
Chris Harris

@headfirstonly Mod





I'm an old dude who is absolutely obsessed with music and trying to create tracks that teenage me would have loved. That's it, pretty much. Anything else that happens is a bonus. Some of the bonuses recently have been pretty darn special.
I've been playing synths and electric guitar for forty years or so and I've been an Ableton user since version 8.

This will be my twelfth Fifty/Ninety. Taking part in this challenge has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I hope it'll change yours, too. In 2022 I went a bit crazy and wrote or co-wrote 117 songs for the challenge. So many people asked me, "What were you thinking?" that I wrote a book to try and explain myself. You can get a copy here:

I have a music page on my website with my discography, gear list, and much more besides:

My influences are many and varied, and are listed here:

I'm also on Twitch:

I've no big vision of where things are going to go this year other than the fact that I will be steadfastly steering clear of using AI, because where's the fun (or sense of achievement) to be gained from that? I just know that I will be focused on enjoying the journey and the music made by my fellow human travellers.

"Leonard Cohen meets prog" - PROG Magazine
"The Bob Ross of prog metal" - ductapeguy

Chris Harris



Thanks for your comment on Gamma Quadrant. Amok Time is a great episode. I had forgotten the music to the fight scene, so I looked it up. I don't know how I forgot it. The first few notes instantly reminded me. It's a great piece.
Thanks. This phrase I've got from "same old song" forum topic which pointed me to that rewrite thing.
Thx for comments on "The First Stone" Much appreciated. A can tell that this song is for a project. Probably with some screaming vocal I hope, and a trumpet player from jazz education. So it is a invitation to some friends to take it further. You have been really busy yourself I can see. I will listen to you`re songs asap. I enjoy you`re musical style, and you have so much songs for 5090. This is gonna keep me up for a while, but I promise I will do.
Zero degrees Celsius!?! Wow, that must be early for you? Not quite those night temperatures here - yet. We have the End-of-Summer feeling though. Thanks for listening and commenting ” Summer Was Here”. Except for adding new elements for half of the ”song” there was some applying of an assortment of Audiomodern’s randomized sound mangling plugins and the odd LABS sound (I assume you belong to the technically interested part of the community ). The guitar and unison piano were played and recorded in real-time, though.
Thanks again for your comments. I am now truly in love with the Roland. I spent the day at Andertons in Guildford trying out all the keyboards and couldn't justify double the money for the full Fantom. And yet...mRoland (and any manufacturer) always leave you wanting more. I love the Supernatural pianos on my version of the Fantom, but of course wonder about the V-Pianos on the top model....plus the top model has just had various sound expansions added. Ahhhh, but there is always more! (But then you know this already 😆 )
Thanks for the comments on 'Wow' - Got the Squire bass about a year ago, it was an e-Bay bargain - needed a bit of TLC and a new set of strings but scrubbed up well.
Thanks for the nice comment!
Thanks for your comments on my recent tracks, appreciated! I've never tried to get to 50 tracks before, managed about 25 in each of my first two attempts. Doubling that amount feels like more than double the effort.... But it has been quite a learning experience so far. For me, 4 more to go.
Thanks again for comments!
as weird as it may seem my wife and i stopped in the NF about 3 years ago and we were sure we saw a few! we thought we were going crazy and looked it up and the other sighting seemed to support it and as you would guess we are pretty expert at recognising a wallaby.
Wow, it looks great indeed! 😯
RE "Lana's Lament" - the guitar sample arpeggios were the starting point. Percussion is djembe samples rather than bongos. But bongos would definitely have done the job as well.
I can't take credit for inventing the 'ragebook' term, so yes and LMK how you put it to use 😂 . I first heard it from a friend (and musician/songwriter).
Thank you for the comments on Skipping Stones. I had a ton of fun mixing it and it's something I hope to do a lot more of down the line. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the awesome and thoughtful comments on my track! Super kind of you! I'm off to visit some of yours!
Thanks for your appreciation of the mistletoe song. I am a huge fan of "titular" in the muse. The topics that appear are wonderful jumping off the page inspiration.
Thanks so much for the insightful comments about Miss Anthrope. I really enjoyed writing that one. And thanks for taking the time to listen!
Thanks for busting my zong!

