Remnants of a Nation

by @rocketgrrrl

Remnants of a Nation

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithpiano #flute #political

Thank you, #dailywritingprompt, for pointing me to "Hope is a Tattered Flag" by #carlsandburg.


Remnants of a Nation
Jemma Kline

I see those stripes
On tattered cloth
And in my heart, I feel the longing and the loss.
Teach me to sing,
And to salute
To say the words that make me sound so resolute.

These were my stars,
This was my nation,
But are the remnants of it simply not worth saving?

We could find thread
To sew it back,
To reassemble all the glory that we had,
Or cut it up,
Release it all,
For we have grown beyond the need for border walls.

These were my stars,
This was my nation,
But are the remnants of it simply not worth saving?

You speak of good,
You speak of evil,
But in the end, I think that we are simply people.

These were my stars,
This was my nation,
But are the remnants of it simply not worth saving?


@tcelliott Thank you! I put that reference to the National Anthem in on purposeā€¦just a single interval, I seem to recall, that evoked it in my mind. I am THRILLED that you caught it :)
The chorus has a couple of moments in the melody where it sounds almost anthem like (national anthem like, I mean.) The melody on the second line and how you end the third both seem to fit very well. I love how you've used the great poem as fodder for this song. And thank you for using the Daily Writing Prompt.
Yes, I often feel that way.
Beautiful song of longing Jemma, hopefully there will be a future with healing after November, but it looks so grim.
I'm listening to the song and hearing it as a comment on the current American condition. It's special in that it doesn't point fingers or lay blame, it simply observes. So, is it worth saving? I hope so.