My Baby Said I Have to Shave My Beard Blues

by @odilongreen

My Baby Said I Have to Shave My Beard Blues

Liner Notes

This was a super quick one. I initially conceived it to be a blues song. It doesn’t really sound like blues. It’s kind of jazzy. But not really. More than anything, it sounds like me. Which I’m OK with. 😀

Live-played baritone ukulele (run through some processing, obviously), programmed drums, keyboard-played bass and trumpet and piano.

And as I often do, here's a relevant AI-generated image:


#fuc #beard #blues


My baby said to shave my beard off
Or she’d be saying goodbye
She said to shave it right off
Or she’d be saying goodbye
And I’m not ashamed to say
It made this grown man cry

My baby said I had to do it
I’d look good if I shaved
Yes she said I had to do it
I’d look so good if I shaved
I said I wouldn’t feel good
I’d feel I’m in my grave

Well my baby said to man up
Or she’d be out the door
Yes my baby said to man up
Or she’d be out the door
So me and my beard
We left forevermore

Now me and my beard
Are far away from that girl
Yes my beard and me
We’re far away from that girl
Because women come and go
But beards are my whole world
Yes women come and go
But beards are my whole world


ha, fun one! I'm actually thinking of shaving mine as its all white (while my hair is still dark) but....well, I haven't yet, so we'll see. This is an entertaining and well done song and recording... the backing track has a nice blues/jazz vibe...
Clicked in for the title, and was delighted by your bouncy melody and bittersweetly amusing lyrics. Clever song — it works!
Quite charming! The colorful music is really candy for the ears, and the desperate vocals create such an odd feel -- it's like they deliver this message all the time, "don't kill me, please".
Deliciously ironic and elegantly bittersweet; I love how acurate the AI illustration is.
Very well done!
I noticed also that we posted similar songs within minutes of each other!
Your AI image cracked me up (especially that big crocodile tear!) - did you give the AI Image generator your lyrics?
And the song was fun - a good trumpet 'solo' in the bridge and the line "...are far away from THAT girl" Ha! Sorry, baby, but you've gotta go...😆
In your AI picture she's telling him to shave his beard, but the picture behind them hanging on the wall is A GUY WITH A BEARD.
My wife won't let me shave my beard off.
This is a great swinging tune about a distressing subject.
Yes, this *does* sound like you, which is always a good thing.
I'm glad the narrator made the right choice in the end.
This is very fun, put a smile on my face (especially since I have become distressingly hirsute over recent weeks). I really like the high , floaty layer to the chords - I guess it is processed uke? Also the idea of a man finding emotional fulfilment with his own facial heart is inherently hilarious.
Swing it! This feels like a bit of musical theater. Maybe you could write a beard-themed play. Love the instrumental interlude. Love the last two lines. (How about a song about a guy whose beard never stops growing. At some point you wouldn't even be able to see the man. He would just be an enormous blob of beard walking around.)
I like the melody. It’s got more of an AM radio vibe (I’m thinking BJ Thomas) than blues to me. The muted trumpet solo is a nice surprise! I love your dedication to your favorite topics — and your beard.
Another fun beard song. But, maybe a slighly more serious message underlying the fun story about loving someone for who they are and not who you want them to be. The jazzy, blues-y feel works really well.
I had a beard most of my adult life--and then I started seeing white whiskers. (Not a look I've ever gone for...) So it's been gone for decades. Takes 10 years off me, I'm sure. Lovely, lovely arrangement on these amusing lyrics--great job! ❤️
We can always depend on you for a good beard song. This is a weird and loveable bluesy-jazzy hybrid with great little touches (trumpet) and your trademark humor. I like the idea of a man choosing his beard over a woman. Glad to hear your own voice rather than an AI one!
it is definitely a blues, but an odilongreen blues, with a jazzy break. i like a blues with a happy ending.
Very good decision. So true, she is not needed. You and your beard - the way forward. Hopefully to meet someone who loves you both :) Brilliant song and performance. A pleasure to listen to. Very cool AI art.
Very fun blues! That solo is killer before the final stanza, which is a big “YESSSS” emotionally. Fantastic!
Ahhhh, brings back memories of the beard song arcs of the past. Glad to see it live on!
Pure Odilon but that's not a bad thing! There's a nice swing to the music, I like the arrangement and your vocal is nice and strong with that downward end line melodic figure being a nice touch. Glad the beard got away. No-one needs that kinda of bummer in their life.