







I like #indie #creative music but I enjoy listening to and making other stuff - how's that for non-descript?

Generally I prefer brevity over verbosity and quality over quantity. (50 songs is not likely in the next 3 months and I shan't be bothered about that!)
Some very loose goals: write lyrics that don't rhyme, write something verbose, write another acappella song, write music without lyrics.
Don't hold me to this stuff though 😬

After some very rough waters, life has evened out a bit. No more songwriting just to keep my sanity! But what a strange season. I still have a lot of questions, and questions, hopefully, make for interesting songs.

It's common that during FAWM/5090 either my parents visit or I get sick. Or both. I've enjoyed collabs in the past but I just don't have the time for it this year.



I have to say a big thanks for saying my vocals on Girl, Thank You make you think of Alan Jackson, even if only for a moment.
Pastors are generally the sort of folk who love to dig into Scripture and theology and find deep meaning. That's an introvertish sort of thing to do. I'm what you'd call an extroverted introvert. I need my alone and recharge time but I've learned how to play nicely in crowds for prolonged periods.
Thanks for the comments -- and apologies about the video 🙂 I'd lazily assumed everyone would be familiar with every episode of Fools and Horses! A staple of British comedy since, well, forever.
"Don't hold me to stuff" indeed. I like that permission to dream dreams without turning them into obligations to berate yourself with.
Thanks so much for your comment on "Too Pure" -- I definitely kept most of my crushes to myself and did nothing. :)
Hi, Miga...My autocorrect keeps arguing with me about how to spell your name! Thanks for visiting my page and commenting on Secrets Are Dangerous, my collab with @sheslin and @dgiarrap . I'm really glad you like it and I agree with you that Susan did a beautiful job with those harmonies...and the whole thing, actually, and Dominick's percussion track tied it all together. Thanks for listening and letting us know you enjoyed it.
Can I just tell you how awesome you are?

You're awesome.
Thanks for the listen and the kind words! Yeah, finding my local group has been so good. I’ve really been enjoying the pace of one prompt and song per week.
Thx for you comment on Bless the Lord. I am actually singing both vocal tracks in different ranges. have a fab 5090
Thanks for the comments (on Thin Silver Planes). Re: the modes -- although I understand the dorians etc. -- I don't 'use' them in my songs. I'd have to go back and pore over what I've done to fathom what's happening!

Although the vocal synths aren't everyone's cup of tea (understandably), I find they allow melodies & harmonies to be attempted that I wouldn't get near to with my own singing (hello, monotone!).

Hope you have a good summer!
Thanks so much for the comment on Barbaric! I actually didn’t have to do as many takes as I thought I would on those fast lines, haha.
Many thanks from me also, Miga.
Miga, I'm so happy to see you back here, and I'm glad you found my page and commented on Names On A Wall. Thank you of your kind comments. I'm really pleased with what Jeff did with the lyrics, and I'm glad you liked the result.
Have a great 50/90!
Yeah definitely! My local songwriting group is my main focus, and I just got a new job, but I will be trying my hardest to write 50 this year!
Hey 👋 Hope you have a great 50/90! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with this year!
Aw, you were in the Peg and I didn't get to say hi? Maybe some other time, I guess!
Hope you have a great 5090!