Informational Baby Food

by @daveyboy103


Liner Notes

I get pretty fed up with having discussions with people who seem to get their entire opinion set from the mainstream media,

To call these folks low bandwidth would be charitable and what is even more galling is that they think *they* are the enlightened and wise ones.

I was in the famous London shop Liberty the other day and could not believe the prices they were charging to the absolute idiots they parted from their money. They got their vicarious validation by spunking their money on utter shite.

It is the same with consuming the utter shit spouted by the mainstream media, very comfortable like an old pair of slippers but leading you over the cliff to penury and enslavement.

Wake the fuck up and starting thinking for yourself.

#informationalbabyfood #medialies



I know it’s so
Because the head on the TV told me so
No need to think
That kind of stuff leads to the brink


Informational baby food
Mushed to a lovely pulp
Drink it in
Get it down
Get to the right result


And this how they want you now
Dumber than dumb
Ask no questions
Parrot the lines we feed you now
Don’t be a lonely boy


Have i got, anything
Left in my armoury that might reach you
And can I say, anything
That just might wake you up (2)


Now don’t say no
Bacause there’s nowhere else for you to go
Follow the path
That leads you to the light


Informational baby food
Easy to digest
Forget all about that freedom stuff
It’s past time to divest


And this how they want you now
Dumber than dumb
Ask no questions
Parrot the lines we feed you now
Don’t be a lonely girl

Ch (2)


Well done, lyrics are delivered well and you have this nicely put together and cool vocal layering.
Nice combo of catchy poppy song with sharp social commentary! Very nice
this is the daveyboy approach i love the most. pop confections filled with savage cocial criticism. your view of moden man is spot on. they live inside their propaganda screens, just like in the movie of fahrenheit 451, no matter which side you are on, you are wrong because you have no pint of view, you are just a channel on your ttelevision set, a post on someone else's facebook page. i had a dream last night that i said something that was off the grid and everyone in the room froze and glared at me with hatred. like the dog with a human face in the remale of invasion of body snatchers glaed at the last of the humans who had determined to sleep no more. an inspirational song to remind us of where we are in this wired-to-the-lie world
Clear message great arrangement