
by @ductapeguy Mod · @carleybaer

Liner Notes

We were flying home from an Alberta vacation Monday night and the plane had wifi. I messaged @carleybaer to see if she wanted to write a transcontinental song while I was in the plane. She did. (We have done this before when she was flying somewhere).
We used this week's #badsongclub prompt, Enchanted, and riffed on some themes and lyrics.
I put together a songlike structure and chords, and suggested we each record a demo to see how each of us would interpret it.
The ball is in your court Carley.
#acousticonetake #guywithguitar


© Aug 13, 2024 S. McGaughey, C. Baer

D Bm
Sometimes I wonder if I’m under a witch’s curse/
Since all my fairy tales work out in reverse
D Bm
I’ve waited fruitless lonely nights for an invite to the ball
G A7.
And every prince I've ever kissed, was a frog after all.

Somewhere, Somehow, I became dis-enchanted.
E7 A7
Every brew I drink is sour. I can't understand it.

D Bm
How long I’ve gathered breadcrumbs in the forest, who knows?
G A7
While the emperor stalks after me, tryna steal my clothes.
D Bm
All the gingerbread houses are too hot or too cold,
G A7
And the halls and walls are completely covered with mould.


Bm F#m
Always uncrossing my fingers, stumbling on cracks
Bm F#m
Nobody dares ask me about my Mama's back.


D Bm
All these stories may sound slanted, it’s true,
G A7 D
but I’m still enchanted by you


Oh, yay! Have you played this one for the kids at your respective schools? I would have been delighted by it as a kid - recognizing and guessing. I like it as a grown up too.
I love the whole concept of a transcontinental song! Way to go, you two!
Another fan of twisted fairy tales here! I like the mash-up of Hansel and Gretel with Goldilocks. But the title made me hope for a song based on the TV series. Need to write one myself.
Fairy tale twists are always fun to explore. Well done!
Ha! This is great! Clever write! Thoroughly enjoyed it - smile on my face!
Wow, great lyrics, this is a very fun song. I like this very much!
Love the fractured fairy tale aspect! I could imagine this as a duet with both of you.
The line about the emperor trying to steal your clothes is my favorite.
Loving this reversal on familiar tales. Including the reversal of the theme in the outro. Or was it?
Ahhh, lovely song with a great finish. I like the sound of Bm and F#m, but they elude me still on my guitar.
All the way through this I was sitting here smiling. I love the warped perspectives on familiar fairy tales and nursery rhymes; what mayhem might have been caused by gathering those breadcrumbs, I wonder? Great fun, with a sweet sucker punch to finish things off.