
Fresh Spotless Youth






  • Portland, US
Ceint de ma propre couronne, oint de l'huile sainte, I am freshspotlessyouth.

What's my problem? Good question. I've been doing this FAWM thing for over a decade without bothering to learn anything. My watchwords for 2023: ignorance, incompetence, and hubris (though not necessarily in that order). Should be fun

I will collaborate with anyone who can tolerate my louche approach to music making.



Ode to Joy (Two Fingers Is One More Than You Need) by @freshspotlessyouth #indiepop #alltoohumanmusic #inhumanmusic
Helen Is Neither Matter Nor Void by @freshspotlessyouth #collaborationswelcome
The Night We Drove Old Dixie Down (Renovation) by @freshspotlessyouth #acoustic #renovation
[avatar] collaborators
It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain by @freshspotlessyouth + @stephenwordsmith #acoustic #iphone


i moved back to seattle in 1996 too, after 17 years in Boston. This particular group never played live. We had an offfer to be the house band at the Vault, but we didnt even finished the album. We released 6 songs as a casette EP. I had to move to North Carolina in Feb of 1997, where I played solo Manicure gigs that featured the material we never recorded, and returned to Seattle toward the end of 99. where I played this and other material in different lineups until 2009,(in addition to writing music and movie revies for the seattle Post intelligencer) when i moved to Peru.
Yesss, that's what I'm saying! The random open tuning strumming will set you [even] fre[er]!
Thank you for your kind comment!
Not that you need any help or are asking, BUT I will say about the alternate tunings and as an advert for experimenting more with them, is that the effort it takes to retune the guitar is more than made up for in the ease you reap of just messing around and finding a melody/cool riff emerge. At least for me, who tends to fall back on the same chord changes eventually in standard tuning. :3
Ha ha, no the drums are fake - Addictive Drums 2, though the bass and guitar are both live which is a little unusual for me, I usually fake those too. Thanks for the listen. I’m having a lot of difficulty knuckling down and listening to other peoples songs this time so sorry in advance if I don’t give you a listen soon.
Thank you for the comment on "It'll kill you".

Regarding this:
"There's a mixture of specificity and mystery that appeals to me. I feel that I know what you're getting at, but I don't know exactly what you're getting at, which makes me happy"

I like that kind of lyrics in other's songs the best and I am really happy if my writing works the same way sometimes. Thank you, made my day!
....well fa la la la la la la laaaaa! I love that song. It's on my FAWM playlist! 😀
Hey - I'm sitting here at my desk thinking: "isn't he the one that did the napalm song?" Soooo...are you the guy that did the napalm song?
I cannot divulge the secrets of the Chaos Guitar, but thanks for the comment!
I'm all caught up on you songs, so I'll just say thank you for the wonderful comments.
thanks for your comments on blue skies....ive always voted democrat but probably never will again, unless there is a reformation and a return to their ideals. i never voted republican. the song doesnt really take a point of view. i wrote it with my journalistic temperament. like describing a traffic accident or something. i see two liars who are ctually telling the truth about their opponent, but denying the truth about themselves. both peomis the whiter clouds and bluer skies, but neither will deliver.
Thanks so much! 🙏🤗 @wearedinosaurs can do such great music and arangements!
Thanks for the comments on 'Twelve' - the sound at the end is a Cuica - It's a South American type of drum based on an African 'Monkey drum'. You play it by rubbing on a wooden rod that goes through the middle of the drum skin and pressing on the drum head to change the pitch - they're usually used in Latin dance music (they are a bit pricy, so I made my own out of a small TomTom and a bamboo BBQ skewer).
Thank you for your lovely comment on 'La Petite Mort'. Much appreciated. (-:
Your idea for a beard song is swell. (Of course, ALL ideas for beard songs are by definition good ideas, but yours in particular! 😀 ) So if you are interested, did you just want to do lyrics, and I'll do the music? Or do you just want story credit and i should run with it from there? Or did you want to do some loops I'd work with into a song? Or are you just at the "random musings" stage now and you'll let me know if you ever want to progress from there? I'm down for whatever you're feeling like, if anything.
LOL...so maybe I lost track of time... but you get my drift. ;) ;) ;)
Thanks for your positive comments on "Summer of Pain". I'm glad you liked it. Tomorrow is September so I guess I'll have to do a heart-broken autumn song some day before 50/90 is over ;)
Thanks for the comment on 'The Emperor's New Clothes' - no synths on it though, that's all guitar with the built in effects in the Zoom R8 recorder.
maybe it is the swanson pot pies that initiated a new type of teevee dinner, but was soon eclipsed by competitive brands offering superior products. as for the song, int he movie sunset blvd, gloria swanson was an actress who played a fictional silent moive star who, once she turned 50, spent her life in solitude watching her old movies.
It really is one of the best to my taste mate!
Very glad you like our lullaby! It‘s one of our best songs so far! 🙏🤗
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on 'Goldenrod'. (-:
Glad you like the two Andre songs. Much appreciate the comments.
Thanks for your comments on "Stone"! Confession: If you hadn't posted that song about the cheesecake, I might never have been so bold ;)
Thanks 🙏🤗
Hey my dear artist,

