
Florian Hoffmann






  • Heidelberg, Germany
Hi there from Germany! πŸ‘‹

A cis him, born 1981, I work as a software developer and have been making music as a hobby all my life. I play the classical guitar, but make most music on the computer.

2024 will be my second FAWM & 50/90, I started in 2022. FAWM helped me break my overthinking and now keeps me coming back for new ideas and collaborations.

If you'd like to do something together, or redo/cover something from me, just post me a message. Don't hesitate to turn me away if I offer you a demo and you don't like what you hear - no hard feelings, promise. πŸ™‚

Feel free to criticize anything about my songs. As a non-native speaker, I especially invite you to play grammar police. πŸ˜…

When I comment one of your songs, I have listened to it completely, at least once, more probably several times over. (Yes, even if it is long.) No need to return the comment or say thanks - I enjoy listening to your things and will keep on doing that without reciprocal notes. πŸ˜‰

Outside, you'll usually find me on https://www.musesongwriters.com and https://recording.de.

#deutsch #german



Thank you for your comments. Totally agree!
Thanks for listening to and commenting on Country Music Big-Shot. I'd never hear of There I Ruined It before, but their bro-country parody was hilariously minimalist and I loved it. I also enjoyed hearing Kermit the Frog sing Gin and Juice. So thanks for the link!
Thx for the comments Florian. I appreciate it. The tracks of yours I've heard sound great!
Hey, thanks for the encouraging words, Florian. Means a lot coming from an artist like yourself.
Hi, Thanks for your comments on What's Out There. You inspired me to change that line in question. I hope it makes more sense now.
Thanks for the comment on 'The Emperor's New Clothes' - I'm a very much a 'freedom of speech' type of person, but the internet shows the dangers of no regulation at all - it's like William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'
thx for the comments! 99% of the things on here I post end abruptly. I know how to, I'm just lazy. :( One or two will be revisited, polished, and such.

re: the lyrics- I suppose I could try to remember it all, but... lazy ( actually, busy... but I find people believe lazy easier) and "SOC" stands for "stream of consciousness". I just hit record and go, so there's no consistency, forced rhymes and stuff.

I just thought I would try to just put down the vocal. I had a general idea of the tune as I was writing it, and I felt kinda confident, so... yeah.

Thanks for listening!
Thanks for the link. Cool article! Further reinfirces my opinion of Andrew Tate and his ilk that they're just pathetic, macho dimwits.
Are you registered with ASCAP yet and if so what is your name used there?
Hey Flo,

Hope you are having great days, full of positivity :)

Recently i wrote that piece inspired by 2d fantasy rpg game, and was wondering if it may inspire your musical creativity to come up with something unique

The piece title:
"A boy, made up of worlds"

Let me know your thoughts
Hi Florian, I have used your music in "In the Shadows" and lowered the pitch and I performed the song. Let me know what you think. https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/298864
Oh, that's sweet. Thank you. I've just sent you my message using the email address I had from FAWM.
Hi Florian, first of, so sorry for your name's misspelling. I was using my mobile phone and it corrects words without me realizing it. Just corrected :)

Thank you so much for your gorgeous comment on Find Your Meditation. Wow, you listened so many times! I'm honoured. Would you be happy to collaborate with me on this piece? I can amend my liner notes and send you the file if you are interested. Please let me know. Sorry though if I misunderstood you. Please see what works with you :)
Hi Florian, thank you for your gorgeous comments. I would love to collaborate with you if you are happy to.
Whoa! Feel the Heat! I love it!! That will be hot and fun! Please post when you are ready and thanks again for the no lemon no melon duet!!!!! Much appreciated!
Florian! I really love your take on stressed desserts - I could not get your SoundCloud link to work while I was traveling so just heard it now! Fabulous! I added you as a collaborator and would love it if you could post the link for the song. I tried to copy and paste it but it would not let me.
I've got to disagree; I find Eric Prydz' Call on Me to be pretty darn cool & energizing!

