






Yowza! Back for 50/90 number 2.
Do you like the picture of my rolling studio? A Basque shepherd wagon. My grandfather's name was Ayaïs, and I honor him here.
I'm lurching toward a musical about connection to the future through a wormhole. Where there's a long-lived dog.
I had a great trip to Neutrino Day in Lead, SD mid July for background on physics.
My goal is to write songs and script, and come up with enough of a sketch or outline to go to and return to so that the plot can tighten and re-animate the songs. I'm looking for people to help shape and create this thing, and am turning to old musical friends. So much to do!
I'll only post the songs here, but will give a plot rundown with each.

For the curious, I've saved all my earlier FAWM work (with comments):


Fiddleheads w Andre the Skunk by @ayais
In A Glen w Andre the Skunk by @ayais #detective #skunk #troll
At The Diner w Andre the Skunk by @ayais #mystery #diner #andre
Minuteman by @ayais #minuteman #musical
Donut Hole by @ayais #donut #wormhole #blackhole
[avatar] collaborators
It's Scary Now with Jil by @ayais + @intoyourlight #wormhole #musical #anthropocene
Come Now by @ayais #mine #haiku #musical
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black dragonflies buzz by @ayais + @mahtowin #dragonflies #riverstillness #time
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Into the Wormhole Room by @ayais +2 more #wormhole #musical #fallingnations
Gold digger by @ayais #golddigger #musical #missiles
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about birds! collab by @ayais + @mahtowin #birds #collab
The Music Problem by @ayais #musical #musictheory #wormhole
Rock Meal by @ayais #musical #geology #physics
The God Problem by @ayais #musical #physics
The Uncertainty Principle by @ayais #physics #uncertainty #entanglement
Facts Machine by @ayais #wormhole #musical #facts
The Future Beckons by @ayais #wormhole #catastrophe #musical
It's Scary Now by @ayais #wormhole #musical #anthropocene
Our Anthropocene by @ayais #wormhole #musical #anthropocene


Interesting ideas.
I love messing about with time travel stuff.
Please feel free to send me an email at any time if you'd like. I don't mind being a sounding board!
I think you've said before that the future folks are perhaps the kids of J & J? That would be a surprise ending. Or even if the future folks were J & J themselves, communicating with their past selves to tell them....what? Everything is gonna turn out ok?
How would you stage it? Basically cut the stage in half (Future and Present) and have each side communicate with each other thru the wormhole? Each side could have its own storyline, tho both would intertwine.
Just brainstorming here.
Sorry, not trying to hijack your project, it's just interesting!
I heard Bill C first in his band Smog in the film Hi Fidelity!
bill Callahan one of my fav musicians , famous song also too many birds
i love that you saw "sadness' mood" as part of a storyline - perhaps kristi and nadia and I will have to write a prequel :)
infidels is one of my favorite albums. only trouble with it is that it should have been a double album. but although knopfler and dylan recorded a lot more material, sly and robbbie are not on all the tracks, and i think dylan wanted to keep the the rhythmic feel the same throughout
Don't worry about making it happen; trust that it will indeed happen in the fullness of time. 😀
Thanx for the kind words.
Yeah, I'm kinda in and out of this site this summer.
Not sure I'll be making more music, but ya never know!
the breaks i experienced were numerous, random and disruptive , not intended pauses.
Hey, I'm looking forward to following you on your unfolding musical/narrative journey. I'm in Oregon
🙏😊 thanks for helping me out of the zong!
Hi, you’ve got an e-mail :)

