
Wobbie Wobbit






2024 is my 13th 50/90
I write some #comedy songs, some just whatever songs (most usually have at least a "gentle #humour ", some are more "serious".), sometimes a kids' song and maybe some short instrumentals, spoken word and sketches. I like writing songs about everyday things. This FAWM I would like to focus on writing more songs that I can perform live.
Some songs are recording-only songs that I couldn't possibly do live but I also try to get some "keepers" for live gigs.
I have no idea what will come out of this 50/90 and I'm looking forward to some games, skirmishes and challenges.
Most of all I just like being part of it.


AI Bio! "Wobbie Wobbit is a warm, witty female songwriter from Tottenham, North London. With a unique ability to find the extraordinary in everyday things, Wobbie's songs are a combination of comedy and human observation. From the humour in the everyday to the deeper connections we all share, Wobbie's clever wordplay and relatable lyrics have made her a favourite among audiences. As a live performer, Wobbie is a natural on stage, and in addition to performing at venues across London, she also runs Ramshackle Collective, an open mic night and creative community in Tottenham. With a sound that is truly unique and a live show that is unforgettable, Wobbie Wobbit is a true talent in the music scene and a catalyst for creative expression in her community."

2024 - That bio was from a thread in the forums last year to "Get AI to write your bio" And whilst it is more self aggrandising than i would write - i like it :)
Ramshackle has been running for 16 months now and has evolved a lovely little community, growing all the time as newcomers say "That's a lovely vibe you got going here, will definitely be back" kinda things. So get in touch any local (London N15) FAWMer cos we'd love to have you play!

songs from previous FAWMs and 50/90s are on my website:



I'm glad you found @sheslin 's and my collab, Fly Away, All, and that you took to time to listen and comment. Interesting that you wrote a similarly themed song in FAWM. I guess it's a common human feeling, and somehow, writing about it and hearing it in a song helps "process" it, as they say. Thank you for your note.
Thanks for the kind words about Working From Home. I appreciate it!
Hey! When you're ready to send on tape 6 just drop me an email and i'll reply with an address :)
Thanks for your feedback! I didn’t like that word either - I like live - great idea, but @val just put the original lyrics to music and did it so beautifully that it sounds good.
Thanks for the comment on my rock opera song!
thanks for your comment on the church song. Most churches give me the creep, but these humble little neighborhood churches are more like community centers. they serve a function for weddings and funerals and they dont preach or ask for contributions.
Just put some notes in our collab document.
Thanks for the "all the Bs", that made my day. That one came out a bit weird, but you just have to go with it, don't you.
Cheers Wobbie...more please from you...😀
Thanks for the comment on 'With These Hands'! Much appreciated!
thx for your comment - you were part of that story it was straight after i sent you the picture of the pub
Yes Wobbie, let's chat soon. I have time this weekend.
You mentioned on the Zoom call about doing a collab. What are you thinking of? I'd love to try something outside of my comfort zone.
oo. not that familiar with London; but it collides with football innit? off to the harry potter wizard or something now; sounds like fun though
Wishing you a great 50/90 Wobbie!
I wasn't able to follow FAWM very well this year, so I hope I will be able to get here more often! Have a great 50/90!
Hey there! Hope you have a productive 50-90!
Hello again. Have a good 50 90.
Howdy Wobbie,
Good to see you back here again.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090.
Have a great 5090 Wobbie!!!
Have a super awesome summer!
I can't wait to hear some banjo shenanigans!!
Wobbiiieeeeee happy 5090!
Hello for another year! Have a terrific, and productive, and fun, summer 50/90 season!
Yay, happy 50/90, Wobbie! It would be awesome to have another Ramshackle special! :)
Fun it is, you have some as well!
Yay Wobbie!! You're the best!
Yes very busy with painting my basement and mowing lawns .
Fixing my down spouts and painting my outside foundation wall...but I am almost finished the spring/summer maintenance thx heavens
Have a great 5090 Wobbie.
Hiya Wobbie! Good to see you again - as Uncle Rick has a new toy (an eight-string, Trey Gunn signature model Warr guitar that he has absolutely no idea how to play), d'you reckon we should celebrate it in song?
Great to see you here again!
Thank you so much for your warm welcome, Wobbie. Have a great Summer full of music and smiles :)
Wobbie! Have a wonderful 5090! This is the one where we're going to drop the most amazing collab! 😆
Have a great FAWM, Wobbie Wobbit! :)
Hello! Have a lovely summer! Hopefully I'll make it to Ramshackle to sing a couple of new things before the summer is out.
Happy songwriting!!
Hi wobbs!! Happy 5090!