






Been writing songs since I was fifteen.... Some 55 years ago.


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For D.C. *UPDATED* by @gm7 + @berni1954
In the Shelter by @berni1954 #biab #rock #bandinabox


thanks for the listen to 'them jails'
it was removed by the mods from uu on a complaint from a fellow seasonista - not a place i'll be hanging around for a while - song censorship - sheesh
yoko? i remember in reviews of the casette EP whn it was released, one person referenced yoko. but she was the last person i was thinking of. if anything, i was influenced by the throat singers of tuva.
Roger that.. I can make those changes. I did drop the track in ang I did move any thing..maybe the extra reverb has done that.i will check.
my sister liked my initial demo of ribbons and wanted to hear it again with the lyrics, when the song ended she wished she hadnt read them, saying. "why did you do that to me?" i didnt start to include lyrics with songs until about three years into fawm, when i capitulated to public demand. i thin the only album i ever read the lyrics to was rim buckley's goodbye and hello. i listened to blonde on blonde for years before i could make out all of the lydics. misunderstanding lyrics was part of the fun. and when people hear you live, there is no lyric sheet for them to follow. but they seem to get the gist of what you are saying. in live rock aand roll though, the audiences never get a word of what you are saying, which is what made playing rock and roll a drag in some respects.
Thanks for the listen and comment on 'My Mom and James Earl Jones'! It goes to show that using a celebrity's name in a song can really grab attention! Funny story about your mother and Charleton Heston - you should write a song!
Thx you Sir...just downloaded about an hour ago. I plan to add some bass and remix...I really liked what you did...not easy to sing over someone's backing track...you sound like a pro! Thx , again.
No problem..get your no 50th song done first..you will be a winner soon. We'll done, sir!
Bernie - thanks for the comments on "Ice Cream". Also thanks for the story about your wife's experience in Britain. Cute and funny!
Yes. The work is in a state of flux. No doubt. :( And thank you for listening to Bill's and my song.
Thanks for the suggestion for the No Chorus Challenge. As you will hear, if you like, "Open Up" has acquired a "B" section.
Hi berni1954...love the job you did on D.C. if you are so inclined can you forward the vocal track so I can drop it into my DAW I was going to remix and do a few minor clean on my guitar tracks (some buzz). Just email me the mp3 to my email.
thx G
Thanks for your comment on “Gemini.” As for what he’s singing, your guess is as good as mine. 🤭
Thanks for the comment!
Aaugh! I've had a crazy summer, and didn't get to making a postcard for you (yet). I owe you one! I also never got your postcard.
Hi, thanks for commenting on Open Mic, yeah I took the positive approach/ positive mood atmosphere regarding Open Mic. I know for many and hear even in one of the other comments that Open Mics are not always as positive or good feeling as the one I created and believe me I know. I remember once venturing into a Karoake bar of sorts with two friends, and people came up to sing live on stage to an audience, and nearly got booed off before one of my friends came on stage to help me Lol I wasn't the only one that night to get the gong. lol But, who was I then to expect much, that was New York City then and probably now too, though I wouldn't know at this point. lol
Thanks for the kind comment on "Time." I'm playing a Strat knockoff. Really appreciate the Roy Harper mention, will have to listen to more of him.
Thank you also for your comments on "Miller" and "Box at Your Doorstep"!
Thanks for your comment on "Mosquito". That sounds like a very unpleasant experience!
Thanks also for your comments on Chain Stores, Crack Whores and KFC. Yes, it definitely has an earworm element to it!
And I agree, it's a bit disconcerting that ChatGBT acted that way. I get that it might might a mistake (although I wonder how?) but the scary bit is when I 1st challenged it by saying 'Can you point me to a link for the dollyrots song?' it came back and specifically said 'You can listen to the Dollyrots' song "Chain Stores, Crack Whores and KFC" on their official YouTube channel'!

