It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain

by @dr_griff · @stephenwordsmith

It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain
dr_griff +1

Liner Notes

Jumping on the collab bandwagon - and so grateful to @stephenwordsmith for these lyrics! I had music in my head the moment I saw them. (A better recording will be coming when I can turn off the A/C; it's too hot here today not to have it running right now. - better recording uploaded!)


There's nothing but the nothingness before the silver spark
That summons the illusions to illuminate the dark
The blood is cold, the spirit low, the mind a weathered plain
And it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

No matter how we wend the way, the first step's always trying
So armed with willing sticks of wood and will of well-wrought iron
And versed so well in what it takes to rub without refrain
But it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

So once again we set our soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die
To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain


The intricate picking paired with the calm smooth vocals is just lovely. Nice one.
There is an intriguing sense of gentle urgency here, with the soft vocals and smooth rolling guitar. Evokes the feeling of having to be tender and patient to get the fire going when every nerve is crying out for immediate warmth and light. Beautifully done.
Really nice - I like the minor key and the rolling fingerstyle playing. Sounds great!
Instant classic! Such a talented combination, and very thought-provoking lyrics.
This is great! Love that Leonard Cohen style fingerpicking backup too. My backings is a little different, but we went to some similar chord and melodic ideas interestingly enough !
i love this gentle, wistful interpretation. the AC really IS suggestive of cars going by on rainy streets; i'd leave it in :)
This is beautifully old fashioned.
Love the darker direction you took with this. Soft, but powerful.
Whoa, I really like this, it has the driving, laser focus of a Simon and Garfunkel arrangement. Very compelling and active.
this is awesome! The static in this actually sounds like the rain which sounds awesome. This awesome has a sort of medieval sound to it due to the melodic choices too.
Beautiful finger picking and lovely understated delivery. It really lets the lyrics shine. Personally, I think the AC adds some colour to the recording - one of those happy accidents maybe 😀
true to the rhythm, cadences off the poem. the soft delivery brings out the sensitivity of the author
Thus far, the version that gives the most concrete impression of rain, with the tape hiss and the pitter-pattering cascade of the guitarwork. Love it. The vocal is quite intimate, and makes me think of someone opening up about their struggles who perhaps had not had the chance - or the right person - to. The music and vocals come together to create something light, damp, savoury and ethereal - combining all the elements of a dreary day and a small, flickering flame.
Good lyrics and skillful interpretation, musically and vocally. Very nice!
A delicate and delightful delve into Stephen's wizard-like wordsmithery, capturing that magic...
Love the minor in this. Agree with @tcelliott that this is in that sweet spot between trad folk and singer/songwriter. Nice job.
I think this was the only version I hadn’t heard! I have liked them all. This is really well done! Lovely picking and a excellent vocal.
Help, I love your picking so much! Those low and subdued vocals are also very nice. I like where you took the melody!
Oh, I'm liking the fingerpicked style arpeggio backing. The melody on the third line has a nice shape to it and I love the way you sing the refrain. This has all the best elements of singer-songwriter and folk music with such an easy vocal delivery.
Great collaboration. The Lyrics are really brought to life.
That's lovely! These lyrics are great and seeing how different people interpret them has been lots of fun today.
I love this take on these wonderful lyrics! Fabulous mood created with the melody, vocal delivery, and movement in the great guitar playing!
Wonderful folk treatment of these awesome lyrics. Excellent collab! Definitely worth re-recording without the A/C.
Very beautiful, poignant song and collaboration. There is timeless beauty in both lyrics and music. Moving singing and playing. Intimate and powerful at the same time. It touches hearts.