






David G Harrington

I am a native Irishman living in the Uk for the past 37 years. I have escaped, I am officially retired. Should be able to do a bit more this year and am as ever looking forward to meeting some new people, some old friends and some new and interesting collaborations.

Releasing stuff under the name Machine Soul Collective now.

Feeling quite productive at the moment and have a lot of subjects to write about.

Happy to collab in any way you need, recording engineering mastering, singing, bassisting, music to lyrics, lyrics to music.

Hit me up if I can help in any way and I am always looking for singers who would like to try one of my songs.

Peace to all and very happy and productive FAWMing

Looking forward to working with some of you lovely folks again this year.



Hey there. Wondered if you'd be interested in my new Ready For a Wild Ride,?
Thanks for doing Disassociated State. Very cool! I seldom watch any news, usually a comedy version of it if I do.
Hi. Wondered if you'd be interested in my Disassociated State?
you are less prolific than usual, but still way ahead of the game, and the music you have been producing is first rate.
Sure! Can't wait to hear it!
Awesome! I added you as collaborator on “One More Love Song,” allowing you to upload there if you wish.
Hi David, yes that'd be great! Thanks. (re: Knock it Out)
No need to apologise and no offence was taken. Healthy debate is good and my frustration is because I agree wholeheartedly that AI is coming and it will erode much that I hold dear and many people will find life tougher as a result. This is why I cannot and will not knowingly support any art made with AI and I'm doing my best to avoid interacting with AI in general.
Yes, I know. I just created something muscially for the first time using UDIO a couple of hours ago. Gonna go back over it and make revisions and edits to the sound, but that will take time as I am learning, but I love learning about this.I'm stunned! lol Imagine where this AI song making technology will be 10 years from now.
Yeah, man. Those words from ChapGT were not at all bad, and I am hearing some fairly decent sounding music generated from UDIO recordings here. I'm very tempted to try the music (only) out as an experiement of sorts to see how it sounds and how I feel. Again, good stuff on Lost Generation.
thanks so much for checking out my album stuff appreciate the feedback
Yikes! I’m so sorry! I thought I left a comment in your liner notes the day you posted it but clearly I did not submit! I added something today! I apologize for that! As always your music is incredible and you know how to create emotion and feeling so well! Thank you so much!
David, the full band version of "Quicksand" kicks arse. Nice work mate :)
Hi David, I've sent through the WAV file of "Quicksand" to your email for you to flesh out. Looking forward to hear how that goes :)
Thanks, Dave! I always appreciate your time and talent and amazing approach to bringing words to life!!!
Yes, please!!!
I said what I said. Scary as it may be…I’m wrapped around your little finger…that’s a finger right? Glad to hear from ya dude!
Have a happy and productive 50-90!
Have a great 50/90!
Hey, David. Wishing you a great 50/90!