Took me to question if further for it to admit no such song exists!
Thanks for your comments on Not Human. Yes, I was mightily impressed that it was able to create such a coherent song from the lyrics. That ability to replace the vocals with your own would be cool. Equally, I think it would be great if a musician could upload a sep for guitar, piano, etc, and then ask Suno to build other instruments around it.
Thanks for telling me about your song on Spotify. It's wonderful!
? Are you sure? Soft heart is about someone who is kind and caring. Your description is so different to my understanding (wow, this rhymes) :)
Just sent my message. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder, just in case. If still not, please let me know. Thank you.
I love what you came up with. If you could adjust the sounds as you've kindly suggested, it would be awesome. Thank you, Berni. I'll see if I find your email address and I'll try to email you.
Hey man I appreciate your comments on Bully boy blues and sorry about the rough experiences in childhood I had some rough experiences too was not neither my mother or father it was my mother's second husband. And I didn't turn off that way either I ended up being a counselor I see a lot of people who've had similar experiences and my my mission life is to help folks get through those painful times and become whole again thanks dude
Hi Berni! Thanks for your comments on Charred Remains and Strumstick Birthday Song. I actually met Bob McNally, who invented the strumstick and he and I might be working together on some projects to get strumsticks in the hands of kids who may not have any background in music to get them involved with something non-electronic. The Charred Remains song certainly alludes to the problems in this country and at the end is certainly a commentary on how the social good has been run over by people looking out for their own self-interest. I appreciate your feedback!
I agree!
You can download from my page..I set it up today. Thx
I would love for you to do that...do you need the backing track or i can it downloadable from the site which i will do anyway...it's done. Thx
You are welcome to have the backing track if you want... just drop a note on my page. Glad you liked it.
Thank you for commenting on "Where Have I Gone? / Unconsidered Pointless Utterance to a Void Pt. 4".
You raise a valid point, I agree. If I can write a great song in 20 minutes or multiple hours it doesn't matter if nobody can tell by the end product. It's the content that matters, not the means in which it was produced.
But I would like to inform you that this was not what I intended to convey through the liner notes, they are more of a reflection of my slightly ironic grudge with the magic sort.
When I sarcastically state "it’s worth people’s attention over a song that took several hours and days of conceptualization", I am not trying to suggest that the song which took longer is superior to the song that took me 20 minutes. I'm also not suggesting the song of several hours is more worth people's attention. Rather I think they should both be equally worth people's attention.
I made this statement because I've noticed a pattern with the magic sort, the AI tends to rank skirmishes higher than regular songs. Which in my opinion seems unfair, it seems like the AI is so good that it can tell a skirmish regularly recieves more comments and therefore puts it higher.
I'm saying that I feel like the songs I put more time and effort in are being ignored and a lyric sketch I write in 20 minutes gets a lot of comments.
I don't have a negative outlook on skirmishes, I wouldn't be doing them if I did. It's just that I feel frustration when something I spend a lot of time on gets less attention than something I did on a whim, regardless of the quality.
Thanks for your comments on The Show's On.
I think there are AI music sites where you can turn them into an instrumental, but I'm a newbie with the 2 sites I use so there are probably other people on the site who would be much more knowledgeable.

From a musician's perspective, I would imagine it could be useful to import and AI generated instrument, such as cello, into a song where you don't play that instrument. So you would just upload your demo say something like 'Add after the chorus' etc. Or ask if for seps which you could then mix into your song
