Time is Fire

by @daveyboy103

Liner Notes

Reading a book called The Algebra of Wealth at the moment by Scott Galloway and in one section he refers to time as the fire in which we burn and this struck me as very true.

Time is the only thing you have a defined budget of and you don't even know the size of the budget, just that you have one. Money you can piss away; and I have done a lot of that believe me, but time if squandered is gone for good.

Missed your kid's first day at school because you "had to work", tough, that's gone and it's not coming back.

Noone on their deathbed has ever said "I wish I had spent more time in the office"

As you get older this comes into even sharper relief, just start counting how many more Olympic games you can reasonably expect to see, sobering isn't it?

Anyway here is a little punk/new wave ditty that explores these things.

#time #newwave #punk #mutedguitars #mortality



Money is nothing
Time is everything
Waste it at your peril now
They’re not making any more

You have to live, live it now
Tomorrow may never come
Time is the fire
That’s burns us in the end


The clock's hands keep on turning
Yet I stand still,
Chasing shadows and dreams
That I never will.


Time is fire in which we burn
Once it’s spent it’s not coming back
Miss those opportunities
The world will look just carbon black (2)


The final times are coming
Gonna get you in the end
And procrastination
Will never be your friend

You have to live, live it now
Tomorrow may never come
Time is the fire
That’s burns us in the end


Time slip like sand
Through my weary hands,
Lost in the echoes
Of long forgotten plans



Testify! Love the punky energy here, those panned guitars are very cool. Goes really well with the melodic vocal. And yes, measuring your life out in Olympics is slightly terrifying! Great tune mate.
Very true words, as someone in his early 60's this brings things into sharp focus. Hadn't thought about measuring my time left in Olympics, hmmm. Like the slightly punky delivery and guitar, procrastination will indeed never be your friend!
compelling premise, and you develop it with terse verses and music that moves like time itself. unlike life, when the song ends, we can play it again.
Hell yes! This is the catchy anthem we need. I'm gonna be humming this one for a while