Satan, No

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Satan, No” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 9

More lyrics from when I went skirmish-bananas last summer and wrote to all the timed prompts but ended up with more songs than I could finish. I really wanted to get across the idea of exorcising a bad relationship that’s still haunting you.

I think I will tighten up the bridge melody and change up the ending a little bit, and I also fluffed a lyric, but decided to just film a take playing around with these chords tonight. My voice is low because everybody’s going to bed, and you can see me checking to see if someone’s coming to tell me to be quiet now, please. 😅 This had to be my last take of the night.

Maybe I’ll record it again later.

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #notliterallysatan


Guess all along you were playing a game
Now I’m come-to-Jesus, and you are the Beast
Used to pausing for every word that you’d say
Even letting you stand on me so you could reach

I saw the gas lights flickering on in your eyes
The dangerous calculus you used to do
To determine on how little change you could skate by
My attention, while lining up conquests in queue

Get out of the brain of my self-driving car
I’d rather sit still than let ghosts go that far
Get out of the music I play in my sleep
The way that you’re haunting me feels like disease
Get out of my bed, get out of my blood, Get out of my way
Satan, no, not today.

You’re dialing my number, you heard that I’m shaking
Yeah, the dirt off my sandals, I bet that you’re scared
You’re going to voicemail, don’t know what you’re saying
Wherever you are, I don’t want to be there

Something I’m working on: getting you gone
Sweeping the remnants of you from the corners
Learning to lean to my inside someone
Throwing your funeral, absent of mourners


I’ll cleanse it, I’ll sage it, you name it — I’ll buy it
I’ll exorcise you from the air like a smoke
I’ll wish it, I’ll pray it, I’ll bleach it, I’ll try it
They say time will heal, but I’m opening the choke



Great song--I love this theme for music, but (retired divorce lawyer that I am) I'm aware that relationships tend to be a lot worse for women. Women tend to be nicer, especially in relationships. I've only had about 3% or so of Satan-infected relationships. ;-) I think most women could cite about 10 times. That. Great job on the song! ❤️
I've definitely been guilty of the "last recording of the night for sure" situation before 😂 you got it, though, and it sounds great. Very nice lyrics.
i love your performance here. what could have been a nasty kiss off song becomes a playful kick in the ass .
Some ingenious lyrics here, glad they found a home! Love how dense they get, particularly in the chorus, and the rhythm with which you rattle them off. Bonus points for incorporating the word ‘calculus’!
Wonderfully constructed song reminds me of Dear Shame by Newsboys. Great war song
Love the lyrics! Love the melody, too. Bitey and pointy, as it should be for this topic. Wonderfully done.
"lining up conquests in queue" a truly damning line!. The interesting thing here is that this could be taken as a religious (actual Satan) or secular song (ex-boyfriend Satan). The melody/chords bounce along lightly. Yeah fix that ending. Bridges, well, you cross them when you come to them 😀
Yeah, every line holds intrigue and your delivery and music keep it accessible and enjoyable. All the best with the further changes you have in mind.
Yes yes yes this is awesome. The lyrics are particularly tasty, so clever and succinct. Also your vocals are just lovely!