Glad you enjoyed "Good News!", our early salute to Christmas. Normally I don't do Christmas songs because that's my son's specialty with 15 annual Christmas albums completed and currently working on #16. Google "A Kristian Kinda Christmas", if you're curious.
I have never tried to include a photo in the liner notes, so, regrettably, I can't be helpful. If you find out how to do it, it would be good if you made a how-to post in the forum. You're probably not the only one with the need to post an illustration.
Hi Bernie, thanks for the comment on Queuen. I could hear YES doing it and also RUSH. :)
Thanks for your comment on Busy Being Me. 'What a pair of show stoppers' is an incredible line!
Thank you for the comments on Sam PI. I didn't even think of Sam Spade, No wonder the name fit the tune.
Yes, USAF. and Good.
Btw, if you are not a member of www.ascap.com. Its free. this it the place to register your music and if anyone uses it you get royalties. and if you are a member and we collaborate on anything I will spit the royalties with you.
I just received paperwork, from the producer and director. They asked permission to use 15 of my songs. My fingers crossed that it doesn't end on the cutting room floor. He starts filming next week. And wanted the music for the stars to listen to them while they were filming or staring at to film so that they would know the mood. and what will be in the movie? I think it is cool that they like it that much.
Thank you Berni, it's good to see someone else who has been in the Air Force. And I have an ultirier motive to write so much. I'll be creating a film studio soon, and I can use my music in the films. I was contacted today to have 5 of my songs in a movie. I'm waiting on the paperwork to come in. We will see.
Thank you for your kind commentary on "Time Was"! As a kid who grew up in the 70s, the immanence of worldwide nuclear war was never far from my thoughts. I totally get your perspective.
To answer your question, I used Grammer to correct my prompt. I used to be a college professor.
Yep… as noted in the liner notes the music is totally AI - I just popped my lyrics into a free AI thing and described the style I wanted (rock epic anthem) and it spits out two 2 minute options within 30 seconds and I have no control or ability to change anything. So just a rough idea of possible music!
Thank you, Berni, I am glad you like the song. :)
Thank you for tour feedback: it’s about a post dream stalking you! Not so lost, eh?! I remember someone said: dont end up on your death bed with all your dreams gathered like ghosts around it moaning because you never realised them(but lost or ignored them)
Thank you so much for your kind comments on "The Road to Neverwhere"! Much appreciated. That rhyme just came to me and it felt right; I'm glad you like it :)
I think we talked about this before, I was trying to do a musical on the Spanish civil war, I have a fair few song's and a framework but its sort of drifted off my priority list at the moment.
Thanks for your comment/feedback on “Joyride.” I appreciate it!
I see. Thank you for clarifying, Berni.
Hello again, Berni! And thanks for your kind comment on "Rainy Lullaby". 😄
Thanks for your comments on my Not Alive Anymore lyrics. Your suggestion that it could be done in an old folk song style is cool. I've added a note to that effect into my song spreadsheet!
You are welcome. Thank you for all your comments and support.
Thank you so much for the Pentangle comparison to my song. High praise indeed!
Thank you for the kind comments on "Gone in the Fire"! Much appreciated.
Thanks for listening to and commenting on "Closing Down Time".
Yes, imagine if it were the Europeans who were changed? I'm sure everything would have been better. Thanks for all your great comments!
Ah, very well travelled. And as Fermanagh is just next door to Donegal we are pretty much neighbours in terms of our Irish connections
Hey Berni! Thanks for the comment on "You're My Chili" To answer your question, I was referring to the plastic "saran wrap" that is used to preserve food by covering the top of the bowl. It also keeps flies out on a picnic :)
You were definitely kinder than we are now! We say up front that if we catch them, penalties are severe, and that we have tools to spot plagiarism. So if someone didn't do the assignment themselves, and we caught them (and it was severe enough) they'd get a 0 for it and just have to deal with the consequences. They won't fail their degree for that, but they do have to work to catch up.