It's been a while since I played any electric and recorded anything, so played to my strengths - kept it simple, kept it grungy.
Thank you for your kind comments on "Leto's Oath"! Much appreciated. I agree, I think the Atreides were (intentionally) painted into a corner with no way out by the Emperor and his lackeys. And the Bene Gesserit... I shall reserve my opinion of *that* lot.
Thank you.
Similar events in February are one of the main reasons why I've had to cut back my involvement with the site this summer. Very distressing and triggering. It's why I asked about a "block" feature in the Forums.
Hey thanks for commenting on Cloud Category Chris. Glad you like it!
Glad you like Andrés' detective adventure!
Thank you for the comments on Moonlight Rendezvous and the correct classification of "chiptune". I didn't know such a classification existed...thank you for that.
Well then you will have to visit South Africa todo some bird listening in Stellenbosch!
Hey Chris! Glad you enjoyed Slow Cavern. I'm impressed you DL'd it for later listening. Thank you so much! I'm planning on doing variations of the track at faster speeds (non-slothcore speeds of course 😆). And yes, those VSTs by HG Fortune are wonderful. It's unfortunate that he passed away, but it's nice that all his VSTs are available for free on archive.org.

See You In The Shadows…
Oooh, thanks for the explanation! Well, that works perfectly!!!
I used to send my voice into an external Fostex recorder a while back, giving each layer a slightly different reverb effect, then sending the Fostex to the DAW. My choirs sounded warmer (and dirtier) thanks to that. I really should do that again, but I'm not sure the Fostex still works, haha.
Anyway, your work on sound is always amazing. Thanks for sharing your recipes. 😄
Thank you for your lovely feedback!
I lost control over the number of tracks/elements long ago (most of my soundtrack pieces had 300+ layers). Happy to know that it's still lightweight compared to some artists. All hail Peter Gabriel! 😆
Hi Chris, thanks for the hugely supportive comment re: my piano. Thanks to the wonderful Pianodrome, restorers and music venue of Edinburgh.
Thanks for your comments on Cannery Canary! Did that real life Cannery Row match the novel? Or did Steinbeck drag it down? No wonder you didn't see any canaries. Fulfilling their purpose, they are all dead. <3
Thanks for your comments on "You Don't Live Here Anymore (Razzle Dazzle)!" I am proud of the "braille" line, and I'm glad to hear that others like it too.
Hi Chris thx for your comments and kind words and thoughts. Much appreciated Neil
Thanks for listening to "lost" !
AlterEgo is really an amazing plugin. And more importantly, it's free, which is even more amazing ! I'm learning about the possibilities with the text syntax. Hopefully I have some creative juice left for using it
Thx again for comments. And thx for technical advice. I can be even harder on low cut on Drone music.
Yes, I was unfortunate enough to watch the challenger "launch" live. Proud to be part of the reason the delay system was created...because honestly, not having a few seconds to kill a live feed is dumb.

