
Vom Vorton






He / Him.

18th FAWM, first one in a new city. Will that make a difference? Who knows. Hoping to write more songs I can play live as I've been doing a bit more of that recently.

genres: #indie_rock #indiepop #synthpop #power_pop #bubblegrunge

influences: Diners, Lali Puna, Trust Fund, Magnetic Fields, The Research etc

Vowl Sounds album with @owl:



Big fuzzy shoegaze? Big downer dreampop? Either sound like something you'd wanna check out?
and £80 for Pulp is big bucks, but I bet it’ll be good!
I saw REM maybe 10 times, last time in Dublin for their live rehearsals in 2007, so any chance to rekindle that particular flame, I take it! Think the Fables shows have been running at about 2hrs in the US, and Peter Buck joined them for the whole second half in Seattle. Not sure that’ll happen in the UK, though The Minus 5 are coming to the UK this year with him in the band, so if the dates line up… who knows?
No more gig posts? I just assumed you'd not gone to any gigs recently! Everything is indeed evil. But if everything is evil, is anything actually evil? Well, yes, in that case, everything is evil. But still. It's nice to know gigs are happening. My recommendation for a gig this year, if you like REM (which I can't remember if you do or not), is Michael Shannon and Jason Narducy (and friends) playing Fables of the Reconstruction in full, plus a bunch of other REM songs. I'm going to see them in Manchester in August and I'm more excited about it than any gig for years. Properly can't wait, kid at Christmas, excited. I've seen bits online, and it looks an amazing show. Details on the internet!
Any room for a collab this year?
Re 1001 albums - I don't mind the late 50s/60s cool jazz but when it gets too fushion-y I check out. It was the country that I couldn't be doing with.
The book is definitely a bit unbalanced and could do with an overhaul. There are so many old old albums that just aren't essential any more and there are really influential more recent ones like Postal Service or Bon Iver's debut that don't get a look in.
I did discover a lot of stuff I really enjoyed though. I generally liked most of the 60s/70s "world" music - Os Mutantes, Jorge Ben, Milton Nascimento, Ananda Shankar - but the book's very western-centric, so i think there should be way more.
I'm not as into Graham Coxon as people think. It's because I listened to a lot of Blur but I'm not as good a singer as Damon.
The ease with which meetings can be organised these days means there are so many of them, I can never get any actual work done. I had six today. SIX. All at least 30 minutes long.

Mind you, if someone has the cheek to organise an actual in-person meeting in a room, I will move heaven and earth and throw in every excuse from the dog's ill (don't have a dog) to there's been a nuclear accident in my village (don't have any nuclear material in my village, as far as I know) to avoid going to them. Weird.

As for your lacking lyrical inspiration, I hear you. I look at my one song so far, and think I really must try harder, but then I remember I have another meeting to join, so I do that instead.
Well, considering how the last few years have been in my camp, it's a more apt name haha. It's also a nice couplet to demonstrate how mental health concerns are often minimised. That's the notion anyhow. On other concerns, 18 years is pretty mad. You better have a big blowout when you reach 20!
Gutted. Thanks for sharing.
Ahhh and I'm sorry, I did, in my emotional intelligence, hesitate to tag you in that comment on @bradbrubaker 's song, but also wanted you to know/be reminded how good your stuff is such that I, at least, remember a lot of it years later? And the Leo-rising in me was like "praise clearly wins out over emotional trauma." 😬😅🙃 ANYWAY yeah, sorry, don't trust the gal who wrote a whole-ass concept album about all her exes last year to judge this stuff, lolllllllllllll *melt*
Wow, I wish I heard this devastating #10x10 . If you still have it, could you link it or email it to me? BradLBrubaker (at) gmail (dot) com
ALSO, it should be noted that I only "remember my youth" more or less in the way that an anxious person wakes up in the middle of the night remembering an awkward or stupid thing they said, ahhahaahaha. ha. ha.....
Ever heard of a RHETORICAL question???? ;)

(no, but seriously, as always, thanks for listening and the comments EVEN IF they disrespect [backwardsK]orn.)
That is a mighty fine set-up! What are savings for, if not for tiny guitar amps?
I am relieved for your neighbours! (assessing sound insulation is part of my job, hence my concern for them, though I tend to use quite big amps!). What are the tiny amps? And how tiny is tiny?
Thanks again for the recent comments...!
Thanks for the kind words about Jacks. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
Hey Vom! Thanks for stopping by. A new city? I thought you bought a house a while back. Hope to hear some of your songs. Would a new vowlsounds number be too much to ask for?
Oddly enough the high notes are easier. It’s the mid-high ones that are tricky
Loll, I really thought I could fuck with that "Everlong" riff enough to make it sound more different, but lollll it just kind of stuck as is, on account of I'm not a very good guitar player. Whoops!
Ha ha. What better way to test out your neighbours tolerance ;-)
Ooo welcome back mate, can't believe you've left the bright lights of Matlock for the brighter lights of Nottingham. hope its going well in the bigger smoke matey
Hey Tom! Looking forward to some new house influence in your tunes this year! Actually, 'new house' could actually be a genre, is it? Not sure. I'll leave it with you!
Once more into the breach! Y'all have a bunch of fun now.
Hello! Thought I would give FAWM another go. Looking forward to hearing your songs!
Looking forward to your moving tribute to Alien Resurrection
Vomilicious *nods*
Ahhhhh, yes, we should definitely release it as a single! We can have that conversation whenevs, though. I GUESS moving and stuff is more important ;) Hope you're well!
Hihi! Looking forward to your stuff as always! "Cool Kids" remains one of my favorite tracks I've ever worked on, so I'm just saying, if you want to plan a collab this month as a birthday present....it's only, like, a REALLY big birthday...no pressure or anything... ;)
Well here we are again! Let's get a date in to do one in person!!
Hello, you!
Fair play. I'm not even mad. If anything I'm jealous I didn't think of it first
Hey! 👋🏻
I'll be honest, I had to Google it. Didn't even verify so I apologise if you write a song with a downtempo EDM beat and soaring vocals, only to find London Grammar are actually from the capital, as one would assume.
I'm here! It's me, I'm important (y)
I'm fully expecting your move to Nottingham to bring out the Sleaford Mods, London Grammar, and As December Falls out of you
Vom! have a great fawm!
Hey hey, happy FAWM!
Welcome back! I hope we can work together again this year. Everything sorted out with the move? (are moves ever really sorted out?)
Hi Tom hope you’ll have a nice FAWM, would be fun trying to finally do a collab with you if you’re up for it…but no worries if you’re not