The Dance of the Little Tin Gods

by @ttg105

Liner Notes


The lyrics don't make much sense, but sometimes I like it that way.


A broken taillight at midnight (it's outta sight)
a stop sign standing upright (it's red and white)
a tree flying a kite (it's rising high)
a left making a right (it's not right)

The little tin god (it's groovy)
the land of nod (it's sleepy)
the stubbed toe (it hurts)
the hot cup of joe (it burns)

You had a hunch (Quasimodo)
that you had to mulch (right before lunch)
you had to crunch (crunch crunch)
it all up (mulch mulch)

Thumbprint in the eye (ouch)
footprint in the sky (my oh my)
a foolish wiseguy (cosa nostra guy)
a ghoulish sci-fi movie (1950s B movie)


Thanks. All questions answered. Stops all the confusion and prank calls too.
sometimes i pewfer the lyrics to not make sense. that way i dont hae to worry about what they mean. but he lyrics here make sense to me, they are like aquestion and answer quiz show, i love the way you sing the parenthetical phrases (reminds me of flo and eddie)
That syncopated guitar is great. This definitely makes me want to move. I love the lyric, of course. It makes as much sense as it should, I think. I don't know why, but 'crunch crunch' made me laugh. The whole soundscape is delicious. How can I play chaos guitar?
I think the lyrics are brilliant. The way it's sung almost makes it sound like it was painful to sing - very true/human sound - love it.
I couldn't resist that "groovy" tag. And this is, indeed, very groovy. The way the vocal lines wash in and out like the tide is very soothing but the glitchy guitar stops things getting too soporific. Lyrics are fun and the Quasimodo line is outstanding.
Great guitars! Love all the neat references! Cool song…
they always make sense to me if only my sense - oooo the ol quasi joke - could have gone for a face ringing a bell as well. love that driving beat and ful sound! right up my street!
Something therapeutic about the nonsense - lol! Must be the beat! Lifts me up without needing to make sense of the words.