Phishing For Compliments
by @johnnycashpoint · @gordon
Liner Notes
#collab #comedy #pop #lofi
Collab with the Mighty Dirk Bag. My words, bass and keys, his guitar, vocals & melody.
Based on a true story. Except I reported it the moment I got the e-mail; and didn't get my free Greggs sausage rolls as a result.
Also, I had some spare words and too many track plans to work on to do them justice. So I reached out to Gordon, who liked them enough to turn this round in a few hours. Then I thought 'Well I better add some thickening sounds to it then' - so out came the bass and keyboard. As all good collabs start and finish!
It’s lonely on the internet
AI everywhere
I'd like to really connect
If anybody’s there
But I'm shy and introspective
I don’t know how to speak
To a lady, no, not really,
So instead I’ll peek
Into your private kingdom of
Virtual privacy -
Once I have your contact details,
Leave it up to me.
Hard to be a male in world where
Identity is blurred
I have found a way around that -
Fishing for rich girls
Tell me I am super-lovely
How great I am in bed -
Don’t worry, you are going to pay;
Even if you’re dead
I have got the will - well, your will -
And the talent to
Empty bank accounts for cash fun,
By being gallant.
Would you like free sausage rolls?
Just click on this link!
Thanks for everything you’ve done, now
Watch your savings sink ...
Like that Mr Gordon said, this really is a damn fine collab. Back in the day of Amsterdam FOPs it would have been a delight to see the pair of you do this one live.