Mirror Man

by @headfirstonly Mod

Mirror Man

Liner Notes

A bit of #funk for a change (although I'm sure it still sounds like me). At under three minutes, this one is unexpectedly #short. I spent quite a lot of time on the drum programming on this one; there's Superior Drummer 3, NI's Action Strikes and Heavyocity's Damage 2 and a whole bunch of processing and automation. I also managed to make Ableton crash SIX times in the process, too. Once again reinstalling Nectar 3 seemed to fix that particular issue...


When someone goes
on the offensive
by being offensive
It's their inadequacies
making them
so apprehensive

All his attacks are just projection
All he can see is his reflection

Pay close attention to the faults he finds
They're how he thinks about himself
He might be senile and plain out of his mind
But he doesn't want us questioning his health

All his tirades
and temper tantrums
become a bore
His guilty conscience
isn't something
that he can ignore

Perhaps he realises
will save his ass;
Somebody really ought
to put the poor guy
out to grass


This feels like Funk that maybe Bowie would have done! Or kind of Prog funk? Going to have to dig a little deeper into your catalog!
Hm. It seems I like funk. At least when it is done like this and comes with good lyrics.
Yay, I like this a lot! Funky vibe, deep sound, a myriad of tasty adornments, compelling vocals... Who could remain indifferent?
Awesome song!
This is very tasty. Another vintage to-the-point prechorus! I love the break/bridge whatever it is starting around 1:40, it's a nice change but also great distillation/recapitulation of the feel of what's gone previously. The words are great, but I think you've grossly mischaracterised Gandalf. Can't you see? He's doing it for the little people, not himself.
Really interesting and apposite lyrics and the music is fantastic…so…⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is very interesting lyrically and musically. So much detail and contrast. Amazing arrangement
Get this out to all the folks who need to hear it! Maybe too funky for them. But not for me. Sweet.
love the expanse of this. something really thundering along down there! I like the contrast between the epic backing and production, and the straightforward, everyday lyrics/delivery at the front/surface. Nice one, oh and had me (chair-) groovin' along! yay :)
The percussion sounds sit really nicely, especially that snare/tabla/bongo (?!) pop. The subtle panning on the higher freq metallic elements helps them shimmer neatly too. And sweeps and shakers and, wow, wonderful detailing behind the vocals and bass. 👏
Chapman stick?! Such a rich rhythm section and arrangement. Nice PG low vocals for emphasis on key lines. Brilliant
excellent lyric and so much to listen to. very funky
You create a really vast sense of space and fill it with lovely sounds! Nice lyrics too.
Nice 80s vibe fretless bass line - (Took me back to the Pino Palladino heydays)
Considering that FAWM/5090 is a bit of a sausage grinder to get songs done, I'm surprised, nay, amazed, at all the work you've put into this track. Makes it sound really gooood.
love these lyrics. they are clever and wise in a Ray Davies kind of way. The funky music is a perfect way to sidestep such a comparison. the song reminds me of a time when funk music was exposing a lot of societal ills.
I would guess that although un-named in the song this has a particular target in mind. Like that short riser and then straight into the song for the introduction. Bass is super funky in that pre-chorus and I like the vocal effect there, too.
Great lyrics! Even as a German I got an idea whom this is about.
Love the bass playing around! Amazing guitar and really cool how your voice sounds so different!
A winner for sure!
What a great first line! I like the different vocal treatment in the pre-chorus chorus. I have a good guess as to who this song is about - at least for me it is a total match! Wonderful guitar and bass playing - great drums too. I am enjoying the funk! Oh I really like the musical interlude - very cool! I love this song!