My Heart is Burning

by @andrea

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I know it sounds like a love song, but it's not. Well, maybe, a love for money and better life.

Thinking of tinkering with the chorus structure some more. Maybe music will help. If interested in collaborating, please let me know.



Ten years I’ve been fighting
This nine to five war
Doing my duty
But sometimes I just want more

Money is the backbone
That makes the world go around
I’m so damn tired
(Of) Living in shantytown

My heart is burning
For cold hard cash
Pockets overflowing
And a bank account to match
My heart is burning
For a billionaire's stash
My heart is burning
To live the good life at last
Is that too much to ask

I’ll upgrade my apartment
For a penthouse in LA
Room for all my friends
So, we can play everyday

And work, well it can wait
I’ll need my time for fun
Afterall, you know
We only live once

My heart is burning
For cold hard cash
Pockets overflowing
And a bank account to match
My heart is burning
For a billionaire's stash
My heart is burning
To live the good life at last
Is that too much to ask

I know it’s a pipe dream
But dreamin' gets me through the day
Thinking ‘bout my lucky numbers
And how my life will change

My heart is burning
For cold hard cash
Pockets overflowing
And a bank account to match
My heart is burning
For a billionaire's stash
My heart is burning
To live the good life at last
Is that too much to ask
Is that too much to ask


I feel the lament of the hard working person - it is just so hard to get ahead in this economic climate. I like the wishful thinking of this character, and their belief that more money will lead to the good life - which ironically may not look the same from the other side, but for sure having money makes life easier in a lot of ways. Interesting subject and a great write Andrea.
If no one asks you to collaborate on this, I am willing to. Let me know. I think I may be available to try to write the music to it, Something like the last song I did. A bluesy New Orleans style would fit this one. But it is up to you what style you would like me to try and let me know.
CB Magic
I really like the naivety of the lyric, I know I find myself answering the "what would I do if I won the lottery?" question in my daydreams. I was going to offer to put some music to the lyric but it looks like it's already taken. Unless you want two versions? ;)
This immediately reminds me of Bruno Mars I wanna be a millionaire. I can certainly relate to this lyric and wouldn’t mind trying to give it music if you ok with that let me know thx Neil
We all have had the grind of the 9 to 5 blues. If the phrase "lucky numbers" means buying lotto tickets..then..keep buying those clever I have to go back to
I hear this as a gritty blues song. I remember that feeling of working for the man and trying to figure out how to monetize the creative side. Good writing!
You paint a great portrait of the 9 to 5 lifestyle ... I like the pathos of "Is that too much to ask?"
Some solid storyteller soul searching and desire weaved throughout this lyric for that captures well and reveals with good universal pleas of understanding.

Fine, too, is that first verse. How uniquely it sets unstably steady as good foundation for the rest of the write. You seem to still have it, Andrea, for penning lyrics that seem effortless. Not too long, I say, before your ship comes in. Keep writing!
Not gonna lie, some days money is the only thing on my mind too. Love the cadence and flow!
Yep. Good, tight lyric. Stays right on track with the imagery and tells it like it is - touching on what a whole lot of folks dream of (with the emphasis on 'dream'). I like the structure, with the contrast between short verses and a long chorus. Good job! 😊
How flattering that jacobeverettwallace will be putting your words to music. Congrats!
I can 'jear' this in my head as a hard-rockin' down-and-dirty tune! Hope someone picks it up
This is the classic 'yearning for more' theme song but done in a fresh way. Very relatable and we've surely all been through that 9-5 slog winding where it ends. Great lyric 😎
Sincere written lyrics. I hope to hear them.
There's a compelling story here. Well-written -- please tag me if it gets a musical treatment. :)
This really captures a lot of people who I have known in their endless quest for riches when there is never enough. Looking forward to the music!
It's always good to get that first one out of the way! Very relatable lyrics too. I hope you enjoy this year's fifty ninety.
Wow! Great write and first collab right out of the gate! SWEEET! So relatable to the majority of 9-5ers. I really like the way you drive the point home with the 4 2 line points and wrap it with the proverbial"....Well?...." Write-ON!
Like @gwynjones said - it's an honest take on a concern we all have. But I appreciate the moment of sobriety, referring to the wishing as being nothing more than a pipe dream at best. While I think the chorus is pretty solid, adjusting it might give it extra nuance. I read it 3x and I'm not sure if it's a bar song or a very speedy pop tune. Excellent write nonetheless!
Well, that's an honest take on what concerns most of us...
I was always bemused as a kid when I heard the Beatles singing 'Money, that's what I want' then 'Money can't buy me love''s a conundrum...
Well, dang--and I was going to ask you to loan me $50...

Guess I'll wait for a better time.

Great lyrics, by the way. Money is probably people's #1 complaint (except maybe relationships, but I seem to recall that money is a top reason for relationships having problems, too). ❤️
Let's light some ten dollar cigars with fifty dollar bills.

I really like your take on the dream of wealth. This would be fun to set to music, but I see that you already have a volunteer. A want to hear this when it's done.
"And work, well it can wait
I’ll need my time for fun
Afterall, you know
We only live once"

Love the use of this in the middle. It really accentuates the pipe dream. I can't speak to reality for others, but from my perspective you can work your life away and have money you never have time to spend, or have time, but be broke lol. I've done both. My unnecessary diatribe against economical woes aside, these lyrics are super relatable and a great write!
im sure such pipe deams are common, and that money is the one thing few people have and many people want. you have done an excellent job of setting forth this obsession wih riches that can either motivate one toward success or condemn them to despair.
You’ve hit the ground running with this one, Andrea! Great stuff! :-)
Great lead off lines. Sets it up and draws you right in. Good hard hitting, tight chorus. And relatable and musical too. Nice job, Andrea.
Fun lyric, Andrea. It's got some punch to it. I hear a melody. May I give this one a go?