Morning Coffee With You

by @paul_pedersen · @kahlo2013

Morning Coffee With You
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

I'm thankful to Liz for another lyric that inspired some music. Thanks, too, for her flexibility. When I didn't see a way to incorporate her pre-chorus lines (my problem, not hers) she let me pretend they weren't there.

This song goes best with a cup of coffee in hand. Hope you're prepared!

(Sound effects from pixabay)

Liz says: I love the warmth of Paul’s melody and music - it flows so beautifully and feels so comforting, like hands wrapped around a mug of hot coffee… and the well placed sound effects are delightful! I’m so grateful for Paul’s collaboration on this song - which I wrote the lyric to as I was lying in bed dreading the day and then I heard the coffee being ground and could smell it brewing - a sure sign things would be okay. Thanks to Paul for his generous gift of gorgeous music!


I'm lying in my bed, worries in my head
Deadlines at work weigh heavy on my head
I'm thinking to myself I may need some help
I'd go to therapy but, sadly, there's no time
I'm fighting back new tears, consumed with old fears
When I hear the whirl of the morning grind

Then I know everything is going to be okay
As the coffee starts to brew
Yeah, I know everything is going to be okay
After morning coffee with you

I'm pulling on my clothes though they're several days old
A little wrinkled, it seems, but they smell okay
I'm brushing teeth and hair, glancing at the mirror
My old eyes look tired but I nod anyway
I'm pulling up the blinds to let sun inside
As the scent of fresh coffee comes my way

Then I know everything is going to be okay
As the coffee starts to brew
Yeah, I know everything is going to be okay
After morning coffee with you

I go to the kitchen where you pour me a cup
Of Just Coffee's (mmmm) Bike Fuel
I take a sip[ then thank the goddess of morning
For robust coffee and you
Without you both I'm not sure what I would do

And I know everything is going to be okay
As the coffee starts to brew
Yeah, I know everything is going to be okay
After morning coffee with you


Nailed it, Paul. Great little song.
Very nice collaboration. I loved hearing that coffee grinder come in. Fun detail!
It's not even noon and I've already had 4 cups, so...taking a break. Probably nap time pretty soon and then I'll have one more. Fun lyrics and you always bring them to life, Paul. Great collaboration! ❤️
Beautiful, light-hearted song. So lovely to listen to. You are a fantastic team.
This song makes me want to get a cup of coffee: lovely, nice sound effects as well!
What a wonderful light song, and I love the sound of the grind and the pouring haha. I’m a coffee lover and I feel that soooo much. @paul_pedersen ‘s singing is so wonderfully soft and fitting.
This is so sweet! Love the sound effects. This has a nice ambling pace that works well for the subject matter.
Nice collaboration
makes me yearn for a cup of the good stuff. pauls music and voice is oerfect for Liz's whimsical lyrics. its like a friendly tom waits song with no need to prove its street cred. a delightful approach to the one thing that will get you out of bed when all alarm clocks fail.
What a charming song! Great collaboration. It made me want to make a coffee .... and I don't even like coffee. :)
The sound effects are a great touch by the way