






Guitarist who's accidently (reluctantly) become a (not very good) singer songwriter having taken part in the Rhett Shull Green Room Challenges in 2019 and 2020.

As time goes on I'm finding myself really getting into the production/mixing/mastering side of things as well.

As for FAWM, been lurking on here since 2011 admiring others work (and commenting on plenty of them) but never quite plucking up the nerve to post anything.

Then in 2021 I made my first contributions . . . all two of them, I upped this in 2022 to a mighty 3 tracks and then in 2023 I hit the giddy hights of 5 tracks. What could 2024 hold . . . 6 tracks. Hopefully will be in a new home studio space for 2025.

Tried 50/90 in 2022 for the first time . . . . and managed 2 songs then in 2023 I did . . . 2 songs. 50/90 in 2024 will be interesting as don't if i'll have a space to "create" in or not.


Thanks for the kind words on โ€œ50/90 Is Hereโ€ ๐Ÿ˜