It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain

by @davidtaro · @stephenwordsmith

Liner Notes

It seemed rude not to at this stage... 😂

I got a tremendous sense of hope (in the face of tremendous challenges) from Stephen's now very famous lyrics. So in an attempt to capture a bit of that sentiment, I went full #poprock #piano #ballad on its ass. I hope that's acceptable @stephenwordsmith!

With the guitar solo, I was trying to channel my inner George Harrison on Let It Be (again, seemed rude not to, given I'd already borrowed large parts of the chord progression...).

I've been absolutely blown away by all the various interpretations I've heard so far. Hope there's more to come! What an incredible community you all are 😊


There's nothing but the nothingness before the silver spark
That summons the illusions to illuminate the dark
The blood is cold, the spirit low, the mind a weathered plain
And it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

No matter how we wend the way, the first step's always trying
So armed with willing sticks of wood and will of well-wrought iron
And versed so well in what it takes to rub without refrain
But it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

So once again we set our soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die
To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain


Damn, Brother!!!!! I'm just tuning in after not being here at all and what a great place to land!!!!! I wouldn't wanna follow this act! @stephenwordsmith and @davidtaro this is epic work and worthy of being heard everywhere! The title alone indicated greatness and along with the rest of these brilliant lyrics would sit proudly among our greatest poets. David...what can I say. I have watched you turn into a mega producer, artist, singer, instrumentalist over the last few years to beat the band. You are SO there and the world needs to hear more of you, so get on it Mister!!!!! Bravo!!!!
This reminds me a little of Maggie May era Road Stewart. The backing choir in the bridge and the organ on the last verse are both really nice touches. Well done!
There are so many great lines in this song. And the melody and production are perfect for the lyrics. Terrific vocal also.
So soulful!! Wow, excellent take on the lyric David. I def here the George there in the slide stuff as well on the solo. Well-done sir!
Slow clap. What more can be said.
WTF is there left to say? This is just a great tune, even if you played in on a ukulele. And then you go and add all that other...uh...stuff :) Masterful in every respect
You just had to, didn't you David? Take this incredible lyric and match it with an equally incredible production that deserves to be in the pantheon of Greatest Tracks of All Time.
I get all the Beatles comparisons but let it be...this masterpiece is all yours (oh, and Stephen's too of course)! 👏👏👏
Wow! You just made it stadium anthem. I also was looking for a lighter ( a real one, not just a smartphone app) to join in the singalong stanza. Great performance on all levels.
Ah those signature vocals of yours! How I’ve missed them. This is deffo some George Harrison vibeage in the chords a teeny reflection of Image perhaps. But you make it ALL yours. Great interpretation of Stephen’s now famous lyrics!
Very powerful feel here with true feel for every word and every phrase. Brilliant powerful song sang and played with true passion and masterful and tasteful feel for each detail. You are a fantastic team. Love your song.
You killed this David, your voice is stellar. Well done!
Damn son, where's my lighter? I am not sure how I missed these viral lyrics from @stephenwordsmith -- maybe because I got started a little late with 50/90, but damn, these lyrics slap, I can see why they went off! Each line is soooooo wonderfully crafted, but this frickin' couplet, holy frickin' cow: "The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long / The shush of records broken on the promise of a song." I look forward to hearing the other versions! Though, of course, they've all got a high bar to clear from this one. These lyrics and this big, beautiful, power ballad production seem like they were made for each other. Beautiful chord changes and another great vocal and full production from @davidtaro. Fabulous stuff!
David, you have such mastery of music of all kinds, and you seem to always nail the exact vibe for each lyric. Very impressive. Steven's lyrics are so filled with imagery, no wonder musicians were coming out of the woodwork to put their mark on them. Excellent work, both.
Oh damn—— this is insanely wonderful for all the reasons already mentioned here as well as many others. Yes, I’m getting somewhat of a Beatles vibe, but also Elton John at his best as well —but even better, it’s you in all your melodic glory with smart and evocative production and performance choices. It’s been so amazing to hear all the different versions of this —this is, of course, a hit out of the park easily , and incredibly memorable as well
I quit. I’m clocking out. Seems rude to touch my guitars and microphones after hearing this. Burning all my writing utensils, changing my name and moving away. Perfect from start to finish. You do embody all the best parts of the Beatles but imho you’re much more listenable to my ears…that’s sacrilegious to some but hey, for me it’s not Beatles or stones…it’s David taro and those other fellas can kick rocks!

Beautifully written lyrics that David really knocked out of the park. In all seriousness it does bum me out that I could never make something beautiful in this way. In other more niche/specific/punk rock ways, but this seems way more universal than anything I could ever hope to make. Fantastic collab y’all. I’m just gonna go chase down some tide pods with low splash concentrated bleach and get it over with. Don’t mind me just step over me.

