






Freelance writer, former software engineer, living in New Hampshire. I've been active in #filk music since 1989. Presenter and accompanist of silent movies live and on YouTube.



Re Another Side Quest: "Rules of Fairy Rings" perhaps.
Re. my kalimba duet: yes, the one on the left is in G, and the one on the right is in C. Because I can only reach half the tines on each instrument, I can play (starting at the bottom) G A C E G B D F# on the left and C E G B D F A C E on the right.
Hi, re. your post on the 'What would happen if comment counts finished' forum about ease of finding new comments - not sure if you knew, but if you want to find any new comments you can go to the home page and there is a tab which lists 'new comments' you've had. That way you don't have to remember all your previous comment counts.
I'm sure I must have read somewhere that "octopodes" arose from someone being annoyed at the wrongness of "octopi"...
Sorry, I don't have any suggestions about the problem with playing Saturday News. I just tried here using Firefox/Mac and got sound OK. I see nothing strange in the settings, and the file is not unusual...FAWM-hosted.
Ah, thank you, Gary! Happy 50/90!