It's a lot harder to prove AI usage though... in those cases, it turns out that they'll get found out in the exam. One of my roles at the moment is "Misconduct Officer" so when these things come up it has to go through me... depressing as it is to see the things that go on, maybe at the start of year briefing I should sing this song at them :). "If you cheat I will play my ukulele at you and it'll serve you right!"
Thanks for the comments on Chamomile. Since it's just a demo I didn't take the mixing too seriously, but I agree the vocals need to come up. The lyrics are posted already though. They are sparse since that was the challenge.
Hey man, thanks for the comment. I'm about as healthy as any young geezer (60. Y/O).
Hi Bernie - great question about "Stuck". I definitely took the tone and some of melody from the AI song (it is linked with Liz's original lyrics) but because it was out of my genre I thought it was really helpful. I have never used anything AI before.
although the burying of a heart is poetic in a poetic context, it is gruesome when visualized literally. i wouldnt even think of changing the line, though. it is beautiful
Here are the chords for the Heady Summer Days' song.
intro chord is G with a sharpened fifth

The rest is

C A7 Dm7 G7
C A7 Dm7 G7

C C7 F Fm7
C G7 C

F F/G# C A7
Dm7 G Em7 Am7
Dm7 G7

C A7 Dm7 G7
C A7 Dm7 G7

C C7 F Fm7
C G7 C G7

C A7 Dm7 G7
C A7 Dm7 G7

C C7 F Fm7
C G7 C

It's a song that I recorded fairly spontaneously and didn't write anything down. Most of the sevenths become ninths at some point! Hope this helps. If not, I can do a video of me playing it.
Thanks for your comments on my All She Wants lyrics. Glad you enjoyed them - I had fun writing that one!
I'm originally from Enniskillen and went to the same school as Oscar Wilde ... different years. What part of Ireland are you from?
Thanks for the comment. I'm not dismissive of skirmish songs--I'm generally dismissive of MY skirmish songs. I'm feeling it today, though :)
Hi, I'll send you the chords for the Heady Summer Days song as soon as I can work out what I played! Won't take long though.
Thank you so much for your compliments on “Dark Night of the Soul” - one of my favorites. I appreciate the praise of Kate Bush. Interesting that I’ve heard that before and it means a lot to me.
'Heady Summer Days' is so very good, the lyrics and the vocal match the music perfectly. Your vocal has the Al Bowly phrasing but also a much more English style that fits the music very well. Great work. PS I could send you a version in a lower key and without the second ukulele part. However, I think your vocal is just right for this as it is.
About 20 years ago i attended a lecture by a noted evolutionist. He spoke of a colleague who, although a scientist, believed the earth was only 6,000 years old because that is what his religion taught him. When the speaker asked his colleague, "If I could prove to you without a doubt that your theory is false, would you accept it?" The answer was no.
Hey thank you for your comment on "Time Machine III", my condolences for your mother, but I suppose that's in the past. The instrument I used is not a harmonium, it's a melodica, which I suppose is related.
I made a change to the file, try now? Unfortunately the file hosting is not a financial option for me at this time and I am aware of it, thanks.
I'm always going somewhere or coming back it seems :-)
Thanks for listening and commenting on kick 'em jenny ;)
that is a long , complicated, and ultimately tragic story. thank you for sharing it. Ive had my near brushes with fame and lost opportunities as well. When I wrote for Chappell Music, I made the mistake of giving them my worst material, keeping the best for myself. I made some money, but nothing was cut but I learned a lot about commercial songwriting. The songs I wrote were solid, but not exceptional, and if you dont have a name, you have to blow their minds with something that everybody is eager to get behind. Then I joined a band that the manager of Heart wanted to sign. I quit the band because I didnt like his people and their interference with my music. I was vain and stupid. My only real disappointment was when a play I directed in Boston went to Broadway and, because I was not in the union, another director was credited. He did the tech work of adapting it into a different space, but everything I put into the show remained intact and he changed nothing of the essential staging.
Thanks for your compliments! I'm sorry about what happened with Covid coming in and all that. Hugs
Oh, the tenor ukulele - I missed that part - lol!
Haha -- I agree to agree! :)
re the 'Dark Oxygen' fake band name, yes I loved that new story. Actually, there's probably quite a good song that could be created related to that news?!
"we're here for you" I made the corrections that you suggested, Thank you.
I have not gotten a postcard. Admittedly, I haven't sent one either, but I'm planning to fix that part soon.
Berni- I want your adventures(but only if you hold my hand!)
"RE: 8 Strings. Is yours a Baritone or a Tenor?" it's a Flight brand (bought 2nd hand) and I think it's a tenor. The sound off it is amazing!
No postcard yet, but don't worry about it until you're back. Have a great trip!
Hi Berni! I sent an e-mail for the postcard challenge, did it go astray?
Hi Berni thanks for your comment on my Summer Song - that wasn't a 12-string! It's a Fender Malibu - it's quite jangly unplugged (was sparkly when I bought now a bit jangly!). I do have a 12-string, but my small lady hands can't cope with the giant neck and I might sell it. Never thought of a smaller bodied-one...I must go googling!

However I do have a lovely Freshman 8-string ukulele which might scratch your itch. I've just been playing it now and forgotten how lovely it is. Going to write some songs on it for fawm. Will catch up on listening some of your songs on here soon!
Hi again! Thanks for the comment on "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain" — I can die happily now that I have been compared to Paul Simon even for a moment. 😅🥰
Catching up with comments, as I’ve been traveling, and thanks for the one on “Practicing Dying.” I’m all about memento mori these days.
And, thank you for your awesome comment on A Man Like You!
Thank you for your kind comments about "In the Bitterness if the Missing." I read a memoir by one woman that had been captured as a preteen and eventually was found, many years later, with two kids fathered by her captor. It was completely engrossing and so sad. I haven't seen the movie that you mentioned, but it's been on my list!

I'm playing an Enya Nova U Concert uke in that recording. I have the soprano and tenor sizes as well lol. I started playing ukulele in February, but I'm a guitarist so it was not too bad of a transition. I'm super in love with ukuleles right now. Best songwriting companion in my opinion, so portable!
Berni, whenever I sit down at the keyboard to create something new, my fingers will surely find a song that already exists... lol! A common problem, I think. But our job is to find the new twist on the old thing.
Ah, yes, it's Deirdre Moira Murphy, at that! I would be happy to get a mailed one, but we'd best also do digital, since I've been having big problems with my mail delivery.
Berni! Love love love the island dance groove! Delightful! Thank you so much! You continue to impress and inspire me!
Hi, Berni. Have a great 50/90!
You know I would love that Berni!
the pain doesnt go away. it just goes deeper. and a sad tranquility replaces the constant anxiety and hysteria. im looking forward to being cheered up by your uplifting songs and positive disposition..
BERNI!!! So glad to see you here and looking forward to enjoying your creative pursuits!
@berni1954 hi, thanks for checking out ‘I caught a bug for my baby!’ Glad to see you back here, this is going to be fun!
Good to see you as well. Am looking frward to more of your delightful compositions and performances,
Hi Berni!
I'm looking forward to hearing the Wild Irish Whistles!
Great to see here...have a great 5090.
Howdy Berni,
Good to see you've come back for more.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090.
Good to see you here!