Pedal on the Spacebar

by @vomvorton


Liner Notes

Angry work song. Big round of redundancies out of nowhere after being taken over by a US company of low repute. I'm "not currently affected" because they're planning to get rid of the people who care about the job and work hard instead, fuck knows how they make these decisions.

Trying for #folkpunk but I don't think the energy is quite there. Very first-takey. Recorded it in a different room on an older laptop than the others, don't really know why. With apologies to REM.



that’s great, it starts with a handshake
then you get the disrespect
what the hell did you expect?
to be treated like a human? well for god’s sake
there’s no time for feeling fine
“please think of the bottom line!”

you signed up for stability, they offered you incentives
then somehow things got out of joint
when the game is fixed, you can’t play the percentages
the cruelty is the decimal point

you told yourself that you could make a difference
make the world a better place
put a smile back on your face
now you’ve learned to keep your fucking distance
turn your head, be silent
when the world turns violent

what’s the loudest way to quiet quit?
pedal on the spacebar, move the mouse
amazing things can happen when you least expect it
the winds of change took the roof off of my house

you signed up for stability, they offered you incentives
then somehow things got out of joint
when the game is fixed, you can’t play the percentages
the cruelty is the decimal point


My company has also been bought out by a US firm and has made redundancies. They are also shutting the Derby office this summer and forcing us to commute to somewhere near Hucknall! So I think I identify with your anger. And the need to bass solo.
Love the rhythm on this one. It feels a bit like a Tullycraft song. Sorry about the situation. I, too, like the 'roof' line, but that last one lands hardest. You don't want to name this company of low repute?
Good REM reference at the top. Good folk punk energy here with a sorta Western solo. Favorite line: "the winds of change took the roof off of my house"
Nice bass solo. Love the anger coming through, feels folkpunk to me. We must have some parallel thoughts because I'm currently working on a song where I also cribbed some REM lyrics. 😄
That sucks big time. The news, not the song. The song is great - a slab of controlled anger, and I’m sure Mr Stipe would approve. “The cruelty is the decimal point” is such a good line - too much management by spreadsheet, making decisions with no proper understanding of consequences. Or maybe they do understand but don't care. I don’t know, but sad times. Hope it all goes ok.
well you've got the vibe you wanted . . . even if you think you hadn't

loving the bass being front and centre.

don't like the circumstances that cause this, but do like the outcome
Love the punk feel of this, like it's the appropriate response to office management fuckery. Great bass line in this. Well crafted lyrics too.