Thanks a lot for the comments, you are made of at least 85 percent awesome. (You need room for system files and such)
Your comments on 'Into the Wormhole Room' brought me back to the composing chair, which I've been avoiding for a few days. Thanks much.
Thanks for the comment Chris. Cheered me up on an already good day. All the best t'ye sir.
Thanks, Chris, for the nice comment on My Elbow's on the Monkey. I've gotta get busy and listen to a few of yours, nice haul!
Thx so much for comment on "Construction". Someday I make an album like that!
Thank you so much for your kind comments on "Enchantment"! Much appreciated! :)
Ah, yes, maybe I should have had a bit of a build before springing on that midway change-up in “Thanks love, that’s low.” Good to know. Thank you!
Thank you for the comments, Chris. Summer semester ends this Thursday, and I owe you more than a few listens, a debt which it will be a pleasure and a joy to repay. 😄
Thanks for your kind words on my slothcore song 😊 Now I want to see an all-sloth version of Star Wars...
but it would have the l o n g e s t r u n t i m e e v e r .
thank you for listening to my music recently! Sorry I haven't been able to reciprocate yet. I love what you've done, too, and will find time soon. Hope your week is off to a good start!
Thanks for listening to 🤘
I'm glad you enjoyed it 😄. I'm experimenting with mixing lately, mostly fiddling
Thanks for your comment on "Dandelions and Henbit." That's given me the idea of getting a jig to go as the second tune in the medley. Maybe that'll even happen! yay.
Thanks for the comment on 'Cold Launderette' - I hadn't heard of Mr.Bungle before, so have checked them out on YouTube (and e-Bay) - sounds interesting.
Thx for all your kind words and positivity about my songs and collabs.
thank you for your comments on adios san martin. an you are right. sometimes you have to get out of the way and let the music speak. there was a point during which i was playing when i had to close my eyes and let my brain tell my fingers where to go, without imposing any of my own ideas upon it. and a strange thing happened. out popped the bass riff from a love supreme, and a snatch of the love theme from romeo and juliet.
Hey, thanks so much, Chris, for checking out Losing Your Beautiful Face. Essa's always life affirming lyric ideas don't always translate perfectly or fit easily into a musical structure, but this one only took minor tweaks to turn into something really nice. I'm sure he's as thrilled as I am that you found it appealing. Thank you for the kind words.
Anyway... interested in working on something with you on FAWM..mctown Send me an email address, and I'lll send more details. mctownmusic@gmail.com mctown
Hey, I want to thank you for all of your awesome comments!
Sorry I have not been returning them; for various reasons I am taking a break from the site for a bit, although I may be contributing to some collabs run by others. Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you!
Thanks for the comments on 'Hikikomori'. I remember the Stiff record label very well and still have quite a few of my old singles stored away - very complementary to be compared with the sound of that label.
Thanks for the comments on Strike of the clock. Quite the studio set up you have! Am so computer challenged
"...the path towards world domination becomes clear!" That is our next song title. Thank you for the inspiration!
Very well possible. Apart from the very rare 3/4 foray, this is my first real odd time signature piece.

So we ended up at the Crack funfair.

I mean, it's fun, and probably memorable....but I'm not buying the cotton candy.
Thanks for commenting on kick 'em jenny! It's weird how it turned out so proggy, at first I was sure it was going to be NIN through and through, whatever I did.
Thanks for all the support. I’ve been getting off of some medication and not been able to sleep so I’ve been playing a lot of music (for lack of better word) and I appreciate you taking the time.
Yeah, re: Rock Meal, it's a great realization to compare gt. Eventually my little musical aims to promote a better harmony with nature. Long road though.
Thank you for your kind comments on "Goonies Never Say Die"! Really appreciate you :)
hey thank you for all of the recent comments!! We got home from a weekend trip late last night and can't wait to catch up on things here today
Thank you for your comment!
Yeah, rear paws; you have a well trained ear!
Thanks for giving a listen to the linear drum song, and the reminder of which Benn Jordan video he mentioned it. I hadn't bookmarked it and was going to go back to look for it. You saved me some time.

Also, thanks for bringing up de-zonging. I never felt there was an opportunity to explain why I do it, so I appreciate getting the chance to do so.
Thanks for the listen and kind words on Through The Walls.
thanks Chris :)
Hey Chris, thank you for the awesome comment on Force Tranquille. Sorry, I always seem to hook you in with my #frippertonics tag 😆 But, I guess that's a good thing. I've been listening to a lot of Godspeed You! Black Emperor for the past year or so, so it's no surprise that a little bit of them is sneaking into my own music. Thank you. That's a huge compliment.

