
Adam Follett






2025; FAWM #15

What's new this year? I bought myself a Behringer Pro-800 the other day. I think more importantly however, I had a bloody tidy didn't I? Chucked out some rubbish which means the things that aren't rubbish are easier to reach.

All my previous FAWM albums are here: adfollett.bandcamp.com.

I also launched my side-project properly last year and made a couple of releases that were all FAWM songs, including an EP with @judypie! spookmuziek.bandcamp.com

Influences: Wet Wet Wet, Enrique Iglesias, Black Eyed Peas, Death Grips, that kind of thing




Both—delays, synths, modulated fx
Adam, thank you for your words of support and glad you enjoyed Thinking of you. Cheers!
Cheers bud , and yes they are guitars on the intro I wrote it with bah bah bahs vocally in mind , but at the time flu had paralyzed my voice so I got all in lazy on my own ass and fiddled with some guitars trying to make them like vocals 🤣. Just been listening to more of your tunes in car , which of course I’ll scribble on later. You got some real ear candy this year dude 🤩🤩
Thanks for the kind comment on Pedestal! SO honored by the Joni reference ❤️

The piano is indeed a VST - it’s True Keys by VI Labs: https://www.vilabsaudio.com/truekeyspianos
thanks! I've just been going crazy with littlealterboy on everything, that's my secret sauce this year haha. I'm way behind but will catch up on all this good music asap n I'm really digging what you're putting out this year, as always
Haha, this kids love goat simulator! Did you know there's a new one, Goat Simulator 3 (despite being the second!)? We've not jumped on board yet - waiting for the inevitable sale!
Re: "How many tracks have you got on this one?" - I think it's two guitars, three casios, drum machine, single vocal. pretty restrained! Those casio sounds can really fill out a mix though. Also re: "lo-fi but not forced", I did kinda just stick a cassette plugin on the master 😅
expect me too!
Haha that’s good cos I totally felt the chilis vibe when I did it! Was only a rough take and then sapes decided to use it but i actually really like it 😁
I keep coming here to listen and remembering that for some reason my desktop browser won't show soundcloud links. So I'll have to comment when I'm on the john or somesuch. Thought you'd like to know
Hey, thanks for the book recommendation. I'll add it to my audiobook listening list! Should we be considering another collab at some stage? Or is it too early in the month for such nonsense?
The product of a diseased mind I imagine! 😆
Lolll because we're just all a bunch of silly billies!

No, but I mean, something about just strumming the guitar going all "look ma -- no hands!!" and have it make a pretty chord is just so satisfying, who could blame us for being such silly billies?
Tell me about this ‘Can You Feel It’ song? Googled it and saw Jacksons? Is that it?

Looking forward to catching up here.
yup, backwards horn samples :) and then I think I kept em right-side forward in some places haha
Thank you for your feedback on my last one. Having the bass, guitar and vocals all follow the same melody is a bit much, so I need to fix that. Also I realised I'd turned off all my vocal processing when I exported it, hence the vox being too low, which I have now fixed and updated.
Just the usual EADGBE
Excellent!! Send me something and let's finish this ep hehehe
Thank you so much! "Fog is Chinatown" is my favorite creation so far this year. Interestingly, I sing less then usually at the moment, but since last year-ish I feel like I finally found "my singing style" and I try to milk that lol. I have a new DAW and interface, lots of struggles, but it probably pays off.
I'm so behind this year with my listening. You are on my list as well!
hey friend, up for getting in another tune?
No that's not me. It's Toni Storm (a wrestler) who I've been dating for a few months now after she saw me in the crowd and demanded to meat me. True story! *ahem*
Anything can make a good show, and it doesn't necessarily need a live band for sure. I get a few comments saying I'd be better with a live drummer, etc. Case by case. I'm a believer in playing to one's strengths, and I have seen great singers perform with a lead vocal on the backing track, and frankly I find that disappointing, but I don't know if that representative of the industry. I often liken a great band to a football team; there's something beautiful in seeing a group working well together in harmony. Or to paraphrase Eugene Levy's character from American Pie, flying solo is like hitting a tennis ball against a wall; it's fun, but it's not a game.
Omg I think I have seen or heard this before but blocked it out, omg I'm dying now listening to this I'm dead RIP me 💀💀💀💀💀
Lollll, I know, it's awful. I feel like this concept albums is becoming me writing the millennial version of "chili dogs outside the Tastee Freez" 😭😅
Ha, the intention when I sat down to make a song based on this film was to write a song in the same ilk as the power of love! It was immediately apparent that I could not get close to capturing that vibe so went for something much less grand instead 😛
Halloo friend!!
..plan? 🤣
hahah I just took a sec to get online, hey!!!
It's because I start at midnight on the 1st every year and then sit around with my thumb up my arse waiting to post. I fell asleep this year and missed the opening of posting, whoops!
it's the black sludge that would end up ruining your corp shoes https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Corp%20Juice
Always looking forward to your excellent tunes :)
Glad to see you back for another fourteen rounds.
Bless ya! I'd completely forgotten about that, I need to listen to Listener again! Have you got anything in particular you're wanting to do this fawm?
As always, super excited and can’t wait!!!
Hey!! Welcome back! We'll see if we can manage it because we've had a lot on our plate. Hopefully a song or 2 at least and can check out what you all are up to! Happy FAWMing.
Hieeeee I'm here! Lower bandwidth than normal, but still gonna splash around.
Happy FAWMing!
Why are you posting a link to all your previous FAWM albums? Nobody gives a shit.
Happy 15th!
hey, welcome back for another FAWM!!
I read that “hey heeeeyyyy” in the voice of Babu Frik (the only good thing about the worst Star War)
Ahoy ⚓️
Hey! Yesss I'm making music this year! Looking forward to hearing what you have in store as always.
happy fawm!
Do you wanna come and have a bloody tidy round mine? I can't be arsed. Also, hello.
Cheers Ad! Looking forward to what you do with those influences. May god have mercy on our souls.
Ad! Hey let's make some original music for a change and stop ripping off old farts
HI AD!!! Happy FAWM!
*waving back* hey :)!
Yay! Happy FAWM! I hope you have lots of fun and looking forward to hearing what you make this year.
Hey dude!! Thanks -- looking forward to your musics, as always, too. :) Let's see about trying to get on each other's dance cards this year, if possible!
Definitely something to be said for the sound effects you can get from chains and old gear fed wooden contraptions. All off camera from the drummer, of course.
once I fully commit lol

I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
What's up!!
I didn't even know two of those were from Nottingham! I'll get to work on emulating their sound(s) immediately. Gotta fit in!
Ad!!! Happy FAWM to you. I hope all your musical dreams come true. Can’t wait to hear.
Are those influences to stick pins in your eardrums?
( ̄ᗨ ̄)~♪⁎˚♫
Hi Adam—happy FAWMing!
Hello Adam 👋🏻 I've changed my handle this year - finally freeing myself from a name that hasn't made sense for nearly 15 years!
Awright me old ... no I can't.

Hello. Nice to see you. To see you, nice.
Spookie! Howdy!!
Yo yo yo yo Mr Ads. Can't wait to hear your chesy creative magic this year. I am firmly in ENGLAND LAND for the entire FAWM. Bring it on x
Welcome back!
Oi! looking forward to being insanely jealous of your skillz 🙌❤️
I always wanted to be in a band with you, but your musical influences are just too deep for me, man. I cannot comprehend the depth. Stop that depth.

Also I love you, and let's gooooooo.