
by @miga


Liner Notes

They tore down the garage at the end of our block (which inspired this song) to build a new garage and supposedly a cafe as well. The whole house shook. Very impressive. This song is also about being able to sleep at night.

I read once that Apple's live loops are basically toys. I must say, they're fun toys.

Finally, because I occasionally listen to Fil on Wings of Pegasus (youtube channel), I've been abandoning pitch correction. It's good impetus to just sing better, after all. But then I have to listen to myself sing, with no help. Gah!

#fawmtronica #kindachill #howtofallasleep



are the earthmovers back again?
on the scene
the ground-shaking power plays
of big machines

pulling down the walls
upend the base
all this expended energy
to change the space

Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down to rest

Give it up
Let it go
Lay it down to rest

I feel the earthmovers stir again
too much noise
the ground-shaking power plays
of self-made boys

pushed aside the peace
dug up this fear
made me lose my sleep again
made it disappear

all the power and the purpose
they only scratch the surface
of a deep old earth
they do their worst
but there’s resistance
the unruffled insistence
that all things fade
all things fade:
power plays
not remembered
all things fade
all things fade

Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down to rest

Give it up
Let it go
Lay it down to rest


Woah, this is deeply funky! The vocals are soaring and heavenly. Love the chord choices! And yes, loops are tools, meant to be used. Worked out well here!

I love that deep bass groove holding it down
this is really dope!!! Great texture theme and singing! Very tasteful use of loops!!