See You In The Shadows…
I haven't explored EZ Drummer or its extensions. Looks like some solid material. I'll have to add it to my kit when my wife isn't watching the bank account.
Thanks for stopping by "Bari Blues" - I think everybody "needs" one! I really wish I used it more often - but it is fun when it comes out to play.
p.s. Just now reading your write-up on your blog about the Masterclass. What a wonderful experience and thanks for sharing it :-)

(I agree with your comment about 'of all the studios to visit, this would be the one'.)
Thanks so much for your kind comments on "Smoker's Blues". I'll take credit for the rambling bass part, but not the drumming. That was a loop played by the late Clyde Stubblefield, most noted as the drummer for James Brown.
Hi, Chris! Thanks for taking "Impromptu" for a spin. I appreciate the extra ears on the mix as I'd totally flubbed adding a low cut on the CS-80 and a couple of the other synths. Brain fart in my haste to get it out quickly, I suspect.

As for the Solina, yes I've had a deep love affair with it for a long time. One of the first free VSTs I downloaded back in 2002 or 2003 had a Solina-ish vibe to it that I loved. I've considered getting the Behringer version, but I'm not sure it would be any improvement over Arturia's.

Also? Really envious of that photo in Real World Studio. That visit must've been a blast!
Thanks for the listen and comments on Fast Car -- and the recommendation, very kind of you.

The vocal synths will occasionally sing their own phonetic interpretation of the words input; leading to lyrical oddities. Sometimes that's annoying, sometimes joyous. 🤞
Thanks for the comments on my Requiem and Recovery. I hadn't realized the basses were so loud, guess I better check my setup. Thanks.
Thanks for enjoying my contribution to the Endorphin Apparatus. The first time since childhood I used an octave fuzz. This time in order to get some Princey solo sounds. Enjoyed it.
Dead Led, sounds like something more up your alley 😀
My friends and I used to mock those sorts of drum machines back in the day. Boy, were we idiots. It'd be very cool to get it up and running again, and I can't imagine that it would be all that difficult. Electronics can't be very complex.
The bass I used in Amber Rays... is this one: https://harleybenton.com/product/mb-4-sb/
Thanks for the comments (Wake Blind); apols for the nightmare reminder.

p.s. I see that Stephen W's on tour next year -- playing some splendid venues, by the looks.
For this mishap, you'll have to blame an expat friend I'm afraid. My sin was trusting him.

I shall update my knowledge, you have my thanks.
Thanks for your kind words regarding “Cowboy Trapped in the Blues”. Much appreciated!
Thank you for your wonderful comments on a couple of my tracks, Chris.

See You In The Shadows…
Thanks for your thoughtful comments about After the Party. Much appreciated!
Always be wary of a matey tryna put ye ta sleep wit' an accordion, laddie!!


I mean, yeah. An accordion makes as much sense for a lullaby as a Yorkshire accent does for pirates.

But we all seem to agree with the latter so.... ;)

Thx for the comments. This one just directed itself. I merely facilitated.
No, I didn't see the Steven Wilson comment, but someone feeling AI was that close to their own voice shows how quickly things are improving.
Thanks for your comment on "It's Not Raining".
You're right, I agree, the older I get the more I'm coming to value jamming with others. Or even collaborating with different people. I learn a lot from that.
I do use Ableton. That MOOD controller for it looks awesome. Definitely something I'll consider.
I don't believe I've ever hated where someone's taken my lyrics. Someone turning my words into song the sincerest form of flattery, regardless of the genre or the contributor's experience and recording quality. And most of my stuff falls into the shower philosophy category, which is at home in all genres equally.

Your version was very interesting, and threw in some welcome spice 22 songs into the mix.
Greetings, Chris, and thanks for the commentary on She Took Me For Granite. Gotta find a minute to check out what you got up to in that studio. Sounds really interesting.
Chris, absolutely happy that some of your bonuses have been that special: the picture of you in the big room looks awesome!
Thank you for listening
I think the volume problem is on my end.
Ah, yes! I remember your fb post … sorry. I mix up the fb names and the FAWM avatars sometimes 🙈

Maybe i got the chance to see him in October in Zürich.
Hi, Thanks for your insightful comments on "1981" and the actual distance in time. Unfortunately I do think most of us who remember that time are that old - al least in years. Our minds don't notice the difference until it's too late - if even then. ;)
Hi Chris, thanks for listening to my "Fermi Paradox" song. Bleak indeed.

