A Truly Impressive Pile of Rotten Cheese

by @berni1954

Skirmish: A Truly Impressive Pile o... (@ajna1960)
A Truly Impressive Pile of Rotten Cheese

Liner Notes

My response to the "Truly Impressive Pile of Cheese" skirmish
I am sure I won't be alone in going with the "cheesy" interpretation of the word cheese ๐Ÿ˜œ

INSTRUMENT Cheap Pineapple Soprano Ukulele


(F) We have only a limited time to devote to (Bb) leisure
So when we (C) choose a film it must bring us both (F) pleasure
But the one we saw last night really failed to (Bb) please
It was a (C) truly impressive pile of rotten (F) cheese

(F) I lost count of the clichรฉs at a (Bb) hundred
How(C)ever did this get made? We both (F) wondered
We won't ever come back for a re(Bb)prise
What a (C) truly impressive pile of rotten (F) cheese

When we (Bb) fancied a comedy that (F) night
We were (C) hoping for some laughs to put things (F) right
But there (Dm) wasn't even a single smile in (Bb) sight
That script should have been re(C)jected out(F)right!

(F) Whoever told that actor he was (Bb) funny?
His (C) salary was surely a waste of (F) money
And we could have been spared that gross strip(Bb)tease
In that (C) truly impressive pile of (F) rotten cheese



Nice one! I think the first verse just sets it off so well. It's like you were forced to write a song about it because of your extreme disappointment :)
Oh I love your take on this prompt! So funny, especially the last verse. Bravo!
Nicely done prompt response. It fits with my opinions of several over-hyped, big budget movies I've watched in the last year. Love how the uke works with your voice.
Oh my quite a different take on the prompt lol excellent ๐Ÿ˜€
Amazing skirmish response! The uke fits the mood youโ€™ve created very well. Sadly, even the worst movies get recommended by someone. Sometimes even a friend.
Such a charming uke sound, and your bemused voice really sells the fun, low-stakes story. A real feel-good song!
I love the Dm in the chorus that refreshes the chord progression just at the right time to perk up the ear.
Catchy uke here! And I like the way you work the title line in.
Ha! Great storytelling music. Loved it.
Well-structured; I like how you've worked the title in as a refrain. Very nice, all around.
I love your take on the skirmish prompt! A movie review! And a rating of "a truly impressive pile of rotten cheese"!! Your lyrics are really tight and fun to follow along with! And your vocal performance is delightful! A great skirmish effort!
Nice take on the theme! Great word play as well!
Well done, a wicked dancy tune with some great lines of melody. Nice.
You took the challenge to another level. When I read the title I was thinking of stinky cheese that you forgot to put in a proper box... instead it's about bad movies. Both are bad. Well played!
Ooh this is a great take on the prompt! ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ๐Ÿง€๐Ÿ˜ƒ and another Uke ๐Ÿฅฐ
This is some lyric to come up with in that time, both clever AND funny. Allied with a bouncy catchy tune - winner! ๐Ÿ†