler, maker of weird #electronic sounds (#supercollider #experimental ), composer (#contemporaryclassical leaning). Genres? What's that? Sings in multiple languages (so far: ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, Old Norse, Middle High German, modern German, and English).

Willing to infodump on #musictheory if you tag me!

This year, I'm trying to remember that I'm in it for the joy, and participate with low pressure. That said, I have also set myself the challenge of getting more at home in the DAW and up my (electronic) music production game.

re: comments - please don't be offended if I don't post a "thank you" on your soundboard. I just can't keep up with it, and I certainly don't expect you to do the same for me. Also, not commenting on my songs is OK if you can't quite figure out what to say.

2024-02-15 Health and breadwinning business take up so much space this month. I'm hanging in there, hoping for some moment where both energy and the relenting of other duties align to let the muse back out.


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