Joey's Independence Day

by @odilongreen

Skirmish: Independence (or the lack... (@robinleaf)
Joey's Independence Day

Liner Notes

I’m sure everyone knows about Joey Chestnut’s dispute with Major League Eating, but in case, somehow, you don’t:

Some time after watching today’s (rather competitive, for the first time in a long while) hot dog contest on ESPN2, I logged into 50/90 and saw the skirmish prompt “Independence” ( Joey’s new independence from Major League Eating was, of course, the first thing I thought of. I did this after the skirmish period and so didn’t strictly hold myself to an hour, but it’s pretty close.

I’d kind of intended this to come out more rocking, but that’s not what emerged as I started recording, so I just went with it. I’m still happy with it, especially because the first song is always hard for me (as I know it is for others); it’s difficult to “break the ice” and get in the right mental mindset. Now that I’ve got my first song posted, I’m hoping to turn soon to some of my broader conceptual projects.

Live electric uke (both rhythm and “lead” (ahem)); programmed Toontrack drums; keyboard-played bass plugin.

Here’s a (rather scary) AI image inspired by this song:


#fuc #eating


Joey’s Independence Day


Well do you think I ate those 75 hot dogs for you?
- It ain’t true
And do you think I should be grateful and just quietly swallow my food?
-All nice and chewed
And do you think that I’m stuck here and I got nowhere else to go?
- I don’t think so
I think it’s time at last to bring the impossible to the show
-Don’t you know


Now I’m eating for me
Time to eat for me
You know I’m finally free
I’m at liberty to eat …
To eat for me


Well I think it’s time to claim my appetite as my own
-It’s mine alone
And I think it’s time to leave the table my mouth has outgrown
-Leave my safety zone
And I think the biggest feast of my life still lies ahead
-The world’s my spread
It’s time to follow destiny to keep my body and soul well fed
-Cause like I said



Damn right, Joey! This is a pretty crafty arrangement. You manage, as you frequently do, to take a silly subject and make it somehow poignant and uplifting--and catchy too. Never let them take your power, Joey!
haha, so fun! Love the call and response on the verses. Great chord progression and love the sunny, jangly arrangement! Fabulously fun and toe-tapping!
Hahaha so good!
This is really catchy.
Love how you turn this news story into an epic struggle for freedom!!
You really rock that electric uke.
I love the weirdness here - I say that in the best way possible. It reminds me maybe of They Might Be Giants. Songs like this get me in the best way.
Again a fun song, you really have a knack for this stuff. Enjoyed the listen!
Very cool song. Fun and inspirational too. Well, I'm glad he didn't contest to eat beards :)
That was a refreshingly different take on the prompt. I hadn't heard of the contest, the conflict or the banned hot dog consumer, but that inspiration really worked for you. Cool tune!
Haha! What a fine slice of joviality...a treat for sure!
You win the Songs About Eating Contests hands down...
What a fun tune. Very interestingly developed story.
Haha I love this so much. The theme is right up my alley. The lyrics are so good and clever. Fun wordplay but also just love the straightforward parts about hot dogs and eating them. Bravo.
A good 'message' song - I has read the story, and thought the hot dog company that banned him from the contests are idiots - did they offer any monetary compensation? Nope!.
Silly, lighthearted and fun. I had never heard of the contest until yesterday! The lyrics imply he's got more important things to do than an eating contest; it contrasts well with the beat and the upbeat, major-scale flavor of the chord progression.
I actually watched the contest for the first time ever yesterday, while I waited to eat my own dinner at a seafood bar. Love the lyrics, love the music, love the performance. Great job!
I haven't watched a Nathan's competition in a while, but professional eaters do kinda intrigue me. So yeah, I like the topic. Makes for an interesting lyric. I like the ukes too. Those sound great even if it's not as rock as you wanted. I like that 90s style jangly sound. It's cool.
Back to a familiar theme! As always, it's upbeat and catchy with hints of pathos and deeper emotions. I like the commenting "radio voice" and all the lyrics. Thoroughly entertaining!
eating contests are always funny, but your song just made them funnier. love the goofy melodies that service the lyrics so well.
You have me smiling! The little echo bits are awesome.
This is actually a pretty sweet narrative. There's something so freeing about doing something without someone else's constraints after you've been under rigid expectations for so long.
a new genre? Hotdogcore? I dig it! This is fun, thank you!
Love the lightheartedness of the song. The guitar is great and so are the vocals. Lovely production here.
Eating independence rocks! No idea on the topic but was fun anyway! Love the dreamy back guitar!
This rocks! Love how you combined the prompt with a current news story! Great groove and quirky unique spin on the prompt!
I heard about it, and I wouldn't expect any other FAWMer than you to come up with such a heartfelt song about the event!