Thank you for your kind words on "A boy, made up of worlds",

it will be my pleasure if you like to give them a shot using your own magic :)
Yes sorry - I took it down as I wasn't really feeling it. The lecture was from https://rickroderick.org/101-socrates-and-the-life-of-inquiry-1990/
Thanks for listening to "Our Anthropocene." Yes, a depressing start for a musical. If it stays it'll move further in. It felt like a solo song when written and doesn't reflect much of a group feel, even though "Our" is in the title. Most of the collection this 50/90 is a draft as I learn more about story arc and suspense and a proper theme. Re-writes are a-comin'.
Are you in Portland ME or OR?
Thanks for listening to my German Rilke poem! And to all my/our other songs!
When i reached those high notes at the end my mic was overwhelmed…
I do this kind of opera singing sometimes. Regularly I‘m suprised about the power i get when i climb so high!
And also regularly I‘m not so sure if it sounds good. It‘s difficult to stay in tune then. Much more as if i sing more calmer and quieter….

I don‘t know the band you mentioned yet. But i‘ll check them!
Your submission to the 2 chord challenge is right and tight! Well written, well performed, well mixed. Thanks for sharing it with us!
im leaving tomorrow jut before midnight. you can help me by continuing to write and perform songs that cheer me up with their wit and charm
out of respect for you, i went to the forum to edit that passage from my comment, but it would not allow me to edit, so i deleted the whole comment. ita ll the same to me anyway. but i dont think the comparison between the attacks on TG and the burying of songs by those who have been critical of the magic option is such a far-fetched analogy. I have devoted a number of hours to studying and analyzing the charts and have found that the overachievers and the overly critical have had songs buried even while they were still zongs, which is not exactly the same as moving a song down the list because it is getting a lot of comments. But really, I could care less about where my song lies in the morrass of postings. I simply wanted to hear what peoplw thought bout the change, and ended up responding to everyones comments, thus elongating the thread until it became a dartboard.
Oh, sorry! Totally misunderstood that!
Danny, do you know a Brazilian singer called "Zé Ramalho"? I was listening to your songs, and there's something very similar between the two of you!

Liked your comments on "The Music Problem." Regarding structure, I'm a combo of lazy and fearless, I guess, but the real driver is that I have a story that drags me along, and that feeling of bounds helps me flail to the edges, and because there are multiple characters and thus intelligences and feelings I can have conversations, even in the song itself.
Thanks for giving my "Bury my Hear in Ireland" a spin.
I can't wait to sign this to an Irish audience. I will either be lauded and treated to pints or hounded from the pub. Either way, it'll be a triumph 😛
Thanks and I hope I can find the old ways we used to talk about.
Thanks for listening and commenting on my tune!
Hey man, thanks for listening to Worms. I appreciated the comments.
Thx for comments. I like your tunes, you're added to the WL. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your comment on my latest song. To answer your question, I live in Vilanova i la Geltrú, down the coast a bit from Barcelona.
Well, as you’re strong on the old ideas front how about we ping-pong this collab? Can build on it after each pass like. I can start by sending you a track if you'd like?
You’ve already sparked an idea for a song title “building a sinking (air)ship” so already off to a good start.
Drop me an email and i’ll reply with a track.
Thank you for giving Kabala remixed a listen!
Hi! Thanks for your comment on "Consider it undone". It's great that it surprised you.
yeah, maybe if i worked really hard on that character, i could get a three minute spot on some late night talk show. (i dont even know who the hosts of them are anymore)
Thanks for the comment on my track man! Fancy a collab by any chance?
Thx for appreciation on buzz
Thank you for your appreciation of “Pom Pom Cigarettes.” I think the cadence is what makes it my current favorite. Nice to be noticed.
Hi there!
Do you mean me writing my own lyrics to your last song?
Thanks a bunch for the kind words on “Imposter”!!
So glad you liked Time is Fire.
†hanks for your comments on boids and god and da vermhole. Much appreciated and I hope your camping trip was stellar.
Thanks for busting my zong! If you come up with a melody, run with it! I had a rough one in my head when I wrote it, but I’m not good with singing what I hear.
Thank you for noticing “Something About You.” Have a great camping trip!
thanks for yout comment on the Hole. My rich grandfather bought a nansion at the top of queen and hill and lent it to my mom (who had jsut gotten divorced) for her to run as a boarding house furing the 1962 worlds fair.I twa a great time, running down the hill every day to the fair, and i just missed an audition for a kid my age to kick elvis in the shins for the movie it happened at the worlds fair. the part went to Kurt russell, who was a mouscateer, and went on to play elvis in a tv movie. the closest i ever got to elvis was dating the ex girlfriend of Red West, and busting out the dry wall to take out the insulation in the house he lived in when in Los Angeles making a movie.
Then we are of the same ilk 😃
I also have almost no musical skills. Sing along to songs without using or notating sheet music. My lyrics often arise from music or from a thought, an idea.

