Hi, I Hate It Here
Liner Notes
I wandered too far away from the skirmish prompt to post it as a skirmish and I could see this draft becoming more than one song, but we'll see. Still can't sing, so #lyricsonly until I can.
This one's not about a narrative/story and it's certainly not meant to capture how I feel overall about life. It's more abstract/emotional, about a moment or a season or a sliver of time.
Sometimes you have to walk the escalator up
It works okay, if stopped
But still I'd rather not
Hi, I hate it here
And the tears I keep crying in churches
Lying on graves
Falling apart on a long walk home
Feeling my eyes as they glitter and swim
Oceans of loneliness closer to skin
Than to bone
And as cold as the snow
The lilacs in my head when I remember Then
The dreams I had last night
I wish I were asleep again
Hi, I hate it here
And the tears I keep crying in churches
Lying on graves
Falling apart on a long walk home
Feeling my eyes as they glitter and swim
Oceans of loneliness closer to skin
Than to bone
And as cold as the snow
We, becoming diamonds if we live
Love like clockwork, like a kit
Stick us down with pins
Our peculiar expectations and our buried treasures
Our romances and offices and laughter
Our serious attempts at play, at leisure
Our deadly desire for Ever —
Hi, I hate it here
Hi, I hate it here
And the tears I keep crying in churches
Lying on graves
Falling apart on a long walk home
Feeling my eyes as they glitter and swim
Oceans of loneliness closer to skin
Than to bone
And as cold as the snow