Ah, Charles Fort.... an interesting character, for sure, but godfather to a whole host of modern conspiracists, flat earthers and Ufologists. 😉
Thx for comments on Short Story 1. Midge Ure you mentioned.... Maybe you try? hehe. Or write some ghost lyrics and I try... Hmmm. Anyway it is a good idea.
Thanks for commenting on “Forever Feels Like”. I know what you mean, Casio use to be the cheap, as in plastic kids toy, keyboard. But I think they have a solid gig friendly one with the Privia series. I have found that I can run a second keyboard on midi ch2 into it and play the internal sounds so it lets me play two settings at once! Add that to splitting the main layer and the drum machine built in and I’m suddenly a 4 piece band!
Hi Chris, thanks for your comments. Yes 66Gb was a bit of a shock. I bought Majestica in a recent sale, so a bargain really...I nearly went for the bundle which did include the Taiko Ensemble I think, and others, but restrained myself!
First of all: Nice to see you again. I am more relaxed to 50/90 but sure it is fun. Music never stops. And thx for comment. So we both gonna keep up the good work.
Thank you for listening to my song and for the warm welcome, Chris :)
I'll probably be posting here and there but I'll do my best as always. Gotta push myself a bit :)
Your way too kind Chris...but thank you. I am diving to your stuff soon...just out all day. Cheers
Hi Chris.. thanks for stopping by and listening.. yeah the JX-3P was my first synth! so glad you have yours... following you !
Thanks for the comment on 'Not Like 97'. Definitely not the hopeful atmosphere of 97, but I share that sense of a weight being lifted. Hopefully we now have some adults in the room (the Timpson appointment seems very interesting)
"trying to create tracks that teenage me would have loved" is a pretty good summary. Teenage me loves them, even though aged me is trying to do a multitude of things...
thanks for the kind words on "Edges" and for also checking out the YouTube video showing how I enjoy making my tracks these days!
Thanks for your feedback, and taking the time to engage constructively. I have taken your suggestion on board because the alliteration does sound better. And most of my songs get a comment in the vein of 'needs 10% more optimism', and they're usually right :)
Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Vision 3'!
Thanks for the brilliant haiku comment on Our Anthropocene. I'm trying to cast and manage the plot so that it's fun and chilling at the same time. What a great challenge music is!
The BBC library is pretty sweet for free stuff, huh? I think you were actually the one who mentioned it in a FAWM forum, so thanks! I am having fun learning how to compose. I'll never be a pro at it, but I like what I'm doing so far, and that's enough for me. Thanks for the comment!
Hey Chris! Happy 50/90!
Lets. Do. This.
Happy 50/90, Chris!
Have a great 50/90!
Have a happy and productive 50-90!
Hi Chris, looking forward to the 5090 music explosion 😎
Good to hear, my friend. Back to the factory we shall go!
Hey bud! How goes it? How's that hand situation?
Heyyyy Chris!
Hope all is well and you're ready to prog another 50/90 to death :)
Have a nice summer!
Hello again. Have fun!
Hi Chris. I'm looking forward to hearing your proggy magic again. 😎
Happy 50/90!
Hey, Chris! Have a wonderful and productive 5090! 😊
Hey Chris! Have a great 5090!!
So glad to be back with you here! You're an inspiration!
I'm looking forward to hearing more of your awesome music!
Keep on creating, Chris! It's a wonderful thing.
I bought your A Grand Adventure book during this past FAWM, and it's great to draw inspiration from for this upcoming 50/90. Like you, "[t]aking part in this challenge has changed my life for the better in so many ways," and I hope (and expect) we'll both have another terrific summer music season!
5090 time! Let's gooooo
Hey Chris! Boy, this came around fast this year! 😀
Have a great 5090!! Loooking forward to some tasty tunes from you this year
Ooh yes that would be great, I saw your post in the forum about it and meant to post a reply, sounds mad! Perfect for a third Uncle Rick collab! happy 50/90!
Have a fruitful 5090!!
All the best for 50/90 this summer Chris!

See You In The Shadows…
Hi Chris, happy and productive 50/90 🎵