I would be very happy if we tried that.
I only play bass rudimentarily, so it would be good if you did the music. You can also write the text or we can write the text together.
I work relatively quickly (when the direction/idea is clear to me) and intuitively.
Hi Danny!
Maybe you are interested in a collab ? A kind of duet?
Just an idea! No pressure! Totally ok if you say no! 😊
Thanks for your comment on "Subway Weather" -- sometimes when I'm on the elevated tracks I'm just waiting for them to crumble under me. Probably I've seen too many movies, but it's not like...etc. ;)
Yeah, that there is Liner Notes gold!!
Gary Moore!
Thanx for your comment on "ŗƹŞɪšꞎǻɲʗȩ"!!
"Them that fear not the fuzz will surely praise it"; I love this and would potentially like to use it as a song title, with credit going to you, of course!!
Thanks for your kind words. I don't tend to write rock type songs so it's good to et the feedback!
Charlie Watts! Interesting and humbling comparison. I hear my cows rustling their bells with pride from afar in their serene pasture.
Ya I love the breeders too. That’s a good piece of rock lore. Aburozskiwork at gmail

If you can shoot me your stems and the bpm I’ll cook something up.
Ayy…learning stuff is for nerds!

Just had to comment on your bio…
I think I prefer one of your more story-based ideas -- either the beard that envelops the man or the beard that consumes him -- over just a simple catalog list. But I could persuaded otherwise. First thing first, however: whenever you're ready (if you ever are), let me know if you want to do lyrics or vocals or music track, and we can figure it out from there. Just let me know where the waiver is to sign! 😀
"This feels like a bit of musical theater. Maybe you could write a beard-themed play." I actually have *two* different "big ticket" music movie / theater projects intimately involving beards as a central feature that I'm toying with to do this 50/90. I certainly won't do both this year, but am hoping to do one. I guess I'll see if I work up the energy to do something so coordinated, or keep just on rolling with "one off" singles!

"How about a song about a guy whose beard never stops growing. At some point you wouldn't even be able to see the man. He would just be an enormous blob of beard walking around." Terrific idea! No pressure, because beards are my thing, not yours, but if you ever are interested in doing lyrics or vocals or an instrument track for such a song as a collab, I'll do the other two. Half-ass it as much as you like. Or ignore this idea and just keep making your own splendid music I enjoy so much. I win either way!
Thanks for listening, good to hear from you.
Thanks for noticing the robe in “The Bungalow” - was waiting for somebody to - lol!
My dear friend, it was fine the first time :) I'm sorry to have caused you more trouble - I used the word 'refrain' for want of a better one, and, even if a better one did not exist, my intention was to praise your take on it - such innovations are very welcome.
Thanks! I was going for an optimistic memento mori piece…it’s underutilized lol
In response to your liner notes to "When I Get Back from Heaven" ... i know what you mean about "not" being a musician or a songwriter but you keep making music and songs that could only come from you, so maybe one day you'll change your mind about that.

a visual artist could paint 14 pictures of the same tree, and do them all in blue, and who would not agree that the result was 14 unique pieces?
Ah, yes, that was the life! Thanks so much for leaving your comment on "Feeling the Groove in Las Vegas." Think I'll do my steps today listening to it again - lol! Keeps the doldrums away.
Hey there! Hoping to hear those vocals this summer…
Hello! Thank you for your kind comment!
I did lose control, but that happens all the time when I make music. I never know what it's going to sound like in the end.
Hope you have a great 50/90!
Thanks for the nice words!

Now write a song already so I can praise it!
Hi Danny, Thanks for your comment on Horseman Pass By. Its good to see you back for another season of song, and I look forward to all of your gems.
Thanks, and welcome back!
I hope to hear some of your amazing songs and lyrics this summer!
As I always say in these pre-event message, your music is a real highlight for me every year, and I tremendously look forward to hearing more of it this summer!