We can still be friends though! ;)
Haha πŸ˜‚
Thank you very much for listening, and for your kind comment.
It's not a violin that I mistreated, but a guitar. πŸ˜€
You are most welcome Florian, your wonderful lyrics stuck in my head and I really enjoyed setting them to music and singing them! Thank you! 😁
Flo, you have surprised me, I am so grateful, you are truly great person, and i personally consider you a dear friend :)

Keep inspiring
Look at https://www.tunecore.com/sell-your-music. What ever music we collaborate on we can split. Once we set up an account.
Its worth a try, if you wish to do so.
Take a look at this song: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/299078
And let me know if you can do anything with it. Thank you.
I did not receive your email. My email address it carlcrosby60@gmail.com
can you contact me on FB or my email please. Carlcrosby60@gmail.com. I love what you did with the song. Now lets see what we can do for the next step. I have a couple that I would love for you to write the music to if you are willing.
Thank you
Florian, I sent you some mail.
I crown you the king of comments. What a gorgeous comment, Florian! Thank you so much for listening and giving such a beautiful feedback!
Hi Florian - thanks for the heads-up on my demo for the recent skirmish. I exported it wrong and that's why it cut off - gonna fix. Much appreciated!
Hi Florian, I just sent you an email with lyrics :) I hope you like them!
Florian, it would be great if you wanted to do Feel The Heat… I marked it for you!
The one thing I thought about was using the OUTRO also a bridge … so doing some feel the heat lines then the Chorus again followed by the OUTRO… but it depends on the music you want to do and how it flows for you… I trust your brilliant musical sensibility … so whatever works for you would be great!!!
Thank you. I'm making good progress, and now it will be easier!
Hey Florian! thanks for your messasge... Would love the Prog Rock Opera!! LoL! I will have a listen to the other tune... You are crushing it this season!
You are on fire this 50/90. I have an idea for the Disney track. I will work on it this weekend :)
Danke fΓΌrs anhΓΆren und kommentieren von β€žWalking on the moonβ€œ. Mich hat die feine Basslinie und die Atmo mehr an den gleichnamigen Song von The Police erinnert.
Thank you ❀️ :)
Thanks so much for your kind comment on "Picture-Perfect"!
True enough - your email came through, but I missed seeing it. It came in at 2:44 in the morning in my time zone, 44 minutes after my usual bed time. I guess I was bleary-eyed in the morning and missed it.
Hi Florian - I emailed you a couple of postcard images to choose from for the post card challenge. I haven't seen a reply, so I suspect my message may have gone into your junk mail folder. Let me know if you find it or if I should send it again.
I'd love to hear my Google Translate lyrics sung by your AI vocalist! That sounds so fun!
Thanks for commenting favorably on my Fog Bank. I would be interested in a collaboration during 50/90.
Hey, Florian - Thanks for your remarks on Vega$. Kind of had a RATT vibe in my head, but certainly open to other musical visions if you or anyone is moved to make music. Yes, on the dice roll. lol
Hey we are paired for a random collab! This time we have to make it work! I failed miserably trying to write lyrics for your music - could I write lyrics for you to put music to? If so, is there a theme, topic, prompt, and/or genre that I can write to or that I should avoid?
Hi, Florian! Good to see you on board again. (-:
(I've sent an email. ;) )
Have a great 50/90!
Good to see you again!
Happy 50/90 Florian. Enjoy!
Hi Florian, looking forward to see what music you create, enjoy the 5090 ride!
How-do! Welcome back. Have a great 5090.
Hey there! Have a productive 50-90!
Hi and welcome back!!
Hello again. Good to see your here.
Howdy Florian,
Good to see you back here.

Let's do this. Have yourself a great 5090.
Hi, Florian, So glad to see you here again. Looks like we both started 5090 the same year. It's a great place.
And the same to you, Florian! πŸ˜ƒ
Hi Florian - good to see you again!
Happy 5090, Florian. Have a great and productive summer!
Hi Florian. I'm looking forward to your 50/90 songs. Have a great time 🎡