






New-ish filker. No albums yet, but since last FAWM I've written about 30-odd (sometimes VERY odd) songs, most of them originals. Stephen King is my main fandom! (I also dabble in Star Wars, at least so far.)

You can call me Griff. If I've followed you, we probably met through FotLR 20, 21, or 22 this past year.

50/90 goals this year: 20 new Stephen King songs, 25 new funny/silly songs (because I tend toward ose and I need to fix that). I doubt these 45 songs will overlap at all, but you never know...

I'm on #filkhaven Discord as Griff (Discord: blankslate_12815).

(I used DrBlankslate as my name when I first started on FAWM.)

#teamexecutivedysfunction #filk #folk #singersongwriter


[avatar] collaborators
Hollywood Science by @robotkitten + @dr_griff #nsfw


I was sitting in bed about to go to sleep, but I thought it more useful and more likely to be seen if I commented here! I'd probably have tried to sing something myself if it hadn't been late on a schoolnight.
Yep. Been waiting until I did my version to listen and it'll take me a few days to get through them all, I think 😀
Thanks so much for commenting on "This Heart" -- I appreciate your thoughts!
Thanks for clarifying that The Mist was a Stephen King story you were telling. I do read a lot of Stephen King, and I guess I missed that one. (I still like your song!) 😀
Thanks for your comments on my lyric! I hope I get music like that for it.
Thank you for the comment on "Fall of the Phoenix." I'm glad the melodic shape worked as intended. It's always fun when I can work a story into that.
You are very welcome. Thank you for your inspiring prompts and support.
Thank you for your kind words.
Thanks so much for the comment on "Peter, Sew Your Shadow On" -- I also want to explore the light/dark binary. Why is light so often seen as good and dark bad? Could our shadow self be free in a different way? When is dark beautiful and just what we need? :)
I honestly don’t know why I typed uke. I listened again and I can hear it’s a guitar. Thanks for the clarification, though. Who knows - maybe I’m beginning to go slightly mad.
Thanks for the comment! I deliberately wrote it for the contest :). I doubt I'll come up with anything I'd rather submit. But there is time I suppose...
Re: Concealing the origins of a song--that's totally up to you. There's pros and cons to doing that, not least of which is that acknowledging a song is an homage to someone else's work can point interested people toward listening/watching/reading that other work. However, I wanted to say that I think this song is strong enough to stand on its own, without any explanation or reference, which is amazing because a lot of homages to other people's work do need people to understand at least a little about that work to be understandable or to be properly appreciated.
Thanks for the listen and comment on Hollywood Science, glad you enjoyed it
Thanks for your comments on “1981”. I guess time distorts one’s perspective and I’m not sure the world as a whole was better but for those of us who were young-ish it sure felt better.
thanks for your comments on the wordsmith collab. i was surprised that nobody else went to the obvious minor for the repeat of "in the rain"
Thank you, Griff, for the very kind comments about Names On a Wall. I think @greengirl really captured something there that still can resonate today and even with folks like you who were born later, but still experience the heartbreaking echoes of that war as a slice of history and its imprint on society.
I smiled out loud when you referred to it as a 'project'. I suppose it is, but it's one that evolved entirely organically. I was just trying to clear the cobwebs from my head.

Now we're here, I am genuinely amazed at how genre diverse all the different versions are. And how *good*.
Hi, Griff. I'm very happy that you enjoyed Names On A Wall. Thank you. It's interesting that you were only 3 yrs old during this time. It happened in a very pivotal time in my life when my friends were being drafted and put in mortal danger and there were angry protests everywhere, it seems. I'm glad the song made some of that more real for you, and that you took the time to let us know.
Thanks for popping by "Satan, No!"
Thanks for your comment on my run at "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain"— I hope we get more and more versions!
Thank you for your support. I appreciate it. I'm glad my piece could help you feel better.
Thank you so much for your kind comment on "Wash Me Clean"! Paranormal fiction is awesome!
@jibbidy34 - The comment was well-deserved! Your song is about a universal emotion, and it was a perfect start to my morning. Keep up the great work! (Nice to meet you too - you've got a follower now, because I want to hear more!)
Wow thank you so much for the listen and very kind comment on my first song :) nice to meet you.