Dora Maar
by @adforperu
Liner Notes
An acoustic guitar? Shakers?? A glockenspiel??? Wikipedia research???? What is this, FAWM 2013?!?!?!
*trigger warning - contains handclaps*
I wrote the lyric off the back of a chapter in Claire Dederer's Monsters: What Do We Do with Great Art by Bad People?, about Pablo Picasso and how he was mentally and physically abusive to his girlfriend Dora Maar. She was his 'muse' which gave him a free pass to do as he pleased as long as it made good art. She's quoted as saying "All portraits of me are lies. They're Picassos. Not one is Dora Maar".
#absoluteladwithaguitar #handclaps #acoustic
“paint me, i’m your girl,
am I not the colour of your pain?”
he’s a genius
so of course he’s no saint
and everybody says
she’s the weeping woman
who just so happens to paint too
you need her there, i know
“c’est la vie, mon beau”
black cat on her shoulder
black dog on the other
pulling this way and that
pablo, where’s your heart?
the weeping woman is dora maar
you need her there, i know
“c’est la vie, mon beau”
I’ve always thought Picasso was a cunt but he knew how to paint and he did buy Dora Marr a house in Menerbes in the south of France which I visited a few years back. It’s rather nice.
I love this song. It’s just brilliant.
Top bit of work here, if this is what handclaps bring, please more handclaps!
The lyrics have an almost French quality to them (to my ears).
Anyway, it’s intricate and wonderful like your beard ❤️
The lyric so so tight and poetic, each line a careful brushstroke in itself, a part of a broader narrative but so rich in its own colour and texture.
Edit: The lulluhlahs are my favourite part.