It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain

by @newukenewyork · @stephenwordsmith

Liner Notes

“It's Hard To Start a Fire in the Rain” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 5

I think a number of us read these lyrics by @stephenwordsmith and heard them singing off the page. I know I did. I wonder how many different interpretations will surface? I wanted to create a melody that sounded classic, like something that harkens back to songs like “Simple Gifts” or “Hard Times Come Again No More,” and I tried to do something spare and harp-like with my ukulele.

I sang one word wrong but will fix that in the future. I didn’t mean to change the lyrics in any way.

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #collab #collaboration


Lyrics: @stephenwordsmith

There's nothing but the nothingness before the silver spark
That summons the illusions to illuminate the dark
The blood is cold, the spirit low, the mind a weathered plain
And it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

No matter how we wend the way, the first step's always trying
So armed with willing sticks of wood and will of well-wrought iron
And versed so well in what it takes to rub without refrain
But it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

So once again we set our soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die
To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain


This almost sounds like it could be a traditional hymn. The change up at the bridge is lovely and the parsing of the words there really gives the feel of the rain. Nicely done.
Classic, timeless arrangement yet there is a freshness to it. So many cool elements; the way 'well-wrought iron/and versed so well...' flow so elegantly, the finger-picking on the bridge, the triumphant feel of the refrain. I guess you were the first one to set the spark for the many iterations, beautifully done!
When I thought I heard all takes on these great lyrics, I found another one! This is a great take, sweet and mellow paced, like it!
Lovely slow pace, very solemn and sure. Gorgeous vocal.
You're right: we approached the lyrics much the same way - Searching for a classic style melody. Great singing and playing. I like the contrast switching from the strums to picking in the middle. Nice version!
This is the first version I'm hearing, after just posting my own- how sweet and melodic! great work on this fine lyric, and I love the way you delinated the bridge in a different picking pattern- nice melody and the whole thing flows well- great singing too!
a sweet and gentle hymn :) the pineapple uke supplies visual and sonic cuteness too.
Very enjoyable to listen to. The bridge is very effective. Great collaboration.
Such lovely and sweet vocals. I love the cadence at the end of each stanza.
Oh I love how sunny this is melodically, wonderful.
I like your lyrical cadence in this. It just floats along.
You’ve definitely created a ‘classic’ sounding melody here. A little bit Carole King, which is always a good thing, and a little bit like an olde English folk song at moments. Sounds awesome! The change up in the bridge is exactly what’s needed at that point.
the most creatively melodic of the interpretations is less set upon sustaining the poetic rhythm of the words than expandoing their melodic possibilities.
I enjoyed the gentle, philosophical spin. It's a lyric that could easily become maudlin and self-indulgent, but you sing with wisdom and equilibrium. The rain seems lighter here than most interpretations: barely an annoyance or an obstacle, but a natural way in which life might challenge you on the way to do what you must. The singer seems very at peace with this. Nice.
Utterly charming take on Stephen's marvellous words!
These lyrics are fantastic--and your vocal is, as always, just lovely. I wish I had those "melody skills". That's what I struggle with most. Great collaboration!
That lovely bit of vibrato in your voice on "rain" on the refrain is excellent. So dang good. I especially like your melody on the bridge as it's beautiful and a nice compliment to the verses.
This feels very folk to me (that's a compliment)! I can easily hear Joni Mitchell singing this. I like your melodic line and how you keep the uke really simple here. Great take!
This is the third take on this song I've heard (so far). This gives it a depth that echoes how Simon and Garfunkel might have approached it, if Paul had written it. Perfect vocal for this ambience.
Wonderful interpretation of these fine words!
Love to listen to your beautiful and clear voice!
Enjoyed this very much!
I confess, I read your liner notes and decided to try my hand at putting music to the lyrics too. So it took me a while before I listened, but I love your interpretation. Each word gets the emphasis deserved here. And I'm a fan of Simple Gifts, so excellent melody call back!
Lovely melodic line, Jenny! It's fun hearing these different melodies that jump out at each of us from the *same* lyric. So *happy* and major chorded, with a lovely change in the bridge.
Stephen's beautiful lyrics have been rewarded with a beautiful melody and voice.
Lovely ukelele and vocal delivery! Fun side note, I mess up words on my own songs all the time.
Lovely take on some wonderful lyrics.
i loved the lyric when i first read and commented on it and it. it felt darker to me, but the pace and delivery you have used works well. the change to trickle.... is very good!