We Tried and We Tried

by @bobjestes

Skirmish: Independence (or the lack... (@robinleaf)
We Tried and We Tried

Liner Notes

#folk #acousticonetake #skirmish

I ran into a plethora of challenges and problems on this one. I was 45 minutes into the skirmish, when my app, OnSong, somehow made my file disappear... so I started over again. When I finally was able to reconstuct the song and get to the recording portion of the exercise, I ran into a number of other detours. I guess I should have played with my equipment since I last used it in February... especially since I was interfacing with a new MacBook. Suffice it to say, I ended up way past the deadline. Anyway, I finally am able to post this song. It needs more verses, but the initial bones look and feel good. Enjoy.


We Tried and We Tried

Well, we tried, and we tried to win this fight,
At least I know we tried.
Seems we came close to the finish line,
Til our trying all shriveled up and died.
We were happy, almost all of the time
We were happy, until we weren’t
Kept stumbling at them forks in the road.
Divided paths is where we got burnt.

So welcome to our new independence...
Welcome to our brand-new world.
Though we shed our lifelong sentence.
We’ll be crushed by all that is unfurled.

Well, we tried, and we tried to win this fight,
At least I know we tried.


Good to hear your voice, Bob. I like that head-shaking remorse at the situation. Pride seems like the silent rhyme for tried that floats through the song...
Bummer about those mishaps you had, @bobjestes . Here's to you working through them and to penning this lyric gem and entertaining performance. I dug both!

Not that you were looking for lyrics from me for song extension, but seeing you mention in your liner notes that you felt you needed/wanted more lines, I couldn't help myself and off the top of my head wrote some here in what I feel is the style and vein of your write. Had a blast doing so. See what you think:

(My V add to/at/with your present *Outro lines, to make another V for lyric's extension):
*Well, we tried, and we tried to win this fight,
At least I know we tried.
Still it was, you were always right,
And me, said to be wrong,
Can't say that I blame you more.
But I don't believe, it was all my fault
And I'll live with that some kind of way,
All through life, til my final day.

(Your) Chorus:
So welcome to our new independence...
Welcome to our brand-new world.
Though we shed our lifelong sentence.
We’ll be crushed by all that is unfurled.

(My add on to yours for new Outro)
Well, we tried, and we tried to win this fight,
Nothing left to do except take flight.
Well, we tried, and we tried to win this fight,
We tried, and we tried to win this fight,
At least I know we tried,
To win this fight.
I hate those hiccups Onsong occasionally has! Glad you got this, though. Perfectly charming guitar and vocals. I think it’s a really successful melody and effective lyrics.
For a short set of lyrics it covers a lot of ground. Nice write, and I'm glad you got your tech gremlins sorted eventually. I'm tempting fate this go around too, with a new to me macbook and a newly upgraded DAW. Just different enough to have me scratching my head at times.
I really like, "We were happy until we weren't." So well said! Sorry you had so many problems getting the equipment to work. Sounds like you got everything fixed, though.
Sad story but well told. Nice chord progression.
Really nice storytelling here. I like the rhyme scheme in the chorus a lot.
Everything than can go wrong will do! Well fought through it! It’s very good! Very relevant lyrics well delivered!
Strong bones and a great start! Glad the tech issues were worked through and this got posted.
Well written and delivered words and melody. I think we are all feeling that way sometimes.
Nice work! I'm so sorry that you had all those tech issues. I'm glad you stuck with it! I really like the lyrics - I also like the line "We were happy, until we weren't." Nice skirmish!
I hate it when all this equipment that's supposed to make it easier gets in the way. Sounds like you've gotten it sorted out.
Good start to a song. "We were happy, until we weren’t " is my favorite line. Good skirmishing against all odds!