Yes it is tough, but there are also rewarding situations. I’m working as an anesthesiologist, normally I’m in the OR, but occasionally I’m on ICU.
Hey, just a lot of work at the moment and chronically tired. I work in a hospital and for a few weeks I do shifts on ICU, which is draining my energy. I still have your track on my mind though. I’m sorry. Things will get easier soon. I hope you don’t mind.
I was in Berekely in 1973. Did you know of a place called Project Artaud in SF? I used to give poetry readings there. I can see you have a lot of theatre experience. I wanted to be an actor and did a lot of acting in school, but couldnt get cast in profession theatres, so I stuck with music. In 1989 I answered an ad in Cambridge MA from a Russian director looking for actors to audition for The Seagull, I auditioned, was terrible but given a minor part, which I did so badly that the part was cut, but the director likedm, found me intelligent, and gave me the job of stage manager. By studying his work, I learned a lot about acting and directiong, and eventually played major roles in several Chehov plays, and wrote music for The Wood Demon, which played in Leningrad as well as boston. I directed a one man show that went to success in new york, had a play of my own produced , and directed Hamlet at the C alsh Theatre at suffock U. I quit the chekhov group and started my own company, I adapted some books for the stage and directed them..that went on for three years, and then I left the theatre to concentrate on music. My first project was an operetta/ballet based on the Films Last Tango in Paris and The Conformist, but I could never find a girl to perform it with me. I had the dancers but no girl to play one of the two singign character. So it has gone unproduced to this day. Maybe I can mount it in Florida and raise some hell with the politics there.
Wow, dude, that collab is fabulous!
I really admire your artistic sensibilities.
Your vision for this project shines through.
I always look forward to hearing your new songs.
If you need any more wormhole sounds just let me know and I'd be happy to help.
Being used as the sound of a wormhole?!? Yes please!! I'm sure @yesnoyes won't mind either!
I've enabled downloads for that song.
Hello Ayais! I am yesnoyes and I'm writing to say thank you for your lovely comment regarding fuzzy and I's The Eleusinian Mysteries. I have not listened to your music yet. It seems you have deep, dramatic ideas developing devilishly deep down. Dan, don't do dastardly deeds you'll dread down Dakota way. Delightful daisies dance for dandy dudes who don't dupe. Do it!
@yewnorker -
In general people are surprised, perplexed and happy to pitch in to the haiku call and response tunes I throw at them at open mics. They like that they can learn them quickly and then sing, all in a minute. Emcees get confused and I often negotiate with them about what constitutes a song. I've become spoiled by the audience participation, and that's what has in part led me to creating a plot-based container this year.
I'll often sing a haiku sandwich with longer form songs in between, and Dauber has been a go-to. It fits the mood of traveling to something new, accepting life on it's terms as it arrives. And it has affected my own direction ...
Two emcees in Bellingham, WA particularly like Dauber and have said so. I've had any number of people (mostly musicians) come up after my little sets and express appreciation for my different approach. I know I'm onto something ... just don't know what it is.
Meanwhile, this summer's focus is on story.
I appreciate your lyrical talents mucho. My lyrics are being forced into a storyline. The haiku experiments were also an exercise in adhering to limits.
I've incorporated ideas in 'Dauber' in the plot of the 'musical' I'm developing. I have a couple who find some communications from the future through a science experiment, and using these imperfect communications they craft a collection of 'fables,' some of which include a dog wandering around with an itinerant painter in a post-apocalyptic future. The dog is different - long-lived - and gathers wisdom to bestow on it's human masters. This all comes directly from 'talking existentialism with Dostoevsky my dog'.
If this interests you I can send you a draft of the 'book' or plot that is developing. You might choose to write some lyrics!
I'm really digging your output this summer, bud.
Just recorded my vocals and send you two files back! It was great to do this! Hope you like it!
Got it! Thanks!
Hi Dan!
Send me the file via weTransfer, please!
I will try to add my vocals - but not sure if i will be sucessfull!
Good Morning, Dan!
I would be happy if you come up with some of your beautiful music for my little poem!
Also if you want to add some lines about pigeons - go on!
Is there a difference between a dove and a pigeon? We got some wild doves here and sometimes I can hear them doing their „Gooh-Gooh!“
sounds very expensive and too much exposition, when considering flashbacks, examine the stage design for arthur miller's after the fall.
each area of the stage needs seperate lighting and construction. you could have the elevator in the middle with two platforms on each side for the flashbacks, and a floor on top of the elevatior for the world above, if there is to be any action there. it would be simpler to have the man and woman write the play in the elevator, and after a bit of talk from them, shiplatform sets for the actors to perform the scene being written. that will give you four areas with different sets. any more will be crowded, unless you dispense with the sets and define space by position and lighting.
you would have to get a costume made that would appear like a few million microbes to be worn by four singers (the old two person horse trick doubled and then multiplied by a thousand representations on the costume)
Baby cries: That's certainly one of the weirdest comments I've ever received. 😆
Thank you for your feedback!
she wrote it, except for one verse which i penned, on the back of a postcard she sent me in 2008.
Hey, Dan - thanks for asking. Here’s my SoundCloud link. https://on.soundcloud.com/UjACUD9SkpzsJNJv6
Thank you so much. And I’m sorry to hear about your bad experiences with the Catholic church. I was brought up Catholic as well, but fortunately it didn’t influence me, as my parents were very open-minded and not strictly Catholic. Still I remember that the priest was choleric at times. I like to play with the imagery and like bands that do so too, like Ghost or Behemoth (to name an extreme example)
Hey thank you a lot! But there seems to be a problem at the moment with my gmail-account, I can't receive e-mails atm. I have another one: intoyourlightmusic@gmail.com - could you try to send it there? Thx! Looking forward to it!
Thanks for the comments!
Thanks for visiting Walk Softly. The rage reference is from a famous poem from Dylan Thomas, who I'm told is a distant relative. The broken hearts line is from Keanu Reeves, a guy I'm starting to admire more and more.
Thank you so much! And yes, I‘d love to collab with you. Just let me know when the verse is ready and we can get into contact via email or something. I’m looking forward to it!
The musical idea is interesting. I attempted one 5 years ago (from POV of our electric cars) and wrote a couple of dozen songs for it. I never did finish but it was a fun exploration. Reading the Stephen Sondheim books Finishing The Hat and Look I Made A Hat (lyrics and reflections from all the musicals he wrote plus some bonus stuff about how to write musicals) helped me a lot and opened up some new ideas and directions to explore.
Do with it as you see fit.
do the other characters appear on stage, or are they just represented by the notes they send?
so is it to a two character musical? that is unusual, but i should ralk. i wrote a two character operetta based on the films last tango in paris and the conformist...eliminating everyone but the two principal characters. it is difficult to offer suggestions without having a fuller picture of the play. if it has only two characters, the elevator could be a signigficant element in the set, which could hae multi levels..i would keep it down to four.
i used to live about an hour away from Lead. In Rapid City, where my father was designing silos for nuclear weapons. I imagine all kinds of wicked stuff was going on in that area. All of it part of the spiritual rape of the Sioux.
Oh wow, have fun!!
It would be great if you could do some sort of recording underground! (Of course, I do that all the time, since I do all my recordings here at the Fuzzy Sound Labs secret underground bunker.)
Hi there! Looking forward to hear some of your great stuff this summer!
Hey, bud, I hope you're here this summer!!