Dumb Questions

by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

I don't know, I just sort of through composed the thing and tried to figure out what to do with it. Lyrics almost make sense to me


Do the dead ever ask
Do these jeans make me look fat
Do they run from lightning
Or [do pratfalls] just for laughs
Is the past really past?
[You know] if you thought to ask
You can’t run from lightning
You know how long absence lasts
I know
You know
Things that we don’t know
We might as well ask why flowers grow
(I know things that I don’t)
We might as well ask where flowers go
(You know things that you don’t)
We might as well ask
Do these jeans make us look fat


You're the king of making the oddest lyrics make total sense. (I wish I could.) The subtext is so rich. That melody turns the heart. And then this turned my head, "I know, You know, Things that we don’t know" BOOOOM.
I love "Lyrics almost make sense to me" in the liner notes. Some lovely vocal melodies and intriguing lyrics. The last line is my favorite.
I concur with a previous commenter that the lines in the round parentheses are done in a very sticky catchy way.

This is both funny and wistful. I like the contrast between the question about flowers and the question about jeans. I like how they're both questions we can't really answer.

Awesome work.
Interesting premise for the words. Original packaging and delivery.
The line "You can’t run from lightning" perks my ears up because I was just taking notes on lightning strikes yesterday and writing them into my songwriting notebook. It's such an exciting image/metaphor/real occurence. I like the whole song but starting with "I know, you know..." to "You know things that you don't" was my favorite section.
Great opening line! I briefly considered trying to answer all of the lyrical questions in my comment but then I realised I don't know any of the answers. I enjoyed the song though, as always.
I gather from your liner notes that the lyrics are kind of stream of consciousness, but you have a tremendous gift for off-the-cuff crafting of lyrics that feel important, like if I could just unravel them all, I'd have the answer to some Great Question. A delight, as always.
you often discover whimsical ways to ask the unanswerable questions. i guess because they are all rather ridiculous in the first place. i must have been asked "do these jeans make me fat?" over a thousandth time. and i always must answer no, whatever the truth is. i wonder if that is how prayers are answered.
"We know how long absence lasts" beautiful...
Good questions here!
Especially the first two lines in which you pointed out the question: what is really important in life?!
May we better asked why flowers grow and where they go!
And keep in mind that there are a lot of things we don‘t know!
Yeah everyone wants an answer to everything! Musically different to my ear! Ooo I think I get this one :-)
Always so calming to hear your voice. Great line - "do the dead ever ask do these jeans make me look fat" - lol! Half the time I don't know if my lyrics make any sense - it just all comes to me, for better or for worse. In the zone in the moment and later wondering what that was all about. So I love the questions you ask.
I like the call and response of "I know things you don't." The chord change when you get to the first "I know" is great. I like the riff during the verse too