Theme For 50/90 (These Songs Aren't Gonna Write Themselves)

by @kiffa

Liner Notes

I wanted to kick 50/90 off with something quick and fun-- kind of in the vein of my first-ever FAWM song from 2008, "Fortnight" ( )-- so here's a short little 'songlet' to get the ball rolling (instead of waiting days or even weeks to post something, as I am oft wont to do).

This is my contribution to the #casiocore challenge. The bulk of the backing track was done with a CTK-330 (using the 'Trance' pre-set rhythm at 160 BPM), and I couldn't resist throwing in the 'human voice' sound from the SK-1. I had planned on using the SK-1 in the song a little bit more, but it's a very old keyboard, and the sampling function wasn't cooperating with me.

So, in my original liner notes that accompanied the lyrics-only post, I alluded to a plan to make a #metareference to 50/90 within the song. In order to figure out what it might have been, you would have had to notice that there are exactly 50 words in the lyrics. So, this song is #50wordsin90seconds (necessitating the brutally abrupt ending). Hey, if I did that with all my songs, maybe I'd actually have a hope of hitting 50 songs!


Fire your inner critic
'Cause these songs aren't gonna write themselves
Don't be too analytical
God knows these songs aren't gonna write themselves

You've waited for this moment to arrive
So make like Peter Frampton and come alive

These songs aren't gonna write themselves
These songs aren't gonna write themselves


I really like the structure of the song. The music comes alive and the vocals are great! Good work, Chris.
Glad I found this one, Chris. This feels like just the nudge I need to embrace the second half of the 5090. Feels like a great track to sit and write to. Glad you jumped right in.
I love short, energetic little pop song gems and I like what you've done here. I like the effect and synths you've used and your vocal is also quite good. Well done!
Oh, wow, I love the Information Society/Dead Or Alive vibes I'm getting from this track. I am amped up! Would be great on a workout mix, too. ;)
I'm back in the late 1970's early 80s! Thanks! This is awesome! Love the whole package!! Write-ON!!
Oh yeah, a true 5090 anthem! Really nice, Chris!
Back for the music! Love the synths really earwormy! Good use of highs and lows in vocal volumes! really good song!
A fun opening song for this year's 50-90!
Awesome synth-punk feel, full of in-your-face "just get out there and do it" energy in both the music and lyrics. Tremendous!
My god I love this. Every sound is a dopamine hit and I think your sk1 human voice is cooler than mine by far. The ending was impeccable. Love the destroyed ending to such a booming romp of a good time. Excellently executed. If the casiocore challenge was a duel you would have run me through with your rapier while twirling your cool mustache the my cruel joke of a genetic code would never allow me the satisfaction of growing. Love and respect
You HAVE to tag this #50wordsin90seconds ... you just have to. I like this a lot. That's a good rhythm to write over, busy but solid. And your melody and slower paced lyric sounds great over it.
super high energy and very inspirational, i love it!
Cool drums,,,so 80's, lol and so it should be. I have to get my Casio dusted off..........this was inspirational .
Wow! This is a real toe-tapper! It has a great 80's vibe that I really love. More please!
SK-1 is classic. I always default to the drums. This is so fun that I wish it was longer.
Yup you gotta start somehow, if you don’t go you’ll never never know! Always good to start off firing the inner critic.
Nice, great message in your songlet! That's how I like to do it too, rip the bandaid!

And now I'm curious about the challenge you're talking about... hmmm.
No, I guess you're right. Or will they? Nice lyric!