






  • 54016 US
2024 may be a tougher year. My dear husband McQ passed away on January 26, 2024 from Alzheimer's. Then, just to keep life interesting, my purse was stolen in June and I'm dealing with someone writing checks and cashing checks as "me" because they have my driver's license. STRESS..... Maybe the cowbell is just what I need, and just maybe listening to your songs will help, but just know I may not be my "normal" self.
I love it here. I've loved learning new instruments and meeting new people...and of course letting my muse have fun creating. My main 'instrument' is my voice, but I also play guitar, ukulele, banjo, mandolin, dulcimer, autoharp, steel drum, piano, flute, and a very robust cowbell.

A note on comments: I do not intend to make my living with my music, but do want to get better, so gentle constructive comments are very welcome. If there is a certain song I'm thinking I may want to do in public I will ask for serious critique on that song and hope you'll let me have it :-)

Pronouns: her/she
Nicknames because of FAWM: Princess of the Cowbell or just Princess, and Mistress Darci - from one rather suggestive collaboration in 2014.

Happy FAWMing everyone!

Had to look it up since I've seen others marking the years:
My history:
2010 50/90 - 4 (What?! I can write songs?! My son pulled me into it.)
2011 FAWM - 14, 50/90 - 56 (Lots of collabs with my daughter Dawn)
2012 FAWM - 16, 50/90 - 25
2013 FAWM - 16, 50/90 - 29
2014 FAWM - 13, 50/90 - 12
2015 FAWM - 19, 50/90 - 18
2016 FAWM - 18, 50/90 - 14
2017 FAWM - 16, 50/90 - 11
2018 FAWM - 17, 50/90 - 7
2019 FAWM - 14, 50/90 - 10
2020 FAWM - 14, 50/90 - 1 - A very bad year
2021 FAWM - 15, 50/90 - 18
2022 FAWM - 15, 50/90 - 17
2023 FAWM - 15, 50/90 - 8
2024 FAWM - 7, 50/90 - We'll see...



thanks for your comments on the mad tide! I love a little spooky in a lyric now and then
So good to see you back Darci!
Hey Darci Welcome!
Hi Darci! Hope you will come out and play!