
Johnny Cashpoint






  • London, Engerland
Not sure I'm gonna do 50/90 this year (need to take a little break), but I'll likely do some songs. And I'm always around for collabs & listening.

I'm Johnny Cashpoint (aka j$) You may not like it but it IS meant to sound like that.

"If you can't say it in two minutes, then don't say it at all". (Luke Haines)
2024 50/90 - https://soundcloud.com/paulcostello1/sets/50-1-minute-songs

2024 FAWM https://johnnycashpoint.bandcamp.com/album/think-about-the-big-things-in-life

2023 FAWM https://johnnycashpoint.bandcamp.com/album/le-blaireau-dans-son-terrier

2022 FAWM - https://johnnycashpoint.bandcamp.com/album/monotronic


Stewart's first comment when he saw that I'd called my new band "Shifty Statues" was to be very careful with fonts for that exact reason :D
Hello J$! I am yesnoyes and I'm writing to say thank you for your lovely comment regarding fuzzy and I's The Eleusinian Mysteries. I have not listened to your music yet, but I will check out the band camp links. Monotronic might make modern mice move majestically while malevolent musicians might make more moving music more malevolently.
I love yer tunes there, buddy!!!