Interdependent Company

by @darcistrutt

Skirmish: Independence (or the lack... (@robinleaf)
Interdependent Company

Liner Notes

I logged in and saw a skirmish. Go go go! I used my soprano ukulele #fuc


Independence can seem like goal to strive for
I’m not feeling that’s true
I agree I don’t like to be fully controlled
Yet wish for some give and take with you

I’d love a little more interdependence
I’ll depend on you, and you depend on me
I don’t want every decision to be mine alone
I’d like interdependent company

It’s nice to plan a trip with my favorite things
But there’s more to explore
A travel partner with different tastes and wants
Can expand the world far more


Celebrating a day of freedom
With all those bombs bursting in air
Would have a few extra fireworks
If it was a time I could share



Beautiful song, singing and playing. So lovely to listen to ✨️
Wow, Mom, such a great song! What a perfect start to FAWM.
I enjoyed your song about a yearning that doesn’t get named very often. I love the line “I’ll depend on you, and you depend on me”. Very catchy. Sweet uke and beautiful vocals as always. Great job right out of the gates!!
Nicely written and performed, and a great take on the prompt. Well done!
Good sounding song with your vocals and ukulele. Enjoyed listening.
Ah, you're singing better than ever. Such a sweet voice--very, very nice. Looking forward to hearing a lot more from you! ❤️
This is a sweet song! Very simple but it definitely sticks. Great topic to write about as well.
Such a charming song, and it makes such a fundamentally *true* point: independence is great and all, but we're social animals, and there's a lot to be said for being part of a romantic or friendship interdependent unit too. Plus, the vocals are so sweet and welcoming; just lovely!
Love the uke and vocals on this and chorus. I relate to the second verse, great take on the skirmish!!
Such sweet vocals as is your style. Folky and pure.
Very clever thought and so cleanly delivered! The use timing is spot on! Nice one
Interdependence is a lovely word and this is a lovely song 😀
Wonderful concept and insight! Lovely soprano vocals accompanied by the soprano uke! Love the sentiment in the chorus.
Good skirmish. A very heartfelt, lovely lyric. Very nicely presented.
Love your voice!
Sweet lyric, and so accurate! Good write!!!
This is a lovely take on the prompt! The sentiment really works. I also really like the music! Thanks so much for coming to my skirmish.
Good thoughts. So true about relationships. Worthy performance. Happy Interdependence Day!
What a sweet song, I love this sentiment - exploring the world between complete control in life and collaborative partnership. <3 the lyrics are simple but convey a lot. Thanks for sharing!!
I like this a lot. Catchy and the uke works really well.
This is so special and a wonderful take in the skirmish!
I like how the prompt is turned to dependence in a partnership. Lovely melody and a pleasant listen. Nice work on the skirmish!