Thank You For Growing a Beard

by @odilongreen

Thank You For Growing a Beard

Liner Notes

After hitting competitive eating on my first song of the year, I turn to another of my well-worn subject matters.

This stirring and inspirational song is in furtherance of the #casiocore challenge (—all instruments, including drums, are (emulations or samples of) Casio synths.

The song also was written to satisfy the “All She Wants to Do is Dance” challenge (, which is to have a “repeating line that occurs every other line of the verse”.

This was originally intended to be a conventional #synthpop jam, but ended up a lot more theatrical and strange. Which I guess is appropriate, since (some people might say that) the #beard subject matter is odd to begin with. No matter. I’m quite pleased with it, bizarreness and all.

As you’ll quickly notice, a very substantial part of this song is “sung” by AI voices (through the Synth V program). I had a lot of fun experimenting with this (even though it presently takes me substantially longer than just "singing" myself). I suspect some people don't like AI singing, but for whatever it's worth, I firmly believe that this is no less or more appropriate than using samples of guitars or drums or trumpets or whatever else one can’t play, and am very excited about the possibilities of making music with vocals that far closer match what’s in my head than my meager vocal abilities can manage.

And suitable for a song with so many AI voices, here’s some relevant AI art:



I saw a man on the street; he was carrying a sign; it read
Thank you for growing a beard
The lady selling coffee, she told me I’m looking fine, and she said
Thank you for growing a beard

Got to the office and the boss gave me a riase, saying
Thank you for growing a beard
Went to see the holy man, and you know I heard him praying
Thank you for growing a beard


Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you for growing
A beard


The people arose, said their choice is clear cut
Thank you for growing a beard
The politicians gave up, said you know what
Thank you for growing a beard

I’m just a normal man, you don’t need to say
Thank you for growing a beard
I just know the path to a brighter day
Thank you for growing a beard


Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you for growing
A beard


When the world is bleak
We need someone
To save us from hairless woe

And though lesser men
May shave their face
My beard I proudly grow

This beard you see
Upon my face
Has turned the world around

It’s no mystery
That facial hair
Can inspire and astound

And so


Thank me
Thank me
Thank me
Thank me for growing
A beard

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you for growing
A beard

Thank you for growing a beard


I found this hysterical as well as something I think about doing often, and get about a month in and just can't deal with the hair on my cheeks. And the lyric "thank me" had me laughing.
This is so much fun! There's an early B-52's quality to it that I am in love with!
What a fun song! What a great idea!
I love this! I grew a long beard (long for me anyway) during COVID and I love having it, so thank you for thanking me for growing a beard! I love the music too!
This is so fiendishly catchy. I love the AI vocals. Your songs are typically so clever lyrically that maybe I don't express enough appreciation for what a crafty songsmith and producer you are. Let me express that appreciation here
Wanted to say awesome job and also thank you for growing a beard.

Thought the AI voice samples worked really well. I know it's a controversial topic with some but it's the future of music in a Pandora's box type moment.
I had a beard for most of my adult life. And then...white whiskers happened.

I just read about your "plans" for 50/90 and how you wanted to do a musical. I just had the conversation with someone myself--and yesterday I found and downloaded the script for THE SOUND OF MUSIC, just to see how that stuff is formatted. Might have to follow up on that...

Great, great song by the way! ❤️
Gorgeous! Almost Edward Lear with cheesypop!
This is hilarious. I love the different voices-and the churchy feel of the praise around beards.
this is very very funny and i love the AI vocalists for this piece. nothing heightens the comedy like soaring, confident vocals out there sellin' it
Good lord, this is delightful. The topic is hilarious and the "guest vocalists" are amazing.
The B52's Fred Schneider want's a shot at these vocals and maybe wants the song too. This was great fun!
You're welcome!
Whoa, this is fabulous in every way!!
Love that happy Casio sound.
Excellent picture, too.
Keep those beard songs coming!
They speak to me!
Total fun and so tightly put together...I'd say a razor sharp production but that might be inappropriate but this bristles with ingenuity and although I've heard some top tunes so far, this might be my fave song of the listening day by a whisker...anyway, must dash...😉
Lovely sound from the Casio ... something very childlike and innocent about it. The AI voices really add another level of musicality, and it's interesting to hear them singing such strange lyrics. So fun I had to listen twice! P.S. Lyrics brilliant, as always.
i recently grew a beard and i have been waiting for this kind of thanks to come. so glad it came in the form of a song. this is so catchy and fun!
You had me with the bass line, but now I'm laughing out loud! Great fun.
I’m in love with the Devo vibes/weird lyrics here. No notes, fantastic. Keep this up!
Delighted to hear the return of the beard songs. And of course it has to be casiocore! I need one of those now.

(FWIW I think the AI voices are totally fine. As you say, it helps you get the job done. I bet no AI would have written such entertaining lyrics!)
Massive smile on my face with this one! Great voices and harmonies. The Casio sounds are top notch and right up my street....I think I'm going to have to look into some Casio sounds..... 🎹 (I never could grow a decent looking beard)
Haha, this is so funny. Very catchy as well. Great job on this one, cheers!
The AI voices work well with the Casio sounds, and make a nice contrast with your own voice. The music is fun, catchy, and suits the lyrics perfectly.

Thank you, for the beard and for the song.
Super catchy and danceable! I love how your production has been evolving. This is great!
I want to live in this song's Universe.

You're definitely stretching out with your production here, and I *really* like the results. Totally pays off.
Very funny, visual, fun and a great take on the challenge too. Now all I want is to dance :)
LOL!!!! Hilarious! The music, the sung and spoken lyrics are so perfect for this! It took me totally by surprise!
This is hilarious. Thank yoooooooooooooou, thank yoooooooooooooooou, thank yoooooooooooooooou, thank yoooooooooooooooou for writing this song.
I have had a full well grown beard since I was 15.
As a beard wearer I find this song relatable, joyful and infused with happy joy bubbles. It's like a cool glass of prosecco at a toddlers birthday party on a warm day.
The AI voices work very well on the choral passages and the repeated title phrases, but im glad you stuck to your own voice for (at least) the opening verse. that said, this is one my favorites in your beard catalogue.
Love the bassline. Nice use of the Synth V voices.