The End of Self-Improvement

by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

This is a quickie just to get the concept down. I had a certain rhythm in mind for the lyrics. It was hard to find actual words to fit my nonsense template. Probably the only lines that ring true to me: If you/I find me wanting, then wanting is me. I have thoughts for a "bridge" which would take me back to the first verse melody. I'll fix it all when a band appears


Fade into days
Irrelevant days
Finding my way
Without the this and that of wanting to be
Flight into night
No more irascible light
Just maybe setting my sights
Without the this and that of wanting to be
The end of self-improvement
Is motion without movement
There’s no getting up
Getting on
No wanting to be
No vainly pounding pavement
No vaguely sweeping statements
About getting up
Getting on
Or wanting to be
Still, if you find me wanting
Then wanting is me

The end of self-improvement
Is oh so unassuming
There’s no getting up…wanting to be
We all came here naked
Leave facedown on the pavement
No more getting
Getting on
Or wanting to be
You won’t find me wanting
When wanting is me


I like this one a lot! Forgive the comparison but it is like Blur recorded a song with BNL. The lyrics are incredible. Great song.
Love the quick rhythm of the way you sing "wanting to be" (among other phrases), there's a fun mix of laid-back pop vibes and urgency here.
So catchy from the first note, this is full of earworms. I love the clever lyrics and your delivery. Agreed with @ttg105 about the naked/pavement line. Listened twice and wanted a third, but time for bed so I can get up and get on.
You pack a lot into a minute or so! Jaunty tune with excellent lyrics that almost bounce off each other. The naked/pavement line is my favorite. The whole song could be about death. Love the "bom boms"!
I love the backing track here, and as Bill said, the song is snappy! The words really resonate with me, and you've pretty much nailed the idea of self-improvement.
Yeah we have the whimsy and pretty music with some hardcore lines there! Well to my reading anyway! Almost subliminal!
I appreciate the sentiment. I really like the the repetitive line "wanting then wanting..." and the "duh duh duh duh die" in the chorus? Bridge?
that's a snappy tune i like the way you go up on some of the short line rhymes. it sets up a false sense of whimsy that draws those in who are looking for a good time. but the conclusion is really rather morbid its "face down on the pavement" climax. even though i saw it coming, it was still a thought when it was explicitly stated. the third want made that line but i wonder if you started with two and then added the third in a spontaneous gestures.