I bow at your feets yo.
great freaking scott -- this is AMAZING as a power ballad!!! the vox sell it.
A full pop-rock piano ballad is acceptable, yes. What is not acceptable is going back in time to force the Beatles to record the song and come back here trying to pass it off as your own. Credit where it's due, and all that, even if it's a massive supergroup and the wrong half of them are dead.

I have to confess that, a dozen different interpretations in, I've got such semantic satiation of these lyrics that it no longer feels like I wrote them. This is a good thing, because I am my own worst enemy when it comes to criticism. A one-man cultural cringe, in essence. People have been pointing out that your setting of the words shows such understanding and sensitivity that it feels like you (or the fab four) could only have written them yourself. For me, this is the sincerest form of flattery - to have written something that someone not only wanted to sing, but engaged with on such a level that they were able to bring out the music inherent in the lyrics, filtered through their own personality, style and experience.

The pop skill on display speaks to the universality of the theme - a stadium crowd could gather and all sing this with sincerity and feeling, united by the way they all relate to the narrator, to whatever extent that might be. It's a line of best fit between a million different experiences of the same struggle; every interpretation all at once.

I appreciate the effort you put in. The reward was great. Thank you.
The goosebumps on my forearm tell the story here. Played. It three times.
Ooh, the piano is so nice. I was thrilled to hear the track start that way. Pro vocals, too. One of my faves (don't tell anyone else) with these lyrics. Sounds radio-ready (in a good way, not cheesy -- just right).
I already caught Dr. Griff's version and enjoyed it very much. This is grand, David. The lyrics are so good, of course, and you've done them justice and then some. The Beatles are in there but not to a distracting level and it's just got so much, from the organ to the guitar solo, to make it magical.
DT this is absolutely epic! Beatles-esque, sure. But pure David Taro, definitively. On a production note, the introduction of the organ was subtle but so so effective. This is the first version I've listened to of these lyrics, I'll definitely have to check out others. But @stephenwordsmith these are so damn good it's no surprise this has lit a fire in the fawmiverse.
I was looking for something this morning. I found it. Let me elaborate like this: do you recall Paul McCartney's tune Coming Up? When it was first released John Lennon was supposedly quoted upon hearing said song that it inspired him to want to record again. What you've done here has given me hope, my friend. You are a freakin' force of nature. I appreciate this and the others who have offered their renditions of this stellar lyric.
I bow to your skills of bringing these lyrics to the way only David Taro to do them. They are over the top in the best way. You have such emotion in your vocals which is perfectly matched with the instrumentation. Love the chords at the tag line. Wow.
I love the keys, they sound great, but it's the vocal that kills the most. Great arrangement (a solid build which also reminds me a bit of the Beatles.) I really love that solo and it definitely feels Harrison-esque without being too blatantly stolen. There's not a version of this song that I disliked but this is one of my favorites.
Triumphant keys intro, and we are off to a great start with your amazing vocals. Oh that beautiful pause before the title line in the verse 😍 Great guitar solo - the playing, composition and tone are just right. The organ add to the final stanza gives me all the feels. Way to rock a ballad David - what a ride and I enjoyed every note. I am late to this party and have missed the journey these awesome lyrics have traveled so far!
I hear the influence but this is David Taro at his best! Lovely solo ! It dont get much better than this one! Kudos man - not forgetting where this lyric came from!
The Beatles got nothing on this. Those vocals are just killer. Love the anthemic ballad feel. Amazing job!
Well...another stellar performance..enough said!
I'm a bit late to the party so I haven't yet heard the other versions of this. Stephen's lyrics have really lit a spark and I'm glad they have. Great structure, rhyme and rhythm and an insightful message crafted perfectly. Goose bump inducing moments are when the vocals kick in with so much passion and emotion, the classy vintage guitar solo, the chord changes at the end of the bridge and the tasty organ joining in for the last verse. Wonderful piece with impeccable composition and excellent arrangement, delivery and production.
You win, David. I have liked all the interpretations of the lyric so far, but none comes close to what you have done here. If this had been a Beatles song, it be in their top 20.
excellent. i love the let it be style guitar solo. so tasty. amazing vocal take. this is an epic piano pop ballad. i haven’t heard too many of the interpretations of the lyrics yet but this feels like it should be THE version. if i don’t know that these lyrics were floating around i would have totally thought you wrote them for this song specifically, not that you wrote the music around the lyrics. it works so well
David, you've brought the musical gravitas to support Stephen's lyrics. All stops were pulled out. Positively amazing!
Awesome delivery of these beautiful lyrics. Those lyrics must certainly be the most used ones this 5090
Gave me chills! Your interpretation really gives life to the lyrics.