State Of The World

by @headfirstonly Mod

State Of The World

Liner Notes

(Count the fingers.)

I decided to write a #metal (possibly even #punk) song inspired by some of the most egregious examples of AI imagery that have been kicking around the net over the past year or so, as shown above. This took less than an hour to make from start to finish and it's #short but I still managed a couple of #twinguitar harmony solos, because I'm me. Fender #telecaster for the rhythm guitars, a Jackson "Adrian Smith" signature San Dimas for the lead work.

And at 214 bpm I'm pretty sure that this is one of the fastest songs I've ever recorded for 50-90 or FAWM.


You tell me when you look at me your mind begins to lurch
My photo's more unlikely than of Donald Trump in church
I've told you I'm legit but I can see the doubt still lingers
And maybe, I'll admit, I have way too many fingers

Our camping trip disaster notwithstanding, tell me why
I shouldn't put the campfire in the tent if it'll keep it dry?
Don't call this a racket, I just push the envelope
And wear the same white Puffa jacket once worn by the Pope

I get it now, I think I see what's making you perplexed
The problem seems to be with what you think as being text
You couldn't read my label so you don't know what it meant
Though I'm totally unable to say what it represents

What I say is hooey but I'll say it with commitment
There's nothing at all screwy with my cognitive equipment!
I'm confident you won't take what I'm saying is a lie
There's no way that this song has been created by AI... by AI... by AI... by AI...


Crazy you created this in an hour. It totally rocks. The lyrics are quite meaningful and made me laugh more than once. I love the liner note pictures as reference. The guitars rock. I love the end. Super cool song!
Wicked guitars! Excellent groove with no cymbals. I would’ve imagined a crushing, rock drum set with a massive kick and snare. A very Brian Eno take on what could’ve become a leaden Humble Pie stomper.
I was a little thrown off by the lack of distortion, but that riff between the verses is particular tasty. The solo is definitely very Maiden as well. Love the idea of finding inspiration from bad AI.
Jeez, you did this in an hour?!! NO FAIR!!!!

This is actually a pretty darned good little rocker. Very nice! ❤️
Oh yeah, so much energy going on here.
Love the jangly guitar lines.
As usual, really nice headphone mix.
Great soaring guitar breaks there.
Well done.
214 bpm?! This is serious. Super good in so many ways. 👍 Some really good lines, and very cool guitar work. Ending on a broken record / endless repeat is a nice feat.
I love the idea of personifying AI as a character, and referencing the iconic pope puffer image was really fun. I love the vocabulary of “What I say is hooey but I'll say it with commitment, There's nothing at all screwy with my cognitive equipment!” - I wish I wrote that!! Fantastic ending too
This rocks in so many ways!

"I've told you I'm legit but I can see the doubt still lingers
And maybe, I'll admit, I have way too many fingers"
Oh you had me from this line... hook and sinker.
SWEET GROOVE. Now this is some sweet gettar pickin' . The drums and guitar sessions are so spot on "tight as a drum"
This comment was not genrated by A1...Ok Ok OK Ok
I like the intro, how is sets up the feel for the rest of the song. Also the drum variation between verses.

(Yeah, I've seen the campfire picture. 😀 )
Killer riff and cool guitar Thin Lizzy/Iron Maiden soloing! Clever lyrics and end-part as well.
Dude, love the ongoing riff! What a cool unexpected chord at the end. Really adds to the frenetic feel of the scene you describe in the hilarious off kilter lyrics. Fun listen!
Oooo. Bowie / Iggy Pop vibes. You sure can handle different genres. Impressive.
This is great. Love the aesthetics of this. Very punk but also very you.
Lots of familiar images here! This is fun. And very much human.
A recent favourite of mine was the AI video trying to recreate gymnastics. Love the energy the high bpm gives this. The reference to the number of fingers made me smile. Nicely constructed lyrics - I especially liked the commitment/ cognitive equipment rhyme.
the harsh tones communicate your attitude towards this ridiculous crap so many songwriters seem to feel is superior to their own human-made work. i think the robots are puking back the worst of what we have created right into our laps. it a disgusting scene and i relate to the disgust you show for it in this very human song.
Lol, great song. The intro really draws me into the song. Would come in handy if we had more fingers though.
Certainly seen the pope in a puffa picture and why does AI have a problem with creating the requisite amount of fingers! Metal verging on punk definitely, the latter probably because of the tempo. Great subject matter and story well told, great guitars 😄