
by @wobbiewobbit · @tny89a

Liner Notes

this started as a little improvised riff running through some presets in augmented strings VST. i went to save it under this title as it didn't exist yet. That inspired my friend Antonio, who sketched out some vocal ideas. I then picked out a couple of bits and cut and pasted away. I was going to post it earlier without my vocal as i liked it as a sketch but it does make more sense to be a "proper" song. bit of an odd first off the blocks one for me but i want to post something!
UPDATE: As from comment 6 i added a bass part.
#80s #90s #electrogloom


sometimes i wish that the world would just fade away
i have had enough of this terryifying cabaret
oppressive suffocating atmosphere in here
surrounded by a wallpaper of fear

sometimes i think i had better not fade away
better stick around and stand to fight another day
worries of the world running round in my head
when i get up in the morning i'm wishing i'd stayed in bed

non existent
leave your problem at the door
non existent
what are you waiting for?

sometimes i wish that this feeling would just fade away
times when there is nothing that anyone can say
i wish that i could just fade away

sometimes i think i had better not fade away
better stick around and stand to fight another day
worries of the world running round in my head
when i get up in the morning i'm wishing i'd stayed in bed

non existent
leave your problem at the door
non existent
what are you waiting for?
(you're a long time dead)



I like "wallpaper of fear." A perfect way to describe it. I also like the harms on "non existent."
Electrogloom is a new genre for my ears - and I love it! I am always drawn to contrasts in songs - and the crisp dance beat under the ethereal gloomy vocals is so very cool. Great lyrics - "terrifying cabaret" and "wallpaper of fear" really stood out to me.
Thanks for sharing how this has come together — interesting stuff. I like the reverb-y vocals and how they sound against the bouncing beat. Great groove here.
Ooh! Great vocals here! The beat just keeps carrying it along, especially with the repeating lyrics. Love the melody in the break and the chord changes. This is quite different from what I've heard before, and I need to hear a lot more like this!
Totally diggable. Good stuff playing in my speaker at 3:00 am. I love the harmony and nice beat you have going here. I hope to hear more.
Love the beat. Reminds me of Technotonic. The vocals are super cool. The harmonies along with the echo makes for a really interesting ethereal sound. The “non existent” bit reminds me of Cat Power a bit. And the lyrics are perfectly wobbie-riffic. Nice one!
Oooh, I like this a lot; I've listened to it twice so far! You're doing interesting things with your vocals that I've not heard you do before. The background chorus and the harmonies really open out the production. That big, fluffy ostinato bouncing from side to side, the dark piano droplets, and the filter sweep drums work all great choices for the accompaniment. Electrogloom is such a great label for the end result (and you really need to call your next album "wallpaper of fear" because it's a fab title.)
Can’t imagine a better match between lyrics and composition. Way to create a mood!
Love the tag elctrogloom and this one doesn't fail to deliver. Really getting the sense of being in a disco just dancing all night. The beat drops before the chorus and the non-existent delivery after was a favorite. The progression bending down was really cool too, subtle but a nice touch.
I see neon disco strobe lights. Love the vibe
Such a cool combination of rhythm sounds, very 'get my nose and lip pierced emo'!
Yay, Wobbie! Sorry I missed this when you first posted. The stabbing string chords are ace, and I absolutely love the hypnotic quality to your vocal (and the overall ambience of the track). You’re really capturing some existential truth here, well done!
Nice repeated beat and keys. The harmony vocals..GREAT Wobbie. Certainly a reflective and darkish song...but these are the times.
I like the juxtaposition between the bright instrumentation and the doleful lyrics...the whole thing works perfectly all the way through to the last 'hmm'.
Woohoo, Wobbie - I love that heartbeat thumping - like the body is caring the singer along while her mind wrestles with shoulds and coulds. Also how in a way the philosophizing itself feels like a little bit of a lifeline. So glad to finally get to the 5090 party and find you’re already making stuff. Great collaboration with Antonio!
This is a cracking pop song. Really like the production. The synth sound is really satisfying, lovely riffy repeaty goodness going on. I really like that weird thing that happens to the chords when they kind of mutate the second time through the... verse is it? That was absolutely great, and quite unsettling while still sounding like a pop song - maybe a pop song being put under severe duress but holding up. The chorus and the chorus harmonies are mega, love them, and the verse vocals/lyrics do a nice job of setting the tone and developing the feel of the thing. It's a cracker basically.

As an aside, are you a fan of series three of Twin Peaks? There's a pretty great use of the word "non-existent!" in that (I think hissed by a giant ganglia/tree/arm. This instantly made me think of that moment.)

[edit: oh, and it made me think of the vibe, if not necessarily the execution, of Little Dark Age by MGMT, which is a cracking spooky synthy pop song]
pretty dark and very strong, although theres still fight, lyrically, but the music has real bounce and is a real earworm. very catchy. nice one.
Dark and insistent. It swirls with its shadowy hypnotic rhythms, a perfect dance hit for the alternative club with the smoke machines going strong at 2 am. Atmospheric and ever so cool!
I'm in love with this vibe! So clever and memorable!
this is the wobbie song ive been waiting for. smart, witty , and wise, delivered with a weariness that hasnt succumbed to weariness, but keeps on plugging away. the bouncy rhythms keep your head above water and prevent a lapsing into despair. lyrics are excellent. i like how the first lines of the verses are the same with the exception of the key word (world, i, feeling)
The groove is impeccable. Love the little breaks here and there and those ghostly vocals really encapsulate the subject matter. Great job!
I like that 80/90 vibe you created in this song. A bit spooky, but I liked it a lot.