






  • Poitiers FR
Here we go 2025 !


I write and sing mostly in french (#french #chanson) but I translate every lyrics in english (#withtranslation).

I'm really in for collaboration. I can play #harmonica, #ukulele, electric and folk guitar and sing with a thick french accent.

I love to discover other fawmers' work, and I reciprocate the listens as much as I can. Still, at the end of february I usually have tones of listening to do and I do it in march.

So excited to be back ! Ça me fait plaisir de vous retrouver !



Hello - just catching up here, thanks for stopping by "Common" last week and for your kind comments on the trumpet sound! Definitely get your kiddos involved, if only to borrow their instruments. Even if you aren't trained, my philosophy is if you can make a sound on the instrument, you play it! One of the (many) remaining songs in development for me aims to use all the instruments available in our house. Between my husband and I and our kids and the random things around it is going to be at least 15!
Not sure if this is the right place to respond to your query, but I'd love to have you add a harmonica to Listen To The Thunder if you really want to. Thx for the offer. I was hoping to get someone to solo on the instrumental part of the song.
Finally home and listening. I added my words to the snog info!
Thanks for your comment on Caioneag! I'm happy you enjoyed it. Now I just have to figure out how to pronounce...
Thank you so much! I am very curious and will listen later. Had an extremely workday (and tomorrow wont be better....)
Merci Ambroise! Yup I made the word sn’wind up, I felt cheeky and it feels kinda wrong but I felt like owning it, a most awkward never used before contraction. I feel like we never drop an ‘o’ in contractions so
It feels
Read and write it.
Merci beaucoup!!
I'm glad you had the impressions I had hoped!
I'd love for you to add some harmonica or whatever you want to add to the sparrow song.
Merci pour le commentaire sur la fugue des personnages secondaires. Ho oui, au guet ! Lu il y a longtemps faudrait que je le relise. Je me souviens que de Carotte.
Et pour l'internationale, wah impressionnant ! Quelle orga! Eh bien j'essayerai de vous suivre si jy arrive. Je suivrai les directives. :)
Thank you, Ambroise! I had real misgivings about that song, the rough guitar and all, and you caught just the right thing to say!
Hey there!
@dudachris wrote on my wall that he was not working on "The Archer" yet. More precise - "If you get inspired or someone else wants to go at em before I say so you should let em have it 😀". That said I'll give you a go, @ambroise .
There's no need to do it metal. Do as you hear it and I'm happy for the update. I will write a little comment into my song so we can avoid having multiple versions.
Just let me know when you're ready. Feel free to upload and tag me as collab, and I may make my lyric post private.
Thank you!
Hello, pourquoi pas pour l'internationale, mais plutot en français j'ai pas confiance en ma prononciation anglaise. Je peux essayer en tout cas. Quel est le projet exactement ?
Thank you for your thoughts on "You Can’t Miss Her" -- I was interested to read what you shared.
I was thinking of a pastiche of the song, with new music. Do you know any female vocalists who are French speakers? I don't think I do ...
Je t'ai envoyé un email pour une potentielle collab! Tu me dis quoi ? 😉
Hi! I’d love to collaborate! Any way you like, vocals, spoons or bodhran are easy.
I’m only a beginner on the Mandolin so I can’t do anything complicated instrumentally with a melodic instrument. Feel free to email me your idea!
Thanks for your very kind comments! 🙏♥️
Thanks for you nice comment! And yes you should do a sequel to Ladies Must Swing! And really the AI Suno app did all of the music, including the vocals on that song! If I could sing like that I would!
Salut Ambroise, merci pour les gentils commentaires! J'aime chanter en français mais écrire en français est un vrai défi (je recherche beaucoup de truc sur internet), alors j'apprécie que vous l'écoutiez. J'ai hâte d'entendre votre nouvelle chanson anglaise!
Vielen Dank für Deinen inspirierenden Kommentar zu Lorraine liebt Lapislazuli.
Thanks for all of the kind words! Looking forward to catching up on your songs :)
Merci beaucoup pour le commentaire sur l'Internationale zombie! Non je ne savais pas du tout pour Pottier et la Marseillaise. Ça aurait fait un meilleur hymne!! On peut demander à changer ?
Thank you for the awesome meme, monsieur! Sums my opinion up more succinctly than all the books I've read :) j$
Hi ambroise, thank you for listening (and understanding) my song 'Viele Fuesse'! Glad you like it!
And I have updated my comment, rather than post a new one and give you false hopes as to the song's popularity :)
Thank you for commenting on blue cheese. You can put it to music if you like.
Merci pour ton commentaire sur le topic 'pas' ou 'plus'! Très ravi d'entendre, que ma correcture est correcte, car je donne des cours de rattrapage, et je ne suis jamais sûr, si les choses, que je dise soient correctes! 🤭 😄
Vielen Dank für deine lieben und ausführlichen Kommentare! Du verstehst meine Lieder!
If you would like to add a harmonica line to that song, I'd be delighted!
In answer to your questions, 'Trainers' is UK slang for 'Sneakers' and yes, obviously, a reference to Proudhon's work! Got to get those references to France in wherever :)
Merci pour le commentaire sur les états d'âme du Seigneur des ténèbres ! J'avais bcp aimé Dr Horrible aussi même s'il me reste peu de souvenirs de ce visionnage. Je ne connais pas les autres références, mais je vais chercher !
I am really thankful you appreciated my attempt to sing in French!
Thanks for your comment on "The Archer". I like some of the lines, but it just doesn't get further.
Oh thank you, I like it when someone gets it! Good to see you again this year! Have a good FAWM.
Hey hey, good to see and hear you again in 2025. Have a great fawm.
Thank you for your comment on "Hey, It's From Me." I appreciate the kind words.
Hallo Ambroise, ich wünsche dir einen zauberhaften Februar, viel Spaß und Inspiration. Je me réjouis à l'avance de tes chansons jolies, comme toutes les années.
I’m not EVEN going to pretend that I could greet you in a different tongue other than English. An enthusiastic hello, and by all means when that muse strikes and harmonica is needed, I’ll be in touch. Happy FAWMing!
Thank you Ambroise! I wish you a very happy Fawm too!
Dans Londres, malheureusement!

Bring the 12 bar blues, I dare you :)
Hi, Ambrose. I hope you have a productive FAWM.
Welcome back! Perhaps I can enlist your thick French accent at some point. :-)
De retour pour le meilleur mois de l'année !! Bienvenue à toi!
Same to you @ambroise - Very much looking forward to your songs!
Welcome back Ambroise. Have yourself a wonderful FAWM! 😀
Danke! 🙏♥️
Music is a healing force for me!

Was hatte ich Dir denn geschrieben ? 🤔
Bonjour! Ich hoffe wieder schöne französische Lieder von Dir zu hören!
Ca va bien, monsieur! Vous?
Passez une belle saison d’écriture de chansons ! Joyeux FAWM to you, Ambroise!