Sing a Song of Love and Loss

by @paul_pedersen · @greengrassgirl

Sing a Song of Love and Loss
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Patty posted the lyrics to give multiple music types the opportunity to see how many different versions can be sparked by one set of words. I'm looking forward to seeing more people take up the challenge.

I'm not sure if my version would be better in musical theatre or as a theme for a college fife and drum corps. Probably the latter. One thing for certain, Nashville won't be calling, but it was fun!


Lots of lyrics don’t make sense
To folks who went to college
But me, I like the simple songs
Without that city polish

Let me hear a heartache song
From someone who has been there
Something I can understand
From all the time I’ve spent there

Sing a song of love and loss
Let it cover me like rain
Sing a song of love and loss
The passion and the pain
Sing a song of love and loss
Let me feel my heart again

Sing of how she/he lied to me
How quickly I believed it
Led me down the dappled lane
And how she/he didn’t mean it

Sing a song of love and loss
Let it cover me like rain
Sing a song of love and loss
The passion and the pain
Sing a song of love and loss
Let me feel my heart again

Everything hurts
Nighttime’s the worst
Why didn’t somebody
Warn me first

Sing a song of love and loss
Let it cover me like rain
Sing a song of love and loss
The passion and the pain
Sing a song of love and loss
Let me feel my heart again


I was interested in the juxtaposition of the bouncy exuberance of the music with the love and loss and passion and the pain. It makes it feel like a song about getting over something - maybe even an ode to the convenience of denial as a way to get past the tough stuff.
Joyful and sad at the same time, love it! Great delivery and lyrics @paul_pedersen @greengrassgirl
The Tony Award for Best Music collaboration in a 50/90 goes to @paul_pedersen & @greengrassgirl. Well done!
Great opening verse, really sets the song up for success the rest of the way. Even then as the song continues a deeper sense of what might be really going on here develops throughout eventually really coming to the front in the bridge. Even without the deeper side, really like the concept of don't weight me down with the buttery poetry, just give me those feels I need.
Very fun, had me smiling from the very first line! I love these lyrics, and this is such a catchy take on them. Great collab, well done both of you!
I love these lyrics and this rendition is adorable. It sounds like it could be part of a musical, which is always awesome :) Very nice!
This is really delightful!!! I love the lyric!! Really fun and my kind of song! Great bridge! Love the melody and great vocals!
Oh I really like the lighthearted treatment - with the uptempo and kind of bouncy memorable melody. The musical treatment for "Let me feel my heart again" creates such a beautiful moment in your song - and that descending bass line under "again" is just perfect. Great bridge also. Patty's lyrics are wonderful - I love the way she describes authenticity in heartbreak and how songs like that help you feel. Great collab!
Terrific song! I especially like the line "Let me feel my heart again".
Brilliant lyric, and it's a cute setting. Lots of bounce and joy regardless. Musical Theatre for sure!
Ahhhh what a fun collab! I LOVE these lyrics, what a great narrative. "Dappled lane" is such awesome imagery.
What a beautiful, upbeat show tune. A joy to listen to. Very like-hearted take on the lyrics. A very nice, happy collaboration :)
Oh, good! I commented on this when it was "just some lyrics" and I couldn't be happier with Paul being the one to come along and "music-ize" it. Great collaboration, you two!! ❤️
This isa wonderful cheerful song. Love and Loss seems not so bad when there's such a fine song to e had. Lovely collaboration.
Another fine lyric from Patty and the treatment from Paul is a surprise in that the cheery musical approach makes the painfulness of the subject matter all the more exquisitely poignant...
my vote is for musical theatre.
Paul! Thanks for being the first to post a demo for these lyrics. You've chosen a spunky, spirited treatment and I appreciate your contribution to this experiment. It always fascinates me how musicians can read a lyric and come up with a